
25 products


  • Buy Lawnmower Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 25.95

    Lawnmower Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    2 reviews

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Lawnmower blenny is a popular fish both for its appearance and its usefulness. Its other common name is the jeweled rock skipper, and this name describes it perfectly. When sitting still its grey body camouflages into the rockwork, but upon closer inspection its scales are littered with glittering flecks of turquoise, and some fish display a reddish tinge as well. Above its eyes are fuzzy eyebrows which give it a fun and unique look. It is very similar to the Starry blenny, but with a lighter color overall. Males and females are nearly identical; the only difference being the larger spines on the male�s anal fin. It grows up to 5.5 inches.The Lawnmower blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

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  • Buy Bi-Color Blenny (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 21.45 Bi-Color Blenny

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  • Buy Tail Spot Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 38.95

    Tail Spot Blenny (Asia Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Tail Spot blenny is a diminutive beauty from the Philippines. Its body is deep mocha all over, and at the base of its tail is a distinctive large black spot. Its fins are transparent and under its bright eyes it has a colorful stripe that shimmers turquoise and orange like a fire opal. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 2.5 inches.The Tail Spot blenny spends most of its time perched on top of or in rocks with its head sticking out, always alert and watching its environment. It is typically reef safe, preferring to graze live algae off the rocks.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 10 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced.

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  • Buy Midas Blenny - Yellow (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 84.45 Midas Blenny - Yellow

    Midas Blenny - Yellow (Indian Ocean)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Midas blenny is a popular fish for many reasons. First is its incredibly bright color- it is a beautiful citrine yellow all over, with just a light dusting of blue under its chin and bright sapphire blue eyes. Its tail develops pointed ends. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 6 inches.The second quality which makes Midas blennies popular is that they spend a lot of their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. Their body makes undulating motions as they swim and hover in the water which makes a lovely display. They will choose at least one safe area in the rockwork where they will dart to if they feel insecure. They are reef safe and easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. The Midas blenny is territorial and may show aggression towards similar fish such as dart gobies and other blennies.

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  • Buy Starry Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 36.45 Starry Blenny

    Starry Blenny (Asia Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Starry blenny is a popular fish both for its appearance and its usefulness. Its other common name is the Snowflake blenny. When sitting still its dark brownish body camouflages into the rockwork, but upon closer inspection its scales are littered with many tiny bright glittering spots, giving it the appearance of a sea of stars in a dark sky. Its fins may be yellowish, and above its eyes are fuzzy eyebrows which give it a fun and unique look. It is very similar to the Lawnmower blenny, but with a darker color overall. Males and females are nearly identical; the only difference being the larger spines on the male�s anal fin. It grows up to 5.5 inches.The Starry blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank unless a pair can be obtained.

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  • Buy Molly Miller Blenny (Atlantic) in Canada for as low as 39.95 Molly Miller Blenny

    Molly Miller Blenny (Atlantic)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Molly Miller blenny is a rare import from the Caribbean. Its body may be various shades of olive green, earthy brown, slate grey and rusty red arranged in spots and stripes. When sitting still it camouflages into the rockwork, but soon enough it will move to a new location and begin its busy foraging activities. Above its eyes are fuzzy eyebrows which give it a fun and unique look. As it matures it also develops cirri along the nape of its neck, which is its distinguishing feature. Males and females are nearly identical; males may grow larger, have darker color, and feature larger cirri. It grows up to 4.5 inches.The Molly Miller blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. As a juvenile it prefers meaty foods, but will favor algae as an adult. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. There have been reports of the Molly Miller blenny consuming Aiptasia and cyanobacteria. It is typically reef safe and does not usually bother corals.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger for a single individual. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one species per aquarium. If several Molly Miller blennies are to be kept together the aquarium should be of sufficient size, contain many hiding places, and all specimens should be added at the same time.

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  • Buy Yellow Tail Black Blenny (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 37.45

    Yellow Tail Black Blenny (South Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Yellow Tail Black blenny is an uncommon fish with striking coloration. Its other common name is the Black Comb tooth blenny, however the specimens we receive are black only on their front half. The rear half of the fish is bright sulphur yellow which makes an impressive contrast. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 4 inches.The Yellow Tail Black blenny spends most of its time perched on top of or in rocks with its head sticking out, always alert and watching its environment. It is typically reef safe, preferring to graze live algae off the rocks.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

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  • Buy Red Spot Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 73.95

    Red Spot Blenny (Asia Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Red Spot blenny has a gaudy and eye-catching color- it has countless deep red to orange polka-dots all over its body and face over top a background of light grey on its back with a white belly. The dots even cover its lips- everywhere except its transparent tail. It has small branching cirri on its face. Unlike most other grazing blennies it is easy to see even when it sits motionless on the rocks. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 5 inches.The Red Spot blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

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  • Buy Sailfin Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 21.45

    Sailfin Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Sailfin blenny is noted for its large dorsal and anal fins which, when spread, make this elongated fish appear much taller than it really is and give it a very appealing shape. Overall it is a deep chocolate to black color, giving it another common name, the dusky blenny. Its solid dark coloration typically makes it easy to spot even when it sits motionless on the rockwork, creating a beautiful display. It is typically imported from the Philippines. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 4 inches.The Sailfin blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

    Out of stock


  • Convict Blenny (Asia Pacific) Convict Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Convict Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Convict blennies can go quite large and undergoes a color change during maturation.

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    $37.45 - $87.95

  • Buy Red Lip Blenny (Atlantic) in Canada for as low as 48.45 Red Lip Blenny

    Red Lip Blenny (Atlantic)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Red Lip blenny is an uncommon import from the Caribbean. It has a blunt face with small horns between its eyes and a large mouth which gives it another common name, the Horse-face Blenny. Its body is chocolate to cream color, with lighter markings on the face and pink to red lips. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 5 inches.The Red Lip blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

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  • Buy Canary Blenny (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 44.45 Canary Blenny

    Canary Blenny (South Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Canary blenny makes a cheery and colorful addition. It has an elongated body which is bright lemony yellow all over. It has a high dorsal fin and a very long, fork shaped tail which moves gracefully as the fish swims. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 5 inches.Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. They only use this bite as defense and are generally quite peaceful to tank mates. However, care should be taken when handling the fish in a net, or if small children have access to the aquarium and may put their fingers in the water. Fang blennies spend almost all their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. They are reef safe and very easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

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  • Buy Segmented Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 20.45

    Segmented Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Segmented blenny is a diminutive beauty from the Philippines with an easily recognizable pattern of light earthy red to creamy yellow colored bands across its long body. Its face is flattened and features large eyes, and is speckled with tiny white polka-dots. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 4 inches.The Segmented blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Lined Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 22.95

    Lined Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Lined blenny is a diminutive darling from the Philippines. Its body is the color of matte mother of pearl; more grey on its head and shifting to beige at the tail. It has a black line just under its eye, and two black dots behind that, giving it its other common name, the Two-spot blenny. The dark markings are highlighted by white giving a beautiful contrast. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 2 inches. The Lined blenny spends most of its time perched on top of or in rocks with its head sticking out, always alert and watching its environment. It is typically reef safe, preferring to graze live algae off the rocks. Groups may be housed together if all individuals are added at the same time.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 10 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced.

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  • Buy Smith's Blenny (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 36.95 Smith's Blenny

    Smith's Blenny (Indian Ocean)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Smiths blenny also known as the Disco blenny, and it makes a very fun and interesting addition. Its body is primarily white to light cream color with a dark black stripe running through its eye and along its back. Above the black stripe its dorsal fin is white, and its rounded tail has a few black stripes along the fin rays. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 3.5 inches.Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. They only use this bite as defense and are generally quite peaceful to tank mates. However, care should be taken when handling the fish in a net, or if small children have access to the aquarium and may put their fingers in the water. Fang blennies spend almost all their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. They are reef safe and very easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Yellow Tail Fang Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 35.95

    Yellow Tail Fang Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Yellow Tail Fang blenny is an interesting and colorful fish. It has an elongated body which is pastel blue over the front half of its body and transitions to dusty yellow towards the tail. Across its eye is a dark black line, and its tail develops two long trailing ends giving it another common name, the fork tail blenny. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 4.5 inches.Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. They only use this bite as defense and are generally quite peaceful to tank mates. However, care should be taken when handling the fish in a net, or if small children have access to the aquarium and may put their fingers in the water. Fang blennies spend almost all their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. They are reef safe and very easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

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  • Buy Saddle Blenny (Atlantic) in Canada for as low as 31.45 Saddle Blenny

    Saddle Blenny (Atlantic)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Saddle blenny is an uncommon import from the Caribbean. It is a creamy color with dark rusty red stripes along its back in the shape of small saddles or inverted triangles. These stripes make it unique as none of its relatives share this sort of pattern. It has red eyes and a pointed snout. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches.The Saddle blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It would appreciate an aquarium with plenty of live rock to make territories in. It is full of personality and appears to watch and interact with its owner through the glass. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Barnacle Blenny (East Pacific) in Canada for as low as 44.95

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  • Buy Midas Blenny - Green (Indian Ocean) in Canada for as low as 83.45

    Midas Blenny - Green (Indian Ocean)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Midas blenny is a popular fish for many reasons. First is its beautiful coloration- it is a lovely olive green to yellow all over, with a light dusting of blue on its face and bright blue eyes. A few yellow stripes extend from the eyes and its tail develops pointed ends. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 6 inches.The second quality which makes Midas blennies popular is that they spend a lot of their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. Their body makes undulating motions as they swim and hover in the water which makes a lovely display. They will choose at least one safe area in the rockwork where they will dart to if they feel insecure. They are reef safe and easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. The Midas blenny is territorial and may show aggression towards similar fish such as dart gobies and other blennies.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Tonga Green/Yellow Blenny (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 38.95 Tonga Green/Yellow Blenny

    Tonga Green/Yellow Blenny (South Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Tonga Fang blenny is a beautiful fish with bright colors. It has an elongated body which is jade green at its head and transitions to bright yellow towards the tail. Across its back is a dark black stripe which contrasts with its colorful body, and its tail develops two long trailing ends. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 4 inches.Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. They only use this bite as defense and are generally quite peaceful to tank mates. However, care should be taken when handling the fish in a net, or if small children have access to the aquarium and may put their fingers in the water. Fang blennies spend almost all their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. They are reef safe and very easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Sailfin Blenny - Yellow (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 49.45

    Sailfin Blenny - Yellow (South Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Sailfin blenny is noted for its large dorsal and anal fins which, when spread, make this elongated fish appear much taller than it really is and give it a very appealing shape. This variety from Fiji has a stunning citrine yellow colored body all over. Its bright coloration makes it easy to spot even when it sits motionless on the rockwork, creating a beautiful display. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 4 inches. The Sailfin blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Sailfin Blenny (Atlantic) in Canada for as low as 53.95

    Sailfin Blenny (Atlantic)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Atlantic Sailfin blenny is an amazing little fish from the Caribbean. Its best feature is its huge dorsal fin which is even larger than its body. It is a dark chocolate color all over, with many darker spots over its entire body and fins. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 2 inches.The Atlantic Sailfin blenny spends most of its time in or on the rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It would appreciate an aquarium with plenty of live rock to make territories in. It is full of personality and appears to watch and interact with its owner through the glass. It will protect its territory from other fish by giving a threat display involving gaping its mouth and spreading its huge dorsal fin to make itself appear much larger than it really is.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 10 gallons or larger for a single individual. If several Atlantic Sailfin blennies are to be kept together the aquarium should be of sufficient size, contain many hiding places, and all specimens should be added at the same time.

    Out of stock


  • Buy Redsea Mimic Blenny (Red Sea) in Canada for as low as 97.45

    Redsea Mimic Blenny (Red Sea)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Redsea Mimic blenny is an uncommon and lovely little fish. It is a harmless and peaceful herbivore which has copied the coloration of the venomous Blackline Fang blenny. Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. Predators will mistake the Redsea Mimic blenny for the Blackline Fang blenny and thus avoid eating it for fear of a painful bite. In order to make its act convincing the Redsea Mimic blenny also copies the swimming pattern of a fang blenny and spends much of its time out in the open.The Redsea Mimic blenny has an elongated body which is pastel blue over the front half of its body and transitions to dusty yellow towards the tail. Across its eye and extending towards the tail is a thin black pencil line which contrasts beautifully with the bright body. The dorsal fin also has streaks of black. The easiest way to tell the mimic blenny apart from a fang blenny is that the mimic blenny has a flattened face. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 20 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced.

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  • Marbled (Rhino) Blenny (Atlantic)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Marbled blenny is an interesting and occasional import from the Caribbean. It may be shades of olive green to earthy brown with a white bar extending from its eye to its shoulder. It has a high first dorsal fin ray and numerous eyespots on the rear fins. Its large eyes and pointed lips give it a comical appearance. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 4 inches.The Marbled blenny spends most of its time perched on top of or in rocks with its head sticking out, always alert and watching its environment. In the wild it makes its nest inside the tube shaped sponge Verongia fistularis. In the aquarium substitutes such as barnacle shells or pvc pipes may be used.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

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  • Buy Gold & Blue Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 26.45

    Gold & Blue Blenny (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Gold & Blue blenny is an uncommon and spectacular gem from the Indo-Pacific. Its body is a dusty blue with bright yellow along the dorsal fin and tail. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3.5 inches.The Gold & Blue blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps. This does not normally damage large, healthy colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank.

    Out of stock



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