8 products
Flame Hawkfish (South Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.Few fish can match the intense color saturation of the Flame Hawkfish. It is a solid scarlet red, and only its eye and some shading along its back are black, creating an epic contrast. The Flame hawkfish is imported from Hawaiian waters. This species is quite enthusiastic about consuming invertebrates; along with shrimp it may also consume hermit crabs and snails. Males and females are visually identical. It grows to 3.5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons.
Longnose Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.A comically long snout sets the Longnose hawkfish apart from all the rest. Its snout is about a third the length of its entire body. Against its ruby red body are many delicate rose colored squares. The Longnose hawkfish is best not mixed with other hawkfish which may bully it; pairs may be kept together. We typically import this fish from the Indian Ocean. We recommend the tank be securely covered the Longnose hawkfish is prone to jumping from open top aquaria. It grows to 5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.
Pixy Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Pixy hawkfish is a lovely fish with a delicate pink body covered in large blotches of deep pink to red. Each spiked ray of it dorsal fin is tuffed with furry cirri. It is similar to the Speckled hawkfish but does not grow as large. It can be quite aggressive for its size, and is recommended to be the last fish added to an aquarium. Males and females are visually identical. It grows to 3.5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons.
Falco Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Falco hawkfish is a lovely fish with a snow white body covered in large bright tangerine spots arranged in stripes along its back from its head to its tail. Wide orange bands also extend vertically down its back. Rusty red freckles decorate its face and shoulders, and two stripes extend from its eyes. Each spiked ray of it dorsal fin is tuffed with furry cirri. It is similar to the Speckled hawkfish but does not grow as large. Males and females are visually identical. It grows to 3 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons.
Arc Eye Hawkfish (South Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Arc Eye hawkfish is a handsome fish with an intense pink coloration fading to peach at its belly. A striking white bar runs from its shoulder to its tail. On its chin are squiggles of tangerine and baby blue. Its most notable feature is an electric yellow spark that extends from its eye and loops back in again. Males and females are visually identical. It is quite predatory on smaller fishes and sometimes even crabs; it is best kept with other large and aggressive species. It grows to 5.5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.
Lyretail Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.With its long fins and bright color, the Lyretail hawkfish makes a great display animal. It is also known as the Swallowtail hawkfish after its long forked tail. It is colored shades of tangerine, ruby red and amber; the colors swirl together like molten rock. Each spiked ray of it dorsal fin is tuffed with furry cirri. Males and females are visually identical. It can be kept with its own kind in a suitably large aquarium if all fish are added together. It enjoys hovering in the water against high water flow. It is the safest hawkfish to attempt to keep with shrimp, as long a she shrimp is large and added to the aquarium first. It grows to 5.5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.
Foster's Hawkfish (South Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Fosters hawkfish is uniquely colored snow white on its belly, ruby red on its face fading to black at its tail, and lemon yellow along its back. Some individuals may be deep rusty red with a yellow tail. On all fish its face is covered in dozens of blood red to black freckles. Males and females are visually identical. As one of the largest hawkfish it is quite predatory on smaller fishes and possibly crabs, and is best kept with other large and aggressive species. It is also known as the Blackside or Freckled hawkfish. It grows to 9 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 75 gallons.
Speckled Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)
Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Speckled hawkfish is a gorgeous fish with large scarlet blotches against a white background. The blotches become small spots on its head and eyes. Each spiked ray of it dorsal fin is tuffed with furry cirri. Males and females are visually identical. It grows to 5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.