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Colisa lalia

Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami


    The Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami are peaceful and shy making them a great candidate for a smaller peaceful community planted aquarium.

    SKU: F-F4540

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      Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami

      Colisa lalia

      Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful and shy fish that add a striking display of color into the aquarium. Because of their shyness they are best suited for a well-planted tank that allows them to hide amongst the fauna to de-stress.

      They do well with smaller peaceful fish, as well as another dwarf gourami. They are one of the species known as "Labyrinth Fish" - meaning they have a special organ called the labyrinth that allows them to breathe in air!

      Gourami are omnivores, so they should be fed a well rounded diet of meaty foods and quality flakes and pellets. Males will have a pointed dorsal fin while the females are rounded.


      Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami Specifics

      The Neon Blue Gourami like their water temperature to be 72-82oF, a pH of 6.0-8.0, and a dKH of 4-10. They grow to a size of 2", so a minimum tank size of at least 10g is recommended.

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