Dottybacks & Pseudochromis

12 products


  • Buy Strawberry Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 27.45

    Strawberry Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The intense magenta pigmentation of the Strawberry dottyback can't be missed! Its super saturated hue extends onto its fins, and only its bright blue eye is a different shade. It is similar to the orchid dottyback but is brighter overall, lacks the dark eye stripe and is more aggressive. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Royal Dottyback (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 21.95

    Royal Dottyback (Asia Pacific)

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    The Royal dottyback is extremely popular for its super saturated colors. Its front half is intense magenta and its rear half is bright lemon yellow. Its colors make it look like the fish was dipped in paint, and earns it the name Bicolor dottyback. It is similar to the Diadema dottyback but has much more magenta color. Males and females are identical.This is one of the most aggressive dottybacks for its size, and its belligerent personality should not be underestimated. It grows to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Diadema Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 27.45

    Diadema Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The Diadema dottyback is intense lemon yellow all over except for a bright magenta stripe on the top of its head and along its back, giving it another common name, the purple stripe dottyback. It is similar to the Royal dottyback but is more yellow. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Golden Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 42.45 Golden Pseudochromis

    Golden Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The Golden dottyback is a real gem, sporting bright daffodil yellow over its entire body and all its fins. Each scale is dotted with a darker hue. A wide variety of vitamin enhanced foods will help its colors shine their brightest. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 4 inches and needs an aquarium at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Red Elongated Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 68.45

    Red Elongated Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The Red Elongated dottyback is a delightful fish with exquisite coloration. It is primarily deep rosy red all over, with brighter fiery pink to orange on its face and a large black dot on its caudal fin. It is similar to the Finescaled dottyback, but that fish lacks the black spot on its tail. The Red Elongated dottyback is rarely available but is highly sought after; it is one of the most peaceful dottybacks and poses only minimal threat to shrimp. Males and females are identical. It is one of the smallest dottybacks, growing to 2.5 inches, and needing an aquarium of at least 20 gallons.

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  • Firetail Dottyback Firetail Dottyback

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  • Buy Red Spot Pseudochromis - Male (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 105.95

    Red Spot Pseudochromis - Male (Indian Ocean)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. Few fish can hope to compare to the spectacular beauty of the Red Spot dottyback. Against a background of delightful peach are countless bright scarlet spots arranged in random stripes along its entire body and fins, reminiscent of sakura petals. It is a rare treasure occasionally imported from the Indian Ocean. The Red Spot dottyback grows up to 4 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.

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  • Blue Bar Pseudochromis (South Pacific)

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    The Blue Bar, or Surge dottyback, is a strikingly beautiful animal. Males are a gorgeous combination of sapphire blue with electric yellow on its face and as a stripe along its back. The yellow is edged in inky black making dramatic contrast. A few vertical stripes in robin’s egg blue run along its rear body below the yellow stripe. Females are an olive green instead of blue, with the same markings as males however more subdued.They may be kept as pairs in large aquariums. It grows up to 2.5 and needs an aquarium at least 20 gallons for a single fish, and at least 50 gallons for a pair.

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  • Buy Double Striped Dottyback (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 59.95 Double Striped Dottyback

    Double Striped Dottyback (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.The elegantly colored Double Striped dottyback adds sophisticated charm. Depending on the lighting its body may appear cherry pink to azure blue. Two stripes in a darker hue run the length of its body, along its dorsal and ventral sides. These stripes come together and darken to inky black at the end of its pin shaped tail, the bright band between them becoming stark white. Its head is a bright golden yellow with fine turquoise and orange highlights on its eyes.It is one of the most peaceful dottybacks and poses only minimal threat to shrimp. It is one of the smallest dottybacks, growing to 3 inches, and needing an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Australian Dottyback - Male (Australia) in Canada for as low as 300.45

    Australian Dottyback - Male (Australia)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.This rare and exotic rainbow colored fish makes an incredible display in the right aquarium. Males have a deep steel colored body contrasted against a bright scarlet head and shoulders as well as outline to the caudal fin. Females are mainly peach to rosy pink with intense sakura cherry stripes under the rear half of its dorsal fin. In both sexes an electric blue arc shines under its eye, similarly blue freckles coat its gill covers, and bright lemon yellow coats its dorsal fin and sometimes its back as well.The Australian dottyback grows up to 4 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.

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  • Buy Ceylon Dottyback (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 59.95

    Ceylon Dottyback (Indian Ocean)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.The Flame Head dottyback is an impressive fish sporting a fiery orange color on its head and shoulders and also highlighting the edges of its fins and tail. Its body is lavender with darker speckles arranged in stripes, and contrasting dark along the base of its rear fins. Its eyes are a deep scarlet.It is occasionally imported from the Indian Ocean. It is also known as the Ceylon, or Dilectus pseudochromis. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Australian Dottyback - Female (Australia) in Canada for as low as 233.95

    Australian Dottyback - Female (Australia)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.This rare and exotic rainbow colored fish makes an incredible display in the right aquarium. Males have a deep steel colored body contrasted against a bright scarlet head and shoulders as well as outline to the caudal fin. Females are mainly peach to rosy pink with intense sakura cherry stripes under the rear half of its dorsal fin. In both sexes an electric blue arc shines under its eye, similarly blue freckles coat its gill covers, and bright lemon yellow coats its dorsal fin and sometimes its back as well.The Australian dottyback grows up to 4 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.

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