Glass Cardinal (Tank Raised)
SKU: F-2539
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SKU: F-2539
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
The Glass Cardinal fish makes a cheery and colorful addition to almost any aquarium. It has a transparent to whitish body with faint yellow stripes, and its most distinguished feature are the blue stripes through its face which shine under bright light. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches.
The Glass Cardinal is a peaceful, reef safe fish. It schools eagerly with it's own species and often with other species as well. In fact they are known for creating very tight schools and moving together as a group. It is happiest when with its own species and we recommend keeping at least three individuals together, although schools of six or more are incredibly impressive. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, it has a large mouth and may attack small shrimp or tiny fish. They are easy to feed on a variety of frozen foods, but may need time to adapt to dry food.
It prefers an aquarium with some overhangs and caves which it may spend time in during the day. Cardinals are hardy and do not require much swimming space compared to other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 20 gallons for a single fish and 30 gallons or larger for a school.