
3 products


  • Freshwater Balloon Kissing Gourami Balloon Kissing Gourami

    Balloon Kissing Gourami

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    Balloon Kissing Gourami Helostoma temminckii Kissing Gourami, also known as Kisser Fish, is a peaceful fish species that is well known in the freshwater hobby. They are a little more prone to aggression than gourami in the dwarf family, you may occasionally see two males fight by pressing their lips against eachother's (kissing). This fish can grow up to a size of 6 inches, so a tank of at least 30 gallon minimum is recommended for this fish. They are also not recommended to be housed with many others of their kind, as female and males are near indistinguishable. Kissing Gourami graze on algae growth, so scraping the glass frequently is not needed. With that in mind, they may also nibble at plants in the home aquarium! Gourami are omnivores, so they should be fed a well- rounded diet of meaty foods and quality flakes and pellets. Balloon Kissing Gourami Specifics Kissing Gourami prefer their water temperature to be between 72-82oF, a pH between 6.8-8.5, and a dKH between 5-20.

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    $12.95 - $28.45

  • Freshwater Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami

    Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami

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      Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami Colisa lalia Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful and shy fish that add a striking display of color into the aquarium. Because of their shyness they are best suited for a well-planted tank that allows them to hide amongst the fauna to de-stress. They do well with smaller peaceful fish, as well as another dwarf gourami. They are one of the species known as "Labyrinth Fish" - meaning they have a special organ called the labyrinth that allows them to breathe in air! Gourami are omnivores, so they should be fed a well rounded diet of meaty foods and quality flakes and pellets. Males will have a pointed dorsal fin while the females are rounded.   Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami Specifics The Neon Blue Gourami like their water temperature to be 72-82oF, a pH of 6.0-8.0, and a dKH of 4-10. They grow to a size of 2", so a minimum tank size of at least 10g is recommended.

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  • new-label Freshwater Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami

    Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami

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    Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Macropodus opercularis Paradise Gourami are one of the first fish kept in the freshwater hobby. They are loved for their striking beauty and size, only growing between 3-4”, making them perfect for smaller aquariums. As with a few others in the family, Paradise Gourami’s tend to be more aggressive fish, with the male often watching over his territory. Though they are not as aggressive as Betta fish, some thought should be put into tank mates, making sure there are no other gourami’s or betta’s to start a scuffle. Since they only grow to a size between 3-4”, the minimum tank size recommend for one adult male is 20g, and if you were planning on buying a male and a female, we recommend having at least 29g available for them.These fish are omnivores with a preference for meaty foods, but will readily accept flake and pellet foods.   Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Specifics • Fire and Ice Paradise Gourami’s accept a wide range of water parameters in the home aquarium, making them relatively easy to please. They will like temperatures anywhere between 50-82oF, though they tend to like room temperature water the best. They prefer pH between 6.0-8.0 with some leeway on either end of the spectrum

    In Stock

    $4.95 - $13.95


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