Blood Red Swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Swordtails make an excellent choice for peaceful community tanks. Swordtails get their name from exactly that - their tail tapers off into a flowy sword like shape that is only present in males. Swordtails are members of the livebearer family, which means they can birth up to 80 fry all at once. Caution should be taken when housing multiple males together as they will more than likely fight amongst each other. They grow to a size of 4 inches and are quite active, making their requirements for a tank at the minimum of 30 gallons. This species is more prone to jumping out of the aquarium, so it is recommended to have a tight-fitting lid on your enclosure to ensure they stay in the water. Swordtails are omnivores and will take high-quality pellets, flakes, brine shrimp, as well as algae. Blood Red Swordtail Specifics The Blood Red Swordtail is a peaceful fish that grows up to 4 inches. They like their water temperature to be between 64-82oF, a pH of 7.0-8.3, and a dKH between 12-30
Sunrise Highfin Platy Xiphophorus variatus Platys are a great option to add some color into your tank while keeping things peaceful. This fish is known for being a prolific livebearer, reproducing often in community tanks in which they feel safe in. Because of this they are recommended to be kept in mostly female dominated groups, or at least a ratio of two females for every male. Platys typically reach a size of 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would best fit this fish. They will not appreciate being housed with species that are known for being more aggressive and nippier, so peaceful fish are their preferred tank mates. They also will prefer a well planted tank to feel secure. Platys are omnivores and will take high-quality pellets, flakes, and brine shrimp. Sunrise Highfin Platy Specifics The Sunrise Platy is a peaceful fish that grows up to 4 inches. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, a pH of 7.0-8.3, and a dKH between 12-30.
Yellow Banana Platy Xiphophorus variatus Platys are a great option to add some color into your tank while keeping things peaceful. This fish is known for being a prolific livebearer, reproducing often in community tanks in which they feel safe in. Because of this they are recommended to be kept in mostly female dominated groups, or at least a ratio of two females for every male. Platys typically reach a size of 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would best fit this fish. They will not appreciate being housed with species that are known for being more aggressive and nippier, so peaceful fish are their preferred tank mates. They also will prefer a well planted tank to feel secure. Platys are omnivores and will take high-quality pellets, flakes, and brine shrimp. Yellow Banana Platy Specifics The Yellow Banana Platy is a peaceful fish that grows up to 4 inches. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, a pH of 7.0-8.3, and a dKH between 12-30.
Mickey Mouse Platy Xiphophorus maculatus Platys are a great option to add some color into your tank while keeping things peaceful. This fish is known for being a prolific livebearer, reproducing often in community tanks in which they feel safe in. Because of this they are recommended to be kept in mostly female dominated groups, or at least a ratio of two females for every male. Platys typically reach a size of 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would best fit this fish. They will not appreciate being housed with species that are known for being more aggressive and nippier, so peaceful fish are their preferred tank mates. They also will prefer a well planted tank to feel secure. Platys are omnivores and will take high-quality pellets, flakes, and brine shrimp. Mickey Mouse Platy Specifics The Mickey Mouse Platy is a peaceful fish that grows up to 4 inches. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, a pH of 7.0-8.3, and a dKH between 12-30.