
1504 products


  • Gatorade Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Sand Zoanthus polyps may be any of nearly limitless colors, often pink, red, or green, often with contrasting skirts or mouths in a different color. Different color varieties may grow next to one another peacefully, so it is possible to create a rainbow garden. Collected from Australia, each colony is unique.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $17.95 - $71.95

  • Gem Tang (South Pacific) Gem Tang (South Pacific)

    Gem Tang (Asia Pacific)

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    Gem Tangs have long been the holy grail of tangs for the reef aquarium. Their spotted body looks fantastic against the colorful backdrop of corals.The Gem tang comes from the waters around Madagascar and tends to be more difficult to catch than other tangs thus can command a higher price. Gem tangs can be aggressive towards similar species so add with care.The Gem Tang can grow to be approximately 9 inches long and needs a large aquarium as an adult, we recommend at least 180 gallons or larger..Tangs in the genus Zebrasoma can be quite feisty, often chasing other fish in the aquarium. They don't appreciate living with other tangs, especially others with the same shape. If they are to be kept with other tangs they should be added last, and the aquarium of sufficient size.Tangs are also called surgeonfish or doctor fish because they have at least one spine just in front of the tail which, when the tail is bent, can be stuck out and used as a threat display or weapon against competitive fish or predators. It is important to be cautious of this spine when handling the fish in a net. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. In the wild some tangs live in schools, however in the confines of an aquarium it is usually best to have only one of each genus, or they may be extremely aggressive to each other. They are typically very peaceful with other types of fish.Care should be taken with tangs to ensure they do not catch external parasites, such as Marine ICH and velvet, to which they are very prone.Tangs do not eat coral or invertebrates and are considered reef safe. They are primarily herbivorous, and although they love to eat meaty foods, they must be fed plenty of marine algae in order to remain healthy and vigorous. Having a proper diet may also reduce aggressive behaviors; tangs naturally graze on algae throughout the day. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen mysis shrimp, and other high quality items. They typically learn to eat dry foods easily. It is preferable to feed more than once a day, with an algae clip offered approximately every other day.

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    $831.45 - $945.45

  • Freshwater German Blue Ram

    German Blue Ram

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    German Blue Ram Mikrogeophagus ramirezi The Ram is a popular choice in the hobby for those who don't keep large aquariums but are interested in cichlids. Not only are they more peaceful than their larger relatives, but they are also remarkably social amongst other peaceful tank mates. They typically max out at the size of 3 inches and are best suited for a tank of at least 20 gallons. They don't do well in schooling quantities but will pair off with one other Ram. Plenty of open swimming space, hiding spaces amongst foliage, and hidden caves will keep these Rams feeling safe in their new home. Offering them a diet of quality flake food, pellet food, and brine shrimp will keep them at their healthiest. German Blue Ram Specifics The German Blue Ram is a peaceful fish that grows to 2.75 inches. They like their water temperature to be between 72-79oF, a pH of 5.0-7.4, and a dKH between 5-12.

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  • Freshwater German Gold Ram German Gold Ram

    German Gold Ram

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    German Gold Ram Mikrogeophagus ramirezi The Ram is a popular choice in the hobby for those who don't keep large aquariums but are interested in cichlids. Not only are they more peaceful than their larger relatives, but they are also remarkably social amongst other peaceful tank mates. They typically max out at the size of 3 inches and are best suited for a tank of at least 20 gallons. They don't do well in schooling quantities but will pair off with one other Ram. Plenty of open swimming space, hiding spaces amongst foliage, and hidden caves will keep these Rams feeling safe in their new home. Offering them a diet of quality flake food, pellet food, and brine shrimp will keep them at their healthiest. German Gold Ram Specifics The German Gold Ram is a peaceful fish that grows to 3 inches. They like their water temperature to be between 72-79oF, a pH of 5.0-7.0, and a dKH between 5-12

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  • Buy Glass Cardinal (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 33.45

    Glass Cardinal (Tank Raised)

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    The Glass Cardinal fish makes a cheery and colorful addition to almost any aquarium. It has a transparent to whitish body with faint yellow stripes, and its most distinguished feature are the blue stripes through its face which shine under bright light. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches.The Glass Cardinal is a peaceful, reef safe fish. It schools eagerly with it's own species and often with other species as well. In fact they are known for creating very tight schools and moving together as a group. It is happiest when with its own species and we recommend keeping at least three individuals together, although schools of six or more are incredibly impressive. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, it has a large mouth and may attack small shrimp or tiny fish. They are easy to feed on a variety of frozen foods, but may need time to adapt to dry food.It prefers an aquarium with some overhangs and caves which it may spend time in during the day. Cardinals are hardy and do not require much swimming space compared to other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons for a single fish and 30 gallons or larger for a school.

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  • Buy Glass Cardinalfish (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 33.95

    Glass Cardinalfish (South Pacific)

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    The Glass Cardinal fish makes a cheery and colorful addition to almost any aquarium. It has a transparent to whitish body with faint yellow stripes, and its most distinguished feature are the blue stripes through its face which shine under bright light. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches.The Glass Cardinal is a peaceful, reef safe fish. It schools eagerly with it's own species and often with other species as well. In fact they are known for creating very tight schools and moving together as a group. It is happiest when with its own species and we recommend keeping at least three individuals together, although schools of six or more are incredibly impressive. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, it has a large mouth and may attack small shrimp or tiny fish. They are easy to feed on a variety of frozen foods, but may need time to adapt to dry food.It prefers an aquarium with some overhangs and caves which it may spend time in during the day. Cardinals are hardy and do not require much swimming space compared to other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons for a single fish and 30 gallons or larger for a school.

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  • Goblins on Fire Zoa

    Goblins on Fire Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Sand Zoanthus polyps may be any of nearly limitless colors, often pink, red, or green, often with contrasting skirts or mouths in a different color. Different color varieties may grow next to one another peacefully, so it is possible to create a rainbow garden. Collected from Australia, each colony is unique.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $8.95 - $53.95

  • Buy Gold & Blue Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 26.45

    Gold & Blue Blenny (Asia Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Gold & Blue blenny is an uncommon and spectacular gem from the Indo-Pacific. Its body is a dusty blue with bright yellow along the dorsal fin and tail. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3.5 inches.The Gold & Blue blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps. This does not normally damage large, healthy colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

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  • Gold Dust Zoa

    Gold Dust Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Sand Zoanthus polyps may be any of nearly limitless colors, often pink, red, or green, often with contrasting skirts or mouths in a different color. Different color varieties may grow next to one another peacefully, so it is possible to create a rainbow garden. Collected from Australia, each colony is unique.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $8.95 - $31.45

  • Gold Speckled Sponge (Atlantic) Gold Speckled Sponge (Atlantic)

    Gold Speckled Sponge

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    This impressive Caribbean sponge is typically a deep orange color marbled with yellow zoanthids. Together they create a spectacular showpiece displaying a fascinating commensal arrangement. Their contrasting colors act as a warning to predators- one or both animals may be quite toxic. They can also provide each other with food.The needs of both the filter-feeding sponge and its photosynthetic partner zoanthid must be met to ensure success. The sponge receives its energy by capturing fine phyto and zooplankton, coral snow and small edible particles which may be found in mature aquariums. Occasionally stirring the sand may release some food items which the sponge may capture- most food utilized is 0.1-1.5 micrometers (typically 0.5 μm or smaller). We recommend this animal only for expert aquarists who can provide the care it demands.Moderate to strong water flow is essential over all parts of the sponge. Lateral flow should be used, and never wave or surge action, or point-source powerheads, which may damage the animal’s delicate structure. Water flow will deliver food to the sponge and remove wastes, and also help to clear nuisance algae, cyanobacteria and debris. Lower lighting or shade should be used to discourage algae overgrowth- for some species bright light is actually damaging. Sponge should never be exposed to air, as it will become trapped within the animal and cause starvation and necrosis. It should be transferred while underwater. If damage from trapped gasses affects the animal the damaged area should be cut away. Poor water quality is also not tolerated by sponges. It should be inspected for predatory nudibranch which are found on some colonies.Most sponges contain toxins which may damage other sessile animals if touched, or be released into the water if the sponge is dead or dying. Demosponges such as this are comprised of silica spicules which may be extremely irritating if touched. As well, most species of zoanthid also contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate the potency of this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this animal.Sponges make excellent tank-mates with other filter-feeding creatures such as sun, flowerpot, carnation and chili corals, gorgonians, tunicates, clams and oysters which would also benefit from added food. Difficulty: Advanced Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Peaceful

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    $66.45 - $132.95

  • Gold Spotted Foxface (South Pacific) Gold Spotted Foxface (South Pacific)

    Gold Spotted Foxface (South Pacific)

    In Stock

    Foxface are also known as Rabbitfish because of their incredible appetites for greens. They will eat nearly any type of food offered, including dry foods, but it is important to ensure they receive enough algae otherwise they become tempted to nibble on coral. Some species are more prone to this behavior than others. In the wild many species live amongst Acropora sp. and nibble algae off of the coral. When they do eat coral it is typically soft or LPS types. They do not harm any other type of invertebrate and are generally friendly towards all fish. Many species are found as pairs in the wild, and it is possible to keep two specimens together in a sufficiently large aquarium if they are of different sizes. It is best to add the two fish together, or the smaller individual first. In all other instances foxface usually bicker with each other. Foxface are quite hardy and may be added to newly set up aquariums.As herbivores foxface prefer to hide when threatened, and may change their color to a brown blotchy pattern to camouflage. This coloration is also normal during rest periods and may be visible in the morning. Foxface have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. They also have a toxin in their dorsal fin rays which may cause a welt like a wasp sting. It is important to be cautious of these spines when handling the fish in a net. This defense means most aggressive fish will not bother them. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Foxface are often employed to rid aquariums of nuisance algae, and they often consume algaes that other herbivores won't touch. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day, with an algae clip offered at least once every two days.This gorgeous fish is covered in deep orange from its face to the tip of its tail. As a juvenile the spots are large, becoming smaller and more numerous as it grows. These spots make a wonderful contrast against its silvery body. The edges of its fins are highlighted bright yellow. A distinctive charcoal colored blotch is present above its pectoral fins, just behind the gill cover. It is available occasionally from Fiji. The Gold Dot foxface grows to 14 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 180 gallons.

    In Stock

    $65.45 - $209.95

  • Buy Golden Angel (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 306.95

    Golden Angel (Asia Pacific)

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    The Golden angel is a rare and incredibly beautiful fish. It is overall an intense deep blood-orange color with fiery orange stripes across the entire body. The eyes are surrounded by dark rings. Males and females are visually identical.The Golden angel can grow to be up to 4 inches long and needs an aquarium of at least 70 gallons. It is more difficult than most other dwarf angelfish to keep, and is recommended to be the only angelfish in the aquarium. It acclimates to captivity better if it is one of the first fish added to an established aquarium, and is kept with only peaceful tank mates.The Golden angelfish may nip on many types of corals, clam mantles, and sponges. They do not typically bother other types of invertebrates. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, Sponge matter, frozen Mysis shrimp, half shell clams, and other high quality meaty items. It should be fed 2-3 times a day.

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  • Freshwater Golden Barb Golden Barb

    Golden Barb

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    Golden Barb Barbodes semifasciolatus Barbs are a fun, loud personality to add to your peaceful home aquarium. They are quite active in the aquarium, and because they tend to want to school in groups of at least 5, more timid fish or long finned fish should be avoided as tank mates. Barbs are omnivores, meaning they should be supplied with a varied diet of high- quality flake food and meaty frozen shrimp. Golden Barb Specifics The Golden Barb grows to a size of 3", and because they like to school, should be kept in aquariums of at least 30g. Their water temperature should be 74-82oF, pH between 6.0-7.0, and dKH between 4-10. dKH of 2-12.

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  • Golden Belly Dog Face Puffer (Asia Pacific) Golden Belly Dog Face Puffer (Asia Pacific)

    Golden Belly Dog Face Puffer (Asia Pacific)

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    Pufferfish are some of the most interesting fish available. Their rounded bodies and cute faces are almost irresistible. Tank mates should be selected carefully, however, as pufferfish will use their strong beaks to investigate everything in the aquarium for edibility. They like to eat snails, crabs, bivalves and shrimp, and in fact these crunchy items are important for trimming their ever-growing beaks. They may also sample corals, feather dusters, and any other invertebrate available. They may chase and bully other fish, especially those smaller than themselves. They are typically aggressive with other pufferfish and two should only be kept together in the very largest of aquariums, and added at the same time. There are two main types of pufferfish- the Tobies, or sharp-nosed puffers, which are small sized fish typically 4-5 inches, and normal pufferfish which typically grow at least 12 inches. All pufferfish have the ability when frightened to inflate their bodies to a huge size. This is an extreme threat response and should never be encouraged. We recommend pufferfish be transported in a container rather than a net, because should it inflate with air rather than water it could experience massive problems expelling the air.Pufferfish have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. Males and females are identical, however males may grow larger.Puffers are carnivores and should be fed two to three times a day a high quality diet of meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clams, and chopped seafood. Algae clips with nori are a favorite treat and may be quickly devoured. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. The Golden Belly Dog Face pufferfish is a charming creature that has captivated many aquarists. Its adorable face may be marked with caramel color over its eyes and mouth, often with stark white blotches. Its body is usually ash grey to yellowish with a few black polka dots randomly scattered over top. Its fins may be transparent or yellowish, and its stomach is a bright daffodil yellow. It grows up to 13 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 150 gallons.

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    $91.95 - $286.45

  • Golden Butterfly (Red Sea) Golden Butterfly (Red Sea)

    Golden Butterfly (Red Sea)

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    One of the ocean's greatest masterpieces, the dazzling Golden butterfly is intense lemon yellow from nose to tail. Narrow vertical stripes in a deep, fiery orange rake down its sides, and a contrasting dark blotch covers its eyes. It grows up to 9 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 125 gallons. It is occasionally imported from the Red Sea.This species is normally quite peaceful and should not be kept with aggressive tank mates. It can be kept in pairs or groups which should be added at the same time to a large aquarium. Butterflyfish do not show differences between males and females. They are related to angelfish, but lack the angel's distinctive cheek spines.A butterflyfish's favorite food is an anemone, so they should not be kept in the same aquarium with one unless it is guarded by aggressive clownfish. The butterflyfish knows to attack the anemone on its mouth, which does not sting, and will make a quick meal of it. Many species of butterfly also benefit from filamentous algae in the aquarium to graze on.This species may nip on many types of corals especially hard coral, clam mantles, sponges, and feather dusters. They do not typically bother other types of invertebrates such as crustaceans. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. This species varies in its willingness to eat prepared foods and should be offered a variety of meaty and herbivore preparations such as frozen Mysis shrimp, half shell clams, marine algae and Spirulina; it should be fed 2-3 times a day. Bloodworms or small live anemones may be used initially to entice it to feed. Soft food may also be pressed into the rock to provide grazing opportunities. Supplements such as Brightwell's Angelixer and Garlic Power may elicit a feeding response.

    Out of stock

    $209.45 - $367.95

  • Freshwater Golden Panchax Killifish Golden Panchax Killifish

    Golden Panchax Killifish

    In Stock

    Golden Panchax Killifish Aplocheilus phanchax Killifish are the perfect addition to a peaceful community tank. They enjoy spending their time near the top of the aquarium, so a tight well-fitted lid is recommended. They reach their maximum size of around 2 inches and are not known to school though will not mind sharing a tank with other Killis. Because of their size they are best suited for a tank of at least 20 gallons, with foliage around the upper area of the tank for them to hide in. They will accept most foods such as flakes, pellets, and brine shrimp. Golden Panchax Specifics Golden Panchax are a peaceful fish that grow to roughly 4", so a tank of at least 20 gallons for a group of 6 would suffice. They prefer their water temperature to be between 73- 79o, pH between, 6.0-7.5, and a dKH between 5-8.

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  • Buy Golden Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 42.45 Golden Pseudochromis

    Golden Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

    In Stock

    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The Golden dottyback is a real gem, sporting bright daffodil yellow over its entire body and all its fins. Each scale is dotted with a darker hue. A wide variety of vitamin enhanced foods will help its colors shine their brightest. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 4 inches and needs an aquarium at least 30 gallons.

    In Stock


  • Golden Puffer (South Pacific)

    Golden Puffer (South Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Pufferfish are some of the most interesting fish available. Their rounded bodies and cute faces are almost irresistible. Tank mates should be selected carefully, however, as pufferfish will use their strong beaks to investigate everything in the aquarium for edibility. They like to eat snails, crabs, bivalves and shrimp, and in fact these crunchy items are important for trimming their ever-growing beaks. They may also sample corals, feather dusters, and any other invertebrate available. They may chase and bully other fish, especially those smaller than themselves. They are typically aggressive with other pufferfish and two should only be kept together in the very largest of aquariums, and added at the same time. There are two main types of pufferfish- the Tobies, or sharp-nosed puffers, which are small sized fish typically 4-5 inches, and normal pufferfish which typically grow at least 12 inches. All pufferfish have the ability when frightened to inflate their bodies to a huge size. This is an extreme threat response and should never be encouraged. We recommend pufferfish be transported in a container rather than a net, because should it inflate with air rather than water it could experience massive problems expelling the air.Pufferfish have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. Males and females are identical, however males may grow larger.Puffers are carnivores and should be fed two to three times a day a high quality diet of meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clams, and chopped seafood. Algae clips with nori are a favorite treat and may be quickly devoured. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. The Golden pufferfish is rare and exquisite beauty. It is primarily a deep daffodil yellow sometimes with a silvery belly. Contrast is created by inky black spots scattered over its body, and sometimes black edging to its fins. It grows up to 19.5 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 180 gallons.

    Out of stock

    $370.95 - $853.95

  • Freshwater Golden Shrimp

    Golden Shrimp

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    Golden Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail

    Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail

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    Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail Tylomelania sp. Rabbit Snails are aptly named, as these cute creatures have unique characteristics that remind many people of rabbits! Their antennae droop low alongside their elongated snout that works diligently at cleaning leftover food and organic debris. They are omnivores, so anything fed to the fish above and left to the floor they will eat. They will also eat algae as well as plant matter, so they may munch on certain plants. Rabbit Snails are peaceful clean-up crew additions that max out at a size of 3", best suited for aquariums of 30 gallons. They prefer water temperature between 68-74oF, pH between 6.5-7.5, and dKH between 2-15.

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  • Golden Tail Moray Eel (Atlantic) Golden Tail Moray Eel (Atlantic)

    Golden Tail Moray Eel (Atlantic)

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    Fang Tooth eels are fish eaters in the wild, and while often combined with other large fish in an aquarium there is always risk that the eel may consume them. This most often happens at night or if the other fish is injured or sick. Crustaceans and other invertebrates may also be consumed. They are carnivores and should be fed at least once every two or three days a high quality diet of krill, silversides and chopped seafood. Use of a feeding stick may be necessary. We never recommend using ones fingers to feed an eel as the eel may become excited and bite, which may lead to infection. Eel bites should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. Eels are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary.The Golden Tail Moray is colored warm shades of rusty orange to dark chocolate, with countless pale dots all over, like stars in the night sky. Towards the fish's tail it becomes more yellow, ending in a bright orangey-yellow like a torch. It is occasionally imported from the Caribbean. The Golden Tail Moray grows to 24 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 125 gallons.We recommend a tight fitting lid for all eel species. They are incredible escape artists, powerful enough to lift themselves out of the water and push on a lid or squeeze through small spaces. Care should also be taken when acclimating so the fish does not escape onto the floor.Their aquarium should provide plenty of secure rockwork- larger species may topple unstable decor or dig under the sand. At least two caves should be provided for each eel, large enough it can fully hide itself when needed. When feeling secure most eels will poke their head out of their cave for the majority of the day. Eels are safe with all corals, sponges and macro algaes, to which they have no interest.Extreme caution should be used if considering adding more than one eel to an aquarium as they may attack one another.

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    $212.95 - $404.95

  • Goniastrea - Assorted Grade A Goniastrea - Assorted Grade A

    Goniastrea - Assorted Grade A

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    Faviidae, or Closed Brain corals, are quite hardy and adaptable, making them a great first introduction to stony corals. Their wide array of possible color combinations make them popular with experienced reef-keepers as well. They are tolerant of less-than-perfect water quality and are not prone to pests.This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It can also be offered zooplankton coral preparations, rotifers, enriched brine shrimp, oyster eggs, etc. Its transparent feeding tentacles extend mainly at night, although it can learn to feed during daylight hours. Colonies with very bright colors and flat forms thrive under bright light and strong water flow; rounded, dome shapes need moderate light and flow.Some species are able to produce copious amounts of clear mucus and should be rinsed well before adding to a display aquarium. Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its long sweeper tentacles have a strong sting.This uncommon and delightful coral is sure to please. It appears as meandering mountain ranges separated by U-shaped valleys, nearly always of contrasting colors. Ultra Australian colors are always exceedingly bright and impressive, and usually fluorescence brightly under actinic lighting. It may be one of two very similar species, which can attempt to be differentiated by the ridges patterns, which may be honeycomb shaped if Goniastrea and more random and snake-like if Platygyra.Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly. Difficulty: Intermediate Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium -High Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Aggressive

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    $26.95 - $53.95

  • Goniastrea - Assorted Grade B Goniastrea - Assorted Grade B

    Goniastrea - Assorted Grade B

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    Faviidae, or Closed Brain corals, are quite hardy and adaptable, making them a great first introduction to stony corals. Their wide array of possible color combinations make them popular with experienced reef-keepers as well. They are tolerant of less-than-perfect water quality and are not prone to pests.This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It can also be offered zooplankton coral preparations, rotifers, enriched brine shrimp, oyster eggs, etc. Its transparent feeding tentacles extend mainly at night, although it can learn to feed during daylight hours. Colonies with very bright colors and flat forms thrive under bright light and strong water flow; rounded, dome shapes need moderate light and flow.Some species are able to produce copious amounts of clear mucus and should be rinsed well before adding to a display aquarium. Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its long sweeper tentacles have a strong sting.This uncommon and delightful coral is sure to please. It appears as meandering mountain ranges separated by U-shaped valleys, nearly always of contrasting colors. Ultra Australian colors are always exceedingly bright and impressive, and usually fluorescence brightly under actinic lighting. It may be one of two very similar species, which can attempt to be differentiated by the ridges patterns, which may be honeycomb shaped if Goniastrea and more random and snake-like if Platygyra.Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly. Difficulty: Intermediate Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium -High Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Aggressive

    Out of stock

    $22.45 - $53.95

  • Goniopora - Assorted A Grade Goniopora - A Grade Green

    Goniopora - A Grade Green

    In Stock

    This coral receives some of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also requires dissolved nutrients in the water and frequent feedings of phytoplankton and fine zooplankton, coral snow, and coral preparations such as Two Little Fishies Goniopower. Newly acquired specimens should be acclimated to intense light levels slowly to avoid bleaching. Few pests will bother it aside from syllid worms and flat worms. It is recommended to secure the coral so it does not fall off the rockwork, which may lead to brown jelly infections. This is one of the most difficult corals to keep and is recommended only to expert aquarists.Flowerpot may be either Goniopora, which has 24 tentacles, or Alveopora, which has 12 tentacles. Both Goniopora and Alveopora may have very long polyps while their relative, Porites, has very short polyps. They are sometimes called lemon coral because of their appearance when the polyps are retracted.Because of its requirement for frequent feeding it makes an excellent tank-mate with carnation, sun coral, filter-feeding gorgonians, chili sponge, as well as invertebrates such as sponges, tunicates, porcelain crabs, feather duster worms including those living within Porites coral, clams and oysters, cucumbers and sea apples, etc. Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its polyps may be up to 12” long and have a strong sting.Without a doubt Flowerpot is one of the most alluring corals available. Its polyps dance and sway in the water, making for an incredible addition to the right aquarium. Many color combinations are possible, with Australian corals being more rare and impressive than those from other locations.Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly. Difficulty: Advanced Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Low - Medium Temperament: Aggressive

    In Stock

    $44.95 - $112.45

  • Goniopora - A Grade Red Goniopora - A Grade Red

    Goniopora - A Grade Red

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    This coral receives some of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also requires dissolved nutrients in the water and frequent feedings of phytoplankton and fine zooplankton, coral snow, and coral preparations such as Two Little Fishies Goniopower. Newly acquired specimens should be acclimated to intense light levels slowly to avoid bleaching. Few pests will bother it aside from syllid worms and flat worms. It is recommended to secure the coral so it does not fall off the rockwork, which may lead to brown jelly infections. This is one of the most difficult corals to keep and is recommended only to expert aquarists.Flowerpot may be either Goniopora, which has 24 tentacles, or Alveopora, which has 12 tentacles. Both Goniopora and Alveopora may have very long polyps while their relative, Porites, has very short polyps. They are sometimes called lemon coral because of their appearance when the polyps are retracted.Because of its requirement for frequent feeding it makes an excellent tank-mate with carnation, sun coral, filter-feeding gorgonians, chili sponge, as well as invertebrates such as sponges, tunicates, porcelain crabs, feather duster worms including those living within Porites coral, clams and oysters, cucumbers and sea apples, etc. Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its polyps may be up to 12” long and have a strong sting.Without a doubt Flowerpot is one of the most alluring corals available. Its polyps dance and sway in the water, making for an incredible addition to the right aquarium. Many color combinations are possible, with Australian corals being more rare and impressive than those from other locations.Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly. Difficulty: Advanced Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Low - Medium Temperament: Aggressive

    Out of stock

    $44.95 - $112.45

  • Goniopora - Assorted B Grade Goniopora - Assorted B Grade

    Goniopora - Assorted B Grade

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    This coral receives some of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also requires dissolved nutrients in the water and frequent feedings of phytoplankton and fine zooplankton, coral snow, and coral preparations such as Two Little Fishies Goniopower. Newly acquired specimens should be acclimated to intense light levels slowly to avoid bleaching. Few pests will bother it aside from syllid worms and flat worms. It is recommended to secure the coral so it does not fall off the rockwork, which may lead to brown jelly infections. This is one of the most difficult corals to keep and is recommended only to expert aquarists.Flowerpot may be either Goniopora, which has 24 tentacles, or Alveopora, which has 12 tentacles. Both Goniopora and Alveopora may have very long polyps while their relative, Porites, has very short polyps. They are sometimes called lemon coral because of their appearance when the polyps are retracted.Because of its requirement for frequent feeding it makes an excellent tank-mate with carnation, sun coral, filter-feeding gorgonians, chili sponge, as well as invertebrates such as sponges, tunicates, porcelain crabs, feather duster worms including those living within Porites coral, clams and oysters, cucumbers and sea apples, etc. Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its polyps may be up to 12” long and have a strong sting.Without a doubt Flowerpot is one of the most alluring corals available. Its polyps dance and sway in the water, making for an incredible addition to the right aquarium. The purple variety may be deep violet to delicate lavender in hue. Ultra Australian colors are always exceedingly bright and impressive, and usually fluorescence brightly under actinic lighting.Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly. Difficulty: Advanced Growth Speed: Slow Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle Water Flow: Low - Medium Temperament: Aggressive

    Out of stock

    $26.95 - $53.95

  • Goniopora - Green - A31

    Goniopora - Green - A31

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    Goniopora - Green - A31

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  • Goniopora - Green - A36

    Goniopora - Green - A36

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    Goniopora - Green - A36

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  • Goniopora - Green - A42

    Goniopora - Green - A42

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    Goniopora - Green - A42

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  • Goniopora - Green - A55

    Goniopora - Green - A55

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    Goniopora - Green - A55

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  • Goniopora - Green - A58

    Goniopora - Green - A58

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    Goniopora - Green - A58

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  • Goniopora - Green - A73

    Goniopora - Green - A73

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    Goniopora - Green - A73

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor - A48

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor - A63

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor- A46

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor- A64


  • Goniopora - Multicolored - B30

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  • Goniopora - Pink - A50

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  • Goniopora - Pink - A57

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  • Goniopora - Pink Multicolor - A47

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  • Goniopora - Pink Multicolor- A62


  • Goniopora - Pink - A49

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  • Goniopora - Purple Multicolor - A35

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  • Goniopora - Purple Multicolor - A51

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  • Goniopora - Purple Multicolor - A61


  • Goniopora - Yellow Multicolor  - A27

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  • Gorgonian/Sea Fan (Asia Pacific) Gorgonian/Sea Fan (Australia)

    Gorgonian/Sea Fan

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    This coral is completely non-photosynthetic and receives its energy by capturing copepod nauplii, rotifers, fine zooplankton and coral snow. A refugium is helpful in supplementing the main aquarium with live prey items. Intense lighting is not needed and may actually be detrimental.Moderate water flow is essential and is ideally provided using diffused laminar flow, with the coral’s polyps facing away from the flow. This will deliver food to the polyps and also will clear nuisance algae, cyanobacteria and debris from its branches. A very soft brush may also be used to help keep it clean. In extreme cases it may be soaked in fresh water of the same temperature and pH for up to one minute. They should also be inspected for predatory pests such as Primovula sp. snails. The coral may occasionally shed a waxy sheet, which is a natural cleansing behavior.Gorgonians will secure themselves to the substrate via a holdfast. It may be necessary to secure the coral initially with epoxy or ties until it has grown. Gorgonians may also grow quite tall, so they should be placed low enough to allow for future growth. Most non-photosynthetic species are supported by an armature of fused calcareous sclerites which may be brittle. Care should be taken when handling; however, if a branch is broken it may regrow into a new coral.Gorgonians are very sensitive to ammonia and may retract their polyps if they detect poor water quality. They create anti-microbial chemicals which helps them to resist disease. However, if it is seen that the tip of a branch is being lost then that branch should be fed heavily for about a week and then the tip should be clipped off slightly into the healthy tissue and the coral may heal itself. Difficulty: Advanced Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Not Applicable Average Placement: Low - Middle Water Flow: High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

    Out of stock

    $60.45 - $97.45

  • Gorilla Nipple Zoa

    Gorilla Nipple Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Sand Zoanthus polyps may be any of nearly limitless colors, often pink, red, or green, often with contrasting skirts or mouths in a different color. Different color varieties may grow next to one another peacefully, so it is possible to create a rainbow garden. Collected from Australia, each colony is unique.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

    Out of stock

    $8.95 - $53.95


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