
1495 products


  • Buy Snowflake (Premium) Clownfish (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 69.95 Snowflake (Premium) Clownfish

    Snowflake (Premium) Clownfish (Tank Raised)

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    Clownfish are hardy and easy to keep, and are a perfect first fish for a new aquarium. Most species are available tank bred. They are omnivorous and easy to feed on high quality food items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, and dry foods, preferably more than once a day.Clownfish are well known for their charming wiggling way of swimming, which serves them well in their natural home, within the stinging tentacles of an anemone. The exact reason clownfish are not stung is not known, but it may have something to do with the fish's slime coat. In the ocean, without the protection of the anemone, clownfish would be easily picked off by predators. In an aquarium the anemone, which has much more demanding needs than the fish, is not necessary. The fish may instead host with a soft coral such as furry mushrooms, toadstool leather, colt coral, or even within macro algae. It may chose to host within large polyp stony corals such as Euphyllia sp. as well, however the coral does sting the fish. We don't recommend encouraging them to host with delicate corals such as bubble or brain type corals, which the fish may injure with its constant swimming. Even with an anemone in the aquarium the fish will chose to host with whichever home it likes best.Clownfish may be kept singly, or more commonly in pairs, in which case the smallest more submissive fish remains a male, and the largest most dominant fish changes sex to become a female. Clowns are related to damselfish, and pairs will not tolerate other species of clownfish within their territory (which may include 50 gallons of space or more) and may fight to the death. They are prone to parasitic infections such as Brooklynella and velvet.It is common for pairs of clownfish to spawn in the aquarium, and pairs in their prime may lay eggs near their nest site as often as every two weeks. It is not necessary to interfere with the parents, who may become more aggressive at this time, chasing away other fish and nipping at their owner's hands. It is possible, though laborious, to raise the young fish at home. If a breeding effort is to be attempted it is important to ensure the parent fish are of the same species in order to maintain genetic purity for future generations.False Percula, or Ocellaris clownfish, grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 15 gallons for a single or pair. Groups may be kept in larger aquariums as long as the dominant female chooses to tolerate the small fish. It works best if all individuals are added at the same time.Ocellaris clownfish are also known as False Percula for their close resemblance to their close relative the True Percula. It pairs best with its own species, but may also chose a True Percula as a mate. It is very rare for another species to bond with it; more commonly fighting occurs. True Percula and False Percula clownfish are nearly identical; the main difference is True Percula typically has a more orange color around the pupil, whereas Ocellaris eyes show more black. Ocellaris clownfish have pencil thin black lines around their white stripes, as opposed to mature True Percula who have thick black outlines.They may host with nearly any anemone species, except Atlantic species. Best hosts are Magnifica/Ritteri (Heteractis magnifica) or Carpet (Stichodactyla sp.), however Bubble Tip (Entacmaea quadricolor) and Sebae (Heteractis crispa) are also popular choices. The orange Snowflake clownfish is brightly colored with stripes resembling crystallized water. It has been selectively bred so its stripes to take on an interesting appearance, with each fish being unique. In the highest grade specimens the stripes may connect or contain spots or 'holes'.

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  • Snowflake Clownfish

    Snowflake Clownfish (Tank Raised)

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    Clownfish are hardy and easy to keep, and are a perfect first fish for a new aquarium. Most species are available tank bred. They are omnivorous and easy to feed on high quality food items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, and dry foods, preferably more than once a day.Clownfish are well known for their charming wiggling way of swimming, which serves them well in their natural home, within the stinging tentacles of an anemone. The exact reason clownfish are not stung is not known, but it may have something to do with the fish's slime coat. In the ocean, without the protection of the anemone, clownfish would be easily picked off by predators. In an aquarium the anemone, which has much more demanding needs than the fish, is not necessary. The fish may instead host with a soft coral such as furry mushrooms, toadstool leather, colt coral, or even within macro algae. It may chose to host within large polyp stony corals such as Euphyllia sp. as well, however the coral does sting the fish. We don't recommend encouraging them to host with delicate corals such as bubble or brain type corals, which the fish may injure with its constant swimming. Even with an anemone in the aquarium the fish will chose to host with whichever home it likes best.Clownfish may be kept singly, or more commonly in pairs, in which case the smallest more submissive fish remains a male, and the largest most dominant fish changes sex to become a female. Clowns are related to damselfish, and pairs will not tolerate other species of clownfish within their territory (which may include 50 gallons of space or more) and may fight to the death. They are prone to parasitic infections such as Brooklynella and velvet.It is common for pairs of clownfish to spawn in the aquarium, and pairs in their prime may lay eggs near their nest site as often as every two weeks. It is not necessary to interfere with the parents, who may become more aggressive at this time, chasing away other fish and nipping at their owner's hands. It is possible, though laborious, to raise the young fish at home. If a breeding effort is to be attempted it is important to ensure the parent fish are of the same species in order to maintain genetic purity for future generations.False Percula, or Ocellaris clownfish, grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 15 gallons for a single or pair. Groups may be kept in larger aquariums as long as the dominant female chooses to tolerate the small fish. It works best if all individuals are added at the same time.Ocellaris clownfish are also known as False Percula for their close resemblance to their close relative the True Percula. It pairs best with its own species, but may also chose a True Percula as a mate. It is very rare for another species to bond with it; more commonly fighting occurs. True Percula and False Percula clownfish are nearly identical; the main difference is True Percula typically has a more orange color around the pupil, whereas Ocellaris eyes show more black. Ocellaris clownfish have pencil thin black lines around their white stripes, as opposed to mature True Percula who have thick black outlines.They may host with nearly any anemone species, except Atlantic species. Best hosts are Magnifica/Ritteri (Heteractis magnifica) or Carpet (Stichodactyla sp.), however Bubble Tip (Entacmaea quadricolor) and Sebae (Heteractis crispa) are also popular choices. The orange Snowflake clownfish is brightly colored with stripes resembling crystallized water. It has been selectively bred so its stripes to take on an interesting appearance, with each fish being unique.

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  • Snowflake Moray Eel (Asia Pacific) Snowflake Moray Eel (Asia Pacific)

    Snowflake Moray Eel (Asia Pacific)

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    Pebble Tooth eels have poor eyesight but make up for it with exceptional scent and tactile senses. They typically poke their nose around to find food, often bumping into it before biting. They eat mostly crabs and other hard shelled creatures, and less commonly other fish. They are considered quite safe with large bodied fish too big to swallow; however, sick or injured fish may be too tempting to resist and the eel may attempt to consume them. They are carnivores and should be fed at least once every two or three days a high quality diet of krill, silversides and chopped seafood. Use of a feeding stick may be necessary. We never recommend using ones fingers to feed an eel as the eel may become excited and bite, which may lead to infection. Eel bites should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary.The popular Snowflake Moray is a fantastic eel for new or experienced eel keepers. It is beautiful shades of snow white and pale yellow with high contrast black stripes along its entire body. Each individual's stripes are unique. The Snowflake Moray grows to 30 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.We recommend a tight fitting lid for all eel species. They are incredible escape artists, powerful enough to lift themselves out of the water and push on a lid or squeeze through small spaces. Care should also be taken when acclimating so the fish does not escape onto the floor.Their aquarium should provide plenty of secure rockwork- larger species may topple unstable decor or dig under the sand. At least two caves should be provided for each eel, large enough it can fully hide itself when needed. When feeling secure most eels will poke their head out of their cave for the majority of the day. Eels are safe with all corals, sponges and macro algaes, to which they have no interest.Extreme caution should be used if considering adding more than one eel to an aquarium as they may attack one another.

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    $44.95 - $95.45

  • Social Fairy Wrasse (Indian Ocean)

    Social Fairy Wrasse (Indian Ocean)

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    Wrasses are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Most species may be kept in pairs or harems as long as they are added together or females first. They do not appreciate living with other species of wrasse, so any aquarium with several species must be large enough and the most peaceful species added first.They should be fed two to three times a day plenty of high quality meaty items, frozen Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped seafood, marine algae and Spirulina.Fairy wrasses are easy to keep and have active personalities. They are safe with most invertebrates except small shrimp and crabs. They do not bother corals or anemones. They may bully smaller fish such as flasher wrasses, however most are not big enough to live with large or very aggressive fish, either. Most species can be kept together in systems at least 100 gallons, with the most peaceful species added first.At night time fairy wrasses hide in the rockwork and wrap themselves in a mucus cocoon to hide their scent from predators. This cocoon may be visible in the morning, and will soon dissipate into the water, and a new cocoon created each night.Deep Scarlet color and huge rounded pelvic fins distinguish the spectacular Social, or Ruby, fairy wrasse. Its head is especially dark red and its body may shimmer gold. As a nice contrast its belly is snowy white, and there are a myriad of sapphire to turquoise speckles arranged in broken lines running across its body and fins. The male’s dorsal fin has a decorative high spike. A male in courtship display is even more impressive; his fins may shimmer white to baby blue. Females are smaller with many pale speckles over their bodies, pencil thin baby blue stripes over their faces and backs, and shorter fins. It is typically available from the Indian Ocean around Sri Lanka. This species is normally very peaceful; it grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.

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  • Sohal Tang (Red Sea)

    Sohal Tang (Red Sea)

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    One of the Red Sea's most impressively patterned fish, the Sohal tang is a rare and special import. Its silvery body is streaked with many fine, dark stripes. These stripes, and its outer fins, are a deep velvety black with a hint of blue. Its pectoral and caudal fins are yellow with black edging, and its scalpel is orange. All the outer fins are framed in a bright blue when the light hits them just right. Males and females are visually identical.The Sohal tang can grow to be approximately 16 inches long and needs a large aquarium as an adult, we recommend at least 250 gallons or larger. It is very energetic and can be quite aggressive towards other tangs; if it is to be kept with other tangs it should be the last tang added to a sufficiently large aquarium.Tangs in the genus Zebrasoma can be quite feisty, often chasing other fish in the aquarium. They don't appreciate living with other tangs, especially others with the same shape. If they are to be kept with other tangs they should be added last, and the aquarium of sufficient size.Tangs are also called surgeonfish or doctor fish because they have at least one spine just in front of the tail which, when the tail is bent, can be stuck out and used as a threat display or weapon against competitive fish or predators. It is important to be cautious of this spine when handling the fish in a net. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. In the wild some tangs live in schools, however in the confines of an aquarium it is usually best to have only one of each genus, or they may be extremely aggressive to each other. They are typically very peaceful with other types of fish.Care should be taken with tangs to ensure they do not catch external parasites, such as Marine ICH and velvet, to which they are very prone.Tangs do not eat coral or invertebrates and are considered reef safe. They are primarily herbivorous, and although they love to eat meaty foods, they must be fed plenty of marine algae in order to remain healthy and vigorous. Having a proper diet may also reduce aggressive behaviors; tangs naturally graze on algae throughout the day. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen mysis shrimp, and other high quality items. They typically learn to eat dry foods easily. It is preferable to feed more than once a day, with an algae clip offered approximately every other day.

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    $207.45 - $356.45

  • Buy Solar Fairy Wrasse (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 66.95 Solar Fairy Wrasse

    Solar Fairy Wrasse (Asia Pacific)

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    Wrasses are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Most species may be kept in pairs or harems as long as they are added together or females first. They do not appreciate living with other species of wrasse, so any aquarium with several species must be large enough and the most peaceful species added first.They should be fed two to three times a day plenty of high quality meaty items, frozen Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped seafood, marine algae and Spirulina.Fairy wrasses are easy to keep and have active personalities. They are safe with most invertebrates except small shrimp and crabs. They do not bother corals or anemones. They may bully smaller fish such as flasher wrasses, however most are not big enough to live with large or very aggressive fish, either. Most species can be kept together in systems at least 100 gallons, with the most peaceful species added first.At night time fairy wrasses hide in the rockwork and wrap themselves in a mucus cocoon to hide their scent from predators. This cocoon may be visible in the morning, and will soon dissipate into the water, and a new cocoon created each night.The gaudy Solar wrasse sports incredibly bright colors, most notably its bright magenta head. Its eyes are also red, and a dark chinstrap lines its gill cover. Its sides may be emerald to sapphire, and its fins intricately detailed with stunning lemon, sapphire and hot pink. Females are warm rose to olive green with numerous tiny white speckles on their backs and a black eyespot at the base of the tail. It is named after the Solor Islands of Indonesia. This species may be aggressive towards other fairies; it grows up to 4.5 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.

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  • Solar Storm Clownfish

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  • Space Chaos Zoa Space Chaos Zoa

    Space Chaos Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Neon, Metallic, Nuclear, and most definitely, Ultra, each of these corals adds a dazzling effect to the reef. Each colony is intensely hued and most fluorescence brightly under actinic lighting. Colors may be hot pink, bright blue, intense scarlet, emerald green, or any other color or combination of colors. This coral is collected from Australia, and may grow peacefully beside another color variety, making it possible to create a garden of rainbow colors.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $35.95 - $170.95

  • Spaghetti Leather - Green

    Spaghetti Leather - Green

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    These corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will also benefit from occasional feedings of phytoplankton. Specimens collected from the South Pacific have much more vivid colors than those from Indonesia.While leather corals have non-stinging tentacles, it is possible for them to release potent chemicals into the water which adversely affect the growth of stony corals; the use of carbon filtration (changed frequently) and regular water changes can minimize this. They occasionally retract all polyps and develop a waxy sheet over the surface which makes them look wet underwater; this is a natural cleansing behavior. Given good water flow the sheet will be shed into the water and the polyps will re-emerge. The sheet will break down naturally, but should be removed if seen floating in the water or if it covers another coral.Once established this coral is very hardy, but it may be prone to several types of pests. Snails such as the rapa rapa, little egg cowrie, nudibranches, and worms such as syllid worms (among others) may prey on soft corals. We recommend every coral be dipped before placed in a display aquarium. Leather corals may also be sensitive to the aluminum oxide in some phosphate-absorbing media.Spaghetti leather is notable for its extremely long, flexible branches, which grow longer than any other leather coral. It is a bright shade of green which may fluorescence under actinic lighting. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low - Medium Average Placement: Low - Middle Water Flow: Medium - Strong Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $89.95 - $179.95

  • Spanish Hogfish (Atlantic) Spanish Hogfish

    Spanish Hogfish (Atlantic)

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    Hogfish are related to and share many qualities with wrasses. They are easy to keep and have healthy appetites for invertebrates, especially shrimp, however larger species may attack crustaceans, snails, worms and starfish among others. They do not bother corals or anemones, but may flip over rocks in their search for food. Large species may also bully or eat small fish, but they are typically nonaggressive with other large fish as long as they have a different shape. Similarly shaped fish are seen as a threat and may be targeted.They will hide within the rockwork to sleep, but when threatened may dive into the sand for protection. They can even swim under the sand to avoid predators. A fine sand bed of at least 2-3 inches will help them feel secure. Rocks should be placed on the aquarium glass and sand poured around them to eliminate the danger of a cave-in when the hogfish dives in.Hogfish feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. They should be fed two to three times a day plenty of high quality meaty items, frozen Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped seafood, marine algae and Spirulina. They usually learn to take dry foods as well.The Spanish hogfish is a bright daffodil yellow over most of its body contrasting with an intense violet saddle on its back. Scarlet highlights its fins and eyes making this a bold tri-colored fish. It is commonly available from the Caribbean. Males and females are identical. It sometimes has the beneficial habit of cleaning its fish tank mates. It grows up to 10 inches and requires an aquarium of at least 150 gallons.

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  • Speckled Hawkfish

    Speckled Hawkfish (Asia Pacific)

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    Hawkfish are entertaining fish with outgoing personalities. They have do not have swim bladders so can only float in the water with effort. They prefer to spend their days perched atop rocks or coral surveying their surroundings. They are coral safe, but are predatory towards shrimp. It is possible for hawkfish to consume even a large shrimp by bashing it against a rock into bite sized pieces. They may also eat anything else that can fit in their mouths, including small or slender fish. They may bully other fish and we don't recommend keeping them with small wrasses, jawfish, dottybacks, gobies or blennies. They do well with angelfish, tangs, larger dottybacks, large wrasses, triggers and puffers.Hawkfish are carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least once a day. They are hardy and usually learn to eat dry foods.The Speckled hawkfish is a gorgeous fish with large scarlet blotches against a white background. The blotches become small spots on its head and eyes. Each spiked ray of it dorsal fin is tuffed with furry cirri. Males and females are visually identical. It grows to 5 inches; we recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Spider Conch Spider Conch

    Spider Conch

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    This beautiful snail from the Philippines is a great algae eater for the lower areas of the aquarium. Its shell has long spikes sticking out from one side. Its heavy shell prevents it from climbing onto rocks but it has a long proboscis that can reach onto the glass. It moves with a hopping motion and may hide under the substrate. Its shell may grow up to 11 inch long.

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  • Spider Crab (Asia Pacific)

    Spider Crab

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    The Spider crab is notable for its extremely long legs which are covered in attractive banding. It often sits with its body partially buried in the substrate and its legs sprawled out around it. It is an opportunistic feeder which may overpower small creatures, such as other crustaceans. It does best with large fish and other sizable invertebrates that can defend themselves. It makes an effective scavenger and can grow up to a 8 inches leg span.

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  • Buy Spine Cheek Goby (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 23.95

    Spine Cheek Goby (Asia Pacific)

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    The Spine Cheek goby is a gorgeous little fish that looks like it is covered in jewels when the light hits it just right. Its pearly white body and fins are adorned in yellow spots, and its fins and face are striped in sapphire blue. Highlights may also appear on the fins in magenta. Its first dorsal fin is high and spiked, and its rounded tail has a stripe through the center. Several darker earthy colored spots are present on its flank and back. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 4 inches; we recommend an aquarium 30 gallons or larger.They are a part time sand sifting fish, helping to keep the sand looking clean and free of debris while also consuming small micro-fauna. They do not typically lift sand to cover rocks or corals.Sand gobies are small, peaceful fish which spend most of their day hopping around on the substrate in an entertaining manner. A fine sand bed of at least two inches will help them feel secure.We recommend the tank be securely covered as sand dwelling gobies may be prone to jumping from open top aquaria. They may be territorial to others of the same or similar species, however if two fish are added to a sufficiently large aquarium at the same time it may be possible to keep a pair. They are typically peaceful with all other types of fish.Sand gobies are primarily carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day and to let some food land on the bottom of the aquarium. Frozen food is best, however in time they usually learn to eat dry foods.As one of the largest families of fish there are near countless varieties of gobies which inhabit every different niche on the reef. They are coral safe and typically quite active and friendly with other fish. They have the ability to change sex to form pairs, although they don't always do so. Most gobies are imported from the Philippines.Gobies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, etc.

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  • Spiny Astrea snail for reef aquariums

    Spiny Astrea Snail

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    The Spiny Astrea snail eats many types of algae including hair algae. Its shell has small spikes all over. It stays small at 1.5 inches which allows it to reach small crevices in the live rock. It should be placed right side up on the sand after acclimation. It is adapted to rocky habitats; if it falls onto its back on the aquarium's sand it is not physically able to flip over and must be assisted. Snails are extremely sensitive to changes in water quality.

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  • Buy Spiny Astrea Snail - Large (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 6.45 Spiny Astrea Snail - Large

    Spiny Astrea Snail - Large

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    The Large Spiny Astrea snail eats many types of algae including hair algae and some macroalgae. Its shell is typically dark grey and has spikes all over. It may grow to 2.5 inches. It should be placed right side up on the sand after acclimation. It is adapted to rocky habitats; if it falls onto its back on the aquarium's sand it is not physically able to flip over and must be assisted. Snails are extremely sensitive to changes in water quality.

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  • Spiny Ornate Lobster

    Spiny Ornate Lobster

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    This dazzling creature is covered in alternating bands of black and white over its long legs and whiskers. Its carapace shimmers turquoise and its tail may be orange. It may hide under rocks for much of the day but will emerge at night time or when hungry. Its long antennae are nearly always visible. It is an opportunistic omnivore and will take any food available, possibly threatening sleeping fish, snails, crabs, urchins and anything else it can catch. If well fed the lobster's predatory nature is more subdued. It is easy to keep, may grow up to 15 inches and needs an aquarium at least 100 gallons.

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  • Spiny Spotted Lobster (Atlantic)

    Spiny Spotted Lobster

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    A galaxy of sparkling stars covers this otherwise dark colored crustacean. It may be dark chocolate to turquoise to orange in color. It may hide under rocks for much of the day but will emerge at night time or when hungry. Its long antennae are nearly always visible. It is an opportunistic omnivore and will take any food available, possibly threatening sleeping fish, snails, crabs, urchins and anything else it can catch. If well fed the lobster's predatory nature is more subdued. It is easy to keep, may grow up to 8 inches and needs an aquarium at least 75 gallons.

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  • Spiny Strombus Conch (Asia Pacific) Spiny Strombus Conch

    Spiny Strombus Conch

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    This large snail from the Philippines is a great algae eater for the lower areas of the aquarium. Its heavy shell prevents it from climbing onto rocks but it has a long proboscis that can reach onto the glass. It moves with a hopping motion and may hide under the substrate. Its shell may grow up to 4 inches long.

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  • Buy Splendid Dottyback (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 47.95

    Splendid Dottyback (Tank Raised)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.The Splendid dottyback is well deserving of its name- an elegant combination of royal purple and bright yellow make this a sophisticated and alluring beauty. Its nose is lemon yellow, and a dark purple stripe runs vertically through its eye and face. Its body is lavender with a bright yellow spot on each scale, encircled with dark royal purple. The spots become smaller towards its tail, and its caudal fin is solid daffodil yellow. Males and females are identical. The Splendid dottyback grows to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Spot Banded Butterfly (Asia Pacific)

    Spot Banded Butterfly (Asia Pacific)

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    Rich, saturated color combined with bold markings set the Spotbanded butterfly apart. It is overall the color of butterscotch with swirling stripes of deep black dissipating into tiny speckles. Its face is marked with saffron orange and its tail with scarlet. Its fins are edged with intense sulphur yellow. It grows up to 5 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 75 gallons.This species is normally quite peaceful and shy, and should not be kept with aggressive tank mates. It can be kept singly or in pairs, and gets along well with other butterflyfish as long as all specimens are added at the same time to a large aquarium. Butterflyfish do not show differences between males and females. They are related to angelfish, but lack the angel's distinctive cheek spines.A butterflyfish's favorite food is an anemone, so they should not be kept in the same aquarium with one unless it is guarded by aggressive clownfish. The butterflyfish knows to attack the anemone on its mouth, which does not sting, and will make a quick meal of it. It will also benefit from filamentous algae in the aquarium to graze on.This species may nip on many types of corals, but usually does not bother mushrooms and large stinging anemones. It may nibble clam mantles, sponges, and feather dusters. They do not typically bother other types of invertebrates such as crustaceans. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. This species is easy to feed but has a very small mouth. It should be offered a variety of herbivore and meaty preparations such as marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, marine eggs, and half shell clams; it should be fed 2-3 times a day.

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    $45.95 - $101.45

  • Buy Spotcinctus Clownfish (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 42.95

    Spotcinctus Clownfish (Tank Raised)

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    Clownfish are hardy and easy to keep, and are a perfect first fish for a new aquarium. Most species are available tank bred. They are omnivorous and easy to feed on high quality food items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, and dry foods, preferably more than once a day.Clownfish are well known for their charming wiggling way of swimming, which serves them well in their natural home, within the stinging tentacles of an anemone. The exact reason clownfish are not stung is not known, but it may have something to do with the fish's slime coat. In the ocean, without the protection of the anemone, clownfish would be easily picked off by predators. In an aquarium the anemone, which has much more demanding needs than the fish, is not necessary. The fish may instead host with a soft coral such as furry mushrooms, toadstool leather, colt coral, or even within macro algae. It may chose to host within large polyp stony corals such as Euphyllia sp. as well, however the coral does sting the fish. We don't recommend encouraging them to host with delicate corals such as bubble or brain type corals, which the fish may injure with its constant swimming. Even with an anemone in the aquarium the fish will chose to host with whichever home it likes best.Clownfish may be kept singly, or more commonly in pairs, in which case the smallest more submissive fish remains a male, and the largest most dominant fish changes sex to become a female. Clowns are related to damselfish, and pairs will not tolerate other species of clownfish within their territory (which may include 50 gallons of space or more) and may fight to the death. They are prone to parasitic infections such as Brooklynella and velvet.It is common for pairs of clownfish to spawn in the aquarium, and pairs in their prime may lay eggs near their nest site as often as every two weeks. It is not necessary to interfere with the parents, who may become more aggressive at this time, chasing away other fish and nipping at their owner's hands. It is possible, though laborious, to raise the young fish at home. If a breeding effort is to be attempted it is important to ensure the parent fish are of the same species in order to maintain genetic purity for future generations.Clarkii complex clownfish grow up to 5 inches and need an aquarium at least 30 gallons. The different types of Clarkii complex clownfish include Blue Stripe, Clarkii, Two Band and Three Stripe among others. Species from other complexes in their territory usually causes fighting.Clarkii complex clownfish tend to be quite aggressive, and are best kept singly or in pairs. They may wander quite far from their host anemone to explore their aquarium. Clarkii complex clownfish host easily in nearly any type of anemone, occasionally even in Atlantic species such as Condylactis sp.The stunning Two Band clownfish has, as its name implies, two full stripes running down its body, one behind its eye and another at its midbody. Its body and fins are bright yellowish orange, and the white stripes are edged in black. Juveniles sometimes show a third tail stripe. It originates from the Red Sea.

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  • Spotfin Butterfly (Atlantic)

    Spotfin Butterfly (Atlantic)

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    The Spotfin butterfly is overall a shimmering white as pure as new snow, its fins and tail painted with bright lemon yellow. A black stripe runs through its eyes, and a tiny black dot marks the rear edge of its dorsal fin. In juveniles this black dot may be larger and extend down to form a stripe. It grows up to 8 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 125 gallons. In the wild it is found mainly in the Caribbean.This species is normally quite peaceful, and should not be kept with aggressive tank mates. It can be kept singly or in pairs which should be added at the same time to a large aquarium. Butterflyfish do not show differences between males and females. They are related to angelfish, but lack the angel's distinctive cheek spines. This species has the amusing habit of occasionally swimming upside down.A butterflyfish's favorite food is an anemone, so they should not be kept in the same aquarium with one unless it is guarded by aggressive clownfish. The butterflyfish knows to attack the anemone on its mouth, which does not sting, and will make a quick meal of it. Many species of butterfly also benefit from filamentous algae in the aquarium to graze on.This species may nip on many types of corals, especially soft coral, clam mantles, sponges, and feather dusters. They do not typically bother other types of invertebrates such as crustaceans. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. This species is easy to feed, but may be fussy initially. It should be offered a variety of meaty and herbivore preparations such as frozen Mysis shrimp, half shell clams, marine algae and Spirulina; it should be fed 2-3 times a day. Bloodworms or small live anemones may be used initially to entice it to feed. Soft food may also be pressed into the rock to provide grazing opportunities. Supplements such as Brightwell's Angelixer and Garlic Power may elicit a feeding response.

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    $93.45 - $171.95

  • Freshwater Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish school

    Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish

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    Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish Pseudomugil gertrudae Rainbowfish is a broad name given to a few different families of fish. In the aquarium trade, the most well-known being the Melanotaeniidae and the Bedotiidae. The most popular choice for aquariums fall under the family of Melanotaeniidae, known as the Pseudomugilidae genus. This species stays rather small, with the largest max size in a species being roughly 2". They are known as the "Blue Eyes" family because of one thing - their brilliant blue eyes. They are a peaceful family of fish that do their best while living in a group to feel safe and secure. Although they are peaceful, they are more suited to be housed with tank mates that are roughly the same size as them, as they may be more prone to shyness or being out competed for food. Rainbowfish are omnivores and should be fed a classic diet of meaty foods and algae-based foods. Gertrude's Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Specifics The Gertrude's Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow prefer their water temperature between 74-82oF, their pH to be within 4.5-7.5, and a dKH of 12-15. They grow to a size of roughly 1-1/2" and swim in schools of at least 6 or more, meaning they are great for a 10g minimum tank

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  • Buy Spotted Mandarin (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 29.45

    Spotted Mandarin (Asia Pacific)

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    Dragonets are enchanting fish; however they are dependent upon live food and are best reserved for experienced aquarists. Their close relatives the scooters are much easier to keep and typically learn to eat frozen food on the substrate. Aggressive tank mates should be avoided. Care should be exercised when transferring this fish in a net as its large cheek spines may become tangled. They spend their days sneaking through the rockwork and over the substrate, and may bury in the sand at night or when frightened. They are prone to accidentally swimming into anemones and being eaten. Males have larger first dorsal fins than females. Dragonets are hunters of tiny shrimp-like copepods, and they must eat huge numbers of them in order to retain their healthy rotund appearance. Although dragonets are small fish we recommend a well established aquarium of no less than 50 gallons, and preferably larger. Scooters may be kept in as small as 20 gallons if they are feeding well on prepared foods. A refugium is helpful in supplementing the main aquarium with live prey items. Macroalgae may also be kept directly in the aquarium, and feeding of Phytoplankton may encourage copepods to reproduce faster. Tigger pods are a popular first food which this fish finds irresistible.Fish who directly compete with the dragonet for food should be avoided, primarily sleeper gobies. It should be offered frozen food items such as Calanus, Mysis and enriched brine shrimp on the sand several times a day.The Spotted Mandarin is also called the Psychedelic Mandarin because of its fabulous colors. Against a backdrop of jade green, inky black blotches cover this fish, and each spot is outlined in electric orange. There is a dark stripe just before its unmarked caudal fin. The Spotted Mandarin is known to eat pesky red flatworms. It may be kept alone or in pairs if the fish are added together or female first. Two males should never be kept together. The Spotted Mandarin Dragonet grows to 3 inches.

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  • Spotted Unicorn Tang (Indian Ocean)

    Spotted Unicorn Tang (Indian Ocean)

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    An impressive display animal for large aquariums, the Spotted Unicorn tang is sure to entrance anyone lucky enough to view it. Its whole body is a very light slate color with lovely baby blue polka-dots. When fully mature body is very long and tapered, its tail takes on an impressive fan shape, and a single horn extends from its forehead potentially reaching well past its lips. The horn typically begins to develop when the fish is 6 inches long. Males and females are visually identical.The Spotted Unicorn tang can grow to be approximately 24 inches long and needs a large aquarium as an adult, we recommend at least 360 gallons or larger.Tangs in the genus Zebrasoma can be quite feisty, often chasing other fish in the aquarium. They don't appreciate living with other tangs, especially others with the same shape. If they are to be kept with other tangs they should be added last, and the aquarium of sufficient size.Tangs are also called surgeonfish or doctor fish because they have at least one spine just in front of the tail which, when the tail is bent, can be stuck out and used as a threat display or weapon against competitive fish or predators. It is important to be cautious of this spine when handling the fish in a net. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. In the wild some tangs live in schools, however in the confines of an aquarium it is usually best to have only one of each genus, or they may be extremely aggressive to each other. They are typically very peaceful with other types of fish.Care should be taken with tangs to ensure they do not catch external parasites, such as Marine ICH and velvet, to which they are very prone.Tangs do not eat coral or invertebrates and are considered reef safe. They are primarily herbivorous, and although they love to eat meaty foods, they must be fed plenty of marine algae in order to remain healthy and vigorous. Having a proper diet may also reduce aggressive behaviors; tangs naturally graze on algae throughout the day. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen mysis shrimp, and other high quality items. They typically learn to eat dry foods easily. It is preferable to feed more than once a day, with an algae clip offered approximately every other day.

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    $43.95 - $157.95

  • Buy Springer's Damsel (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 15.95

    Springer's Damsel (Asia Pacific)

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    Damsels are active, coral -safe fish, often with bright colors, especially when juvenile. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, some large species may attack small shrimp. They are known to be aggressive towards other fish, especially fish added to the aquarium after they are established; they may chase and bite the other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons for damsels which grow to 3 Inches, and at least 50 for larger species. They are typically easy to feed on a variety of frozen or dried meaty and vegetable foods.Damselfish are extremely hardy and able to survive a wide array of aquarium conditions. They are related to chromis and clownfish.One of our most popular damsels, the Springer�s has shimmery sapphire scales over its whole body with random dark spots scattered over top. It is typically less aggressive than most other damsels and is commonly kept with corals, especially branching small polyp corals, because of its beneficial habit of eating flat worms. Grows up to 3.5 Inches.

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  • Buy Springer's Dottyback (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 41.45

    Springer's Dottyback (Tank Raised)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well.The Springers dottyback showcases a sophisticated combination of velvety black and electric blue. Its entire body is as dark as a moonless night, with two shining stripes running from its nose, one ending at its dorsal fin and the other on its gill cover. Males and females are identical. The Springers dottyback grows to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Squamosa Clam - Ultra Squamosa Clam - Ultra


  • Squamosa Giant Clam (South Pacific) Squamosa Giant Clam

    Squamosa Giant Clam

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    The Tridacna clams are exquisitely colored, very uncommon and highly sought after. They make incredible display animals and thrive under reef conditions. They are peaceful and do not bother any other animal. If threatened they can close their shell tightly. Healthy animals should have a strong response if shadowed or touched, although once established they may become conditioned and show less inclination to close. They will attach themselves to rock with threads from the foot- it is of utmost importance the foot is never damaged as this may lead to the clam's death. Some species may gradually dig themselves into the rock over months or years.Tridacna clams receive most of their energy from the light. Their lighting needs should not be underestimated, exceeding that of even the most demanding corals. Metal halide is recommended over any other lighting method. Regular additions of phytoplankton may also help, especially for very small individuals. Monitoring of alkalinity and calcium is important for continued shell growth. We recommend Tridacna clams only for experienced aquarists with well established aquariums.Best tank-mates are very peaceful animals which will not bite or sting the clam. Angelfish, pufferfish, butterflies and the like are not recommended. Pests such as pyramid snails are sometimes seen which may attack the foot. Some cleaning animals such as cleaner wrasse may inadvertently pester clams to death.Best known for the large scutes on its shell, the Squamosa clam grows up to 16 inches and is typically found in shades of yellow, orange or chocolate, sometimes with turquoise highlights and generally has a highly patterned mantle. It should be placed directly on rock, not on the sand. It does not require as much light as the maxima or crocea, but will do better (and grow faster) if placed in similar conditions.

    Out of stock

    $166.95 - $311.95

  • Buy Squarespot Anthias - Female (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 62.95 Squarespot Anthias - Female

    Squarespot Anthias - Female (Asia Pacific)

    1 review

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    Anthias are active, colorful, reef safe, and generally quite peaceful fish. They pose little to no danger to any other aquarium inhabitant, other than small competing zooplanktivores, such as dart fish and flasher wrasses, which they may chase into hiding.The key to success with anthias is frequent feeding. Because of their activity level they have a very high metabolic rate, and should be fed a minimum of three times daily. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina, enriched brine shrimp and Calanus. Anthias are such enthusiastic feeders they usually learn to eat dry foods quickly, but if they are fussy the dry food can be mixed in with the frozen to encourage consumption. A refugium is helpful in supplementing the main aquarium with live prey items. Additional supplements and vitamins may also aid in maintaining the fish's vivid colors.Anthias are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid. In the wild most anthias species are found in huge shoals consisting of mainly females and juveniles. In the aquarium they are perfectly happy alone, but if a shoal is desired the aquarium must be of sufficient size to ensure the smallest and weakest fish have space to escape the larger and more aggressive members. A group of at least six females added together can work, and in time the largest fish transforms into the dominant male. He is typically brighter and more colorful than his harem. If he will be added together along with his shoal then as many females and juveniles as possible should be added.The Square Spot anthias is one of the largest and most recognizable species. Males are overall intense magenta with a large square mark on their sides. The edges of their fins as well as this square shine especially bright pink, and their fins may sport many colored dots like confetti. Females are a bright tangerine color all over. It grows up to 8 inches; we recommend an aquarium at least 125 gallons for a single fish and larger for a pair or harem. It does not mix well with other anthias.

    In Stock


  • Squarespot Anthias - Male

    Squarespot Anthias - Male (Asia Pacific)

    In Stock

    Anthias are active, colorful, reef safe, and generally quite peaceful fish. They pose little to no danger to any other aquarium inhabitant, other than small competing zooplanktivores, such as dart fish and flasher wrasses, which they may chase into hiding.The key to success with anthias is frequent feeding. Because of their activity level they have a very high metabolic rate, and should be fed a minimum of three times daily. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina, enriched brine shrimp and Calanus. Anthias are such enthusiastic feeders they usually learn to eat dry foods quickly, but if they are fussy the dry food can be mixed in with the frozen to encourage consumption. A refugium is helpful in supplementing the main aquarium with live prey items. Additional supplements and vitamins may also aid in maintaining the fish's vivid colors.Anthias are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid. In the wild most anthias species are found in huge shoals consisting of mainly females and juveniles. In the aquarium they are perfectly happy alone, but if a shoal is desired the aquarium must be of sufficient size to ensure the smallest and weakest fish have space to escape the larger and more aggressive members. A group of at least six females added together can work, and in time the largest fish transforms into the dominant male. He is typically brighter and more colorful than his harem. If he will be added together along with his shoal then as many females and juveniles as possible should be added.The Square Spot anthias is one of the largest and most recognizable species. Males are overall intense magenta with a large square mark on their sides. The edges of their fins as well as this square shine especially bright pink, and their fins may sport many colored dots like confetti. Females are a bright tangerine color all over. It grows up to 8 inches; we recommend an aquarium at least 125 gallons for a single fish and larger for a pair or harem. It does not mix well with other anthias.

    In Stock


  • St. Thomas Mushroom

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    This fabulous Caribbean soft coral is covered in large tentacles which are often swollen and branched. Its color may vary, but is typically shimmering teal with pink or purple highlights. It is also known as the Bubble or Warty mushroom. This coral arrives loose without any substrate.It is often beneficial upon introduction to place the coral in low or shaded light and gradually move it to a more brightly lit location. To encourage it to attach to substrate it may be placed in a shallow dish with course rubble or rock. St. Thomas mushrooms may show better color and growth if given higher light levels and more food than more common types of mushroom.St. Thomas mushroom corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and small meaty items such as brine shrimp. They are covered by a thick layer of mucus which helps them consume small edible particles, and they also absorb dissolved nutrients from the water. They are quite adaptable and virtually pest and disease free.St. Thomas mushrooms are peaceful with other corals so long as they do not physically touch them- they have been known to melt other corals, especially stony corals, in this situation. Different colors of St. Thomas often co-exist well in close proximity. Difficulty: Intermediate Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Mid-Level Water Flow: Low Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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  • St. Thomas Mushroom - Red

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    This outrageously hued soft coral comes from the Caribbean. It is covered in large tentacles which are often swollen and branched. Its color may be intense scarlet to bright orange, sometimes translucent or with hints of other colors. It is also known as the Bubble or Warty mushroom. This coral arrives loose without any substrate.It is often beneficial upon introduction to place the coral in low or shaded light and gradually move it to a more brightly lit location. To encourage it to attach to substrate it may be placed in a shallow dish with course rubble or rock. St. Thomas mushrooms may show better color and growth if given higher light levels and more food than more common types of mushroom.St. Thomas mushroom corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and small meaty items such as brine shrimp. They are covered by a thick layer of mucus which helps them consume small edible particles, and they also absorb dissolved nutrients from the water. They are quite adaptable and virtually pest and disease free.St. Thomas mushrooms are peaceful with other corals so long as they do not physically touch them- they have been known to melt other corals, especially stony corals, in this situation. Different colors of St. Thomas often co-exist well in close proximity. Difficulty: Intermediate Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Mid-Level Water Flow: Low Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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  • Staghorn Damsel (Asia Pacific)

    Staghorn Damsel (Asia Pacific)

    In Stock

    Damsels are active, coral -safe fish, often with bright colors, especially when juvenile. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, some large species may attack small shrimp. They are known to be aggressive towards other fish, especially fish added to the aquarium after they are established; they may chase and bite the other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons for damsels which grow to 3 Inches, and at least 50 for larger species. They are typically easy to feed on a variety of frozen or dried meaty and vegetable foods.Damselfish are extremely hardy and able to survive a wide array of aquarium conditions. They are related to chromis and clownfish.The Staghorn Damsel is a more peaceful damsel and won't really bother any other fish in the reef aquarium. It may become territorial to other damsels of the same species. These damsels are easily kept and are a great beginner fish. Grows up to 3.0 Inches.

    In Stock


  • Buy Starki Damsel (South Pacific) in Canada for as low as 81.95 Starki Damsel

    Starki Damsel (South Pacific)

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    Damsels are active, coral -safe fish, often with bright colors, especially when juvenile. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, some large species may attack small shrimp. They are known to be aggressive towards other fish, especially fish added to the aquarium after they are established; they may chase and bite the other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons for damsels which grow to 3 Inches, and at least 50 for larger species. They are typically easy to feed on a variety of frozen or dried meaty and vegetable foods.Damselfish are extremely hardy and able to survive a wide array of aquarium conditions. They are related to chromis and clownfish.This rarely available damsel is sought after not only for its super saturated colors but also its peaceful demeanor- it is known to be one of the least aggressive damselfish.

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  • Buy Starry Blenny (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 36.45 Starry Blenny

    Starry Blenny (Asia Pacific)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Starry blenny is a popular fish both for its appearance and its usefulness. Its other common name is the Snowflake blenny. When sitting still its dark brownish body camouflages into the rockwork, but upon closer inspection its scales are littered with many tiny bright glittering spots, giving it the appearance of a sea of stars in a dark sky. Its fins may be yellowish, and above its eyes are fuzzy eyebrows which give it a fun and unique look. It is very similar to the Lawnmower blenny, but with a darker color overall. Males and females are nearly identical; the only difference being the larger spines on the male�s anal fin. It grows up to 5.5 inches.The Starry blenny spends most of its time perched on rocks, always alert and watching its environment. It uses its large lips to rasp away at the rock work, eating detritus and algae. It may also clean algae from the glass, leaving 'kiss marks'. It is typically reef safe; however it may pick on SPS coral polyps or clam mantels. This does not normally damage large, healthy coral colonies; however if small or weak colonies or frags are present they may become damaged.Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality meaty items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend a mature aquarium of at least 50 gallons or larger. Live algae is an important source of food, and should be growing in the aquarium before the blenny is introduced. Algae grazing blennies may be especially aggressive towards similar species, and are best kept one per tank unless a pair can be obtained.

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  • Starry Foxface (South Pacific)

    Starry Foxface (South Pacific)

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    Foxface are also known as Rabbitfish because of their incredible appetites for greens. They will eat nearly any type of food offered, including dry foods, but it is important to ensure they receive enough algae otherwise they become tempted to nibble on coral. Some species are more prone to this behavior than others. In the wild many species live amongst Acropora sp. and nibble algae off of the coral. When they do eat coral it is typically soft or LPS types. They do not harm any other type of invertebrate and are generally friendly towards all fish. Many species are found as pairs in the wild, and it is possible to keep two specimens together in a sufficiently large aquarium if they are of different sizes. It is best to add the two fish together, or the smaller individual first. In all other instances foxface usually bicker with each other. Foxface are quite hardy and may be added to newly set up aquariums.As herbivores foxface prefer to hide when threatened, and may change their color to a brown blotchy pattern to camouflage. This coloration is also normal during rest periods and may be visible in the morning. Foxface have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. They also have a toxin in their dorsal fin rays which may cause a welt like a wasp sting. It is important to be cautious of these spines when handling the fish in a net. This defense means most aggressive fish will not bother them. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Foxface are often employed to rid aquariums of nuisance algae, and they often consume algaes that other herbivores won't touch. Diet should include plenty of marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, and other high quality items. It is preferable to feed more than once a day, with an algae clip offered at least once every two days.The Starry rabbitfish is a stunning fish with a striking pattern of tiny pitch black spots over a stark white body. The spots are very small and numerous, and cover the fish from the tip of its nose through its tail creating a visual masterpiece. They have white edging to their rear fins and tail; specimens from the Red Sea have yellow edging. Sometimes a charcoal colored blotch may be visible above its pectoral fins, just behind the gill cover. This fish is known to eat Bryopsis, turf and hair algae. The Starry foxface grows to 14 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 180 gallons.

    Out of stock

    $111.95 - $246.95

  • Stars & Stripes Puffer (Asia Pacific) Stars & Stripes Puffer (Asia Pacific)

    Stars & Stripes Puffer (Asia Pacific)

    Out of stock

    Pufferfish are some of the most interesting fish available. Their rounded bodies and cute faces are almost irresistible. Tank mates should be selected carefully, however, as pufferfish will use their strong beaks to investigate everything in the aquarium for edibility. They like to eat snails, crabs, bivalves and shrimp, and in fact these crunchy items are important for trimming their ever-growing beaks. They may also sample corals, feather dusters, and any other invertebrate available. They may chase and bully other fish, especially those smaller than themselves. They are typically aggressive with other pufferfish and two should only be kept together in the very largest of aquariums, and added at the same time. There are two main types of pufferfish- the Tobies, or sharp-nosed puffers, which are small sized fish typically 4-5 inches, and normal pufferfish which typically grow at least 12 inches. All pufferfish have the ability when frightened to inflate their bodies to a huge size. This is an extreme threat response and should never be encouraged. We recommend pufferfish be transported in a container rather than a net, because should it inflate with air rather than water it could experience massive problems expelling the air.Pufferfish have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. Males and females are identical, however males may grow larger.Puffers are carnivores and should be fed two to three times a day a high quality diet of meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clams, and chopped seafood. Algae clips with nori are a favorite treat and may be quickly devoured. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. An interesting combination of patterns covers the Stars & Stripes puffer. On its back are many polka dots in a white to pale blue ringed in darker chocolate color. Its belly is striped with a similarly light color against a darker background of light caramel. Dark contrasting marks highlight its eyes and pectoral fins. It grows up to 19 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 180 gallons.

    Out of stock

    $37.45 - $213.95

  • Buy Steintz's Shrimp Goby (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 46.95

    Steintz's Shrimp Goby (Asia Pacific)

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    The Steinitz's shrimp goby is an attractive little fish that makes an entertaining display. Its milky white body is covered in wide contrasting bands in a deep pink to purple huge. Its face is distinctively absent of most markings, save for some turquoise spots behind the eyes which shimmer when the light hits them just right. There may be a dark shadowing over the eyes depending on the fish's mood. On mature fish the fins are spangled with shining spots like a starry sky. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3.5 inches; we recommend an aquarium 10 gallons or larger. It is imported occasionally from the Indian Ocean.Shrimp gobies go by many names including prawn gobies and watchman gobies. They may be kept on their own just fine in an aquarium; however it is especially fascinating to pair them with a pistol shrimp. The goby will form a strong bond with the shrimp and mutually benefit each other. The hard-working shrimp will excavate a burrow under the sand for them to live in, consisting of several tunnels, entrances and exits. The sharp-eyed goby stands guard at one of the entrances and keeps an eye out for threats. As the shrimp goes about maintaining the tunnel and searching for food it keeps one antennae on the goby. If the goby sees danger it flicks its tail, signaling to the shrimp to make a hasty retreat. The goby may follow quickly if the danger is threatening enough. At nighttime or when a tunnel is not being used the shrimp will block it off with shells and small rocks. It is important to provide deep sand of at least three inches and plenty of shells and crushed coral of various sizes so the shrimp has enough building material to create a stable dwelling. Rocks should be placed on the aquarium glass and sand poured around them to eliminate the danger of a cave-in when the shrimp excavates.We recommend a shrimp and its goby partner be added to the aquarium at the same time; it is best if they are placed in a net together and gently lowered to the aquarium bottom. There are three common types of pistol shrimp that pair with gobies; the Tiger, Fine Striped, and Candy Cane pistol shrimp.Unless they are a pair shrimp gobies tend to be quite territorial with each other- if more than one is to be kept in the same aquarium we recommend space enough to accommodate at least 24 inches between burrows. They are typically peaceful with all other types of fish.We recommend the tank be securely covered as sand dwelling gobies may be prone to jumping from open top aquaria.Sand gobies are primarily carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day and to let some food land on the bottom of the aquarium. Frozen food is best, however in time they usually learn to eat dry foods.As one of the largest families of fish there are near countless varieties of gobies which inhabit every different niche on the reef. They are coral safe and typically quite active and friendly with other fish. They have the ability to change sex to form pairs, although they don't always do so. Most gobies are imported from the Philippines. Gobies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, etc.

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  • Stellar/Mappa Puffer (Indian Ocean) Stellar/Mappa Puffer (Indian Ocean)

    Stellar/Mappa Puffer (Indian Ocean)

    1 review

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    Pufferfish are some of the most interesting fish available. Their rounded bodies and cute faces are almost irresistible. Tank mates should be selected carefully, however, as pufferfish will use their strong beaks to investigate everything in the aquarium for edibility. They like to eat snails, crabs, bivalves and shrimp, and in fact these crunchy items are important for trimming their ever-growing beaks. They may also sample corals, feather dusters, and any other invertebrate available. They may chase and bully other fish, especially those smaller than themselves. They are typically aggressive with other pufferfish and two should only be kept together in the very largest of aquariums, and added at the same time. There are two main types of pufferfish- the Tobies, or sharp-nosed puffers, which are small sized fish typically 4-5 inches, and normal pufferfish which typically grow at least 12 inches. All pufferfish have the ability when frightened to inflate their bodies to a huge size. This is an extreme threat response and should never be encouraged. We recommend pufferfish be transported in a container rather than a net, because should it inflate with air rather than water it could experience massive problems expelling the air.Pufferfish have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. Males and females are identical, however males may grow larger.Puffers are carnivores and should be fed two to three times a day a high quality diet of meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clams, and chopped seafood. Algae clips with nori are a favorite treat and may be quickly devoured. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. Few fish can compare to the lovely patterns and high contrasting colors of the Stellar, or Mappa puffer. It is typically colored delightful warm shades of caramel and chocolate. It may be overlaid with light cream colored interlacing squiggles, or with inky black dots and streaks. Its fins and mouth may be light daffodil yellow or transparent. It is one of the larger pufferfish, growing up to 30 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 250 gallons.

    Out of stock

    $107.95 - $271.95

  • Freshwater Sterba's Corydora Sterba's Corydora

    Sterba's Corydora

    Sterba's Corydora Corydoras sterbai Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Sterba's Cory Cat Specifics Sterbai Corydoras are a social schooling fish that grow only to 2-1/2". They prefer a temperature between 70-77oF, a pH between 6-8, and a dKH between 2-25


  • Buy Strawberry Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 27.45

    Strawberry Pseudochromis (Asia Pacific)

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    Dottybacks are colorful and feisty fish with many fantastic qualities. They are not shy, instead always active and swimming in and out of the rockwork ensuring their bright colors may be enjoyed. Plenty of caves and decor will help them feel secure and spend more time in the open. They are intelligent and can hold their own against larger aggressive fish, but are not recommended with small docile species which they will bully. Dottybacks are hardy fish which are easy to feed and disease resistant making them easy to keep. If they are to be kept together they must be added at the same time to a sufficiently large aquarium with plenty of hiding places, and aggressive species not added before more aggressive ones. Best tank mates include angels, tangs, foxface, clowns, damsels, chromis, Toby puffers and large cardinals and gobies. All but the smallest species may be kept with hawkfish, triggers and large pufferfish.Dottybacks are coral safe but may attack and consume crustaceans, especially shrimp. Large species may eat very small fish. They may also eat bristleworms. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, enriched brine shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina fed at least once a day. They usually learn to eat dry foods as well. The intense magenta pigmentation of the Strawberry dottyback can't be missed! Its super saturated hue extends onto its fins, and only its bright blue eye is a different shade. It is similar to the orchid dottyback but is brighter overall, lacks the dark eye stripe and is more aggressive. Males and females are identical. It grows up to 3 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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  • Buy Strawberry Top Hat Snail (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 5.95 Buy Strawberry Top Hat Snail (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 5.95

    Strawberry Top Hat Snail

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    The colorful Strawberry Top Hat is a fantastic algae eater for large aquariums. Its pink striped shell may reach 3 inches tall. It should be placed right side up on the sand after acclimation. It is adapted to rocky habitats; if it falls onto its back on the aquarium's sand it is not physically able to flip over and must be assisted. Snails are extremely sensitive to changes in water quality.

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  • Buy Striped Blenny (Tank Raised) in Canada for as low as 33.45 Striped Blenny

    Striped Blenny (Tank Raised)

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    Blennies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, and any other fish who may eat them.The Striped Fang blenny is an eye-catching fish with bold markings. Its front half is lemony yellow which fades to bright white at the tail and stomach. It has dark black stripes running from its nose to its tail, which dissipate into dots on the caudal fin. Males and females are visually identical; however males may grow larger. It grows up to 4 inches.Fang blennies have a unique defense mechanism- if eaten by a larger fish they can use their venomous bite to injure the bigger animal and hope to be spit out. They only use this bite as defense and are generally quite peaceful to tank mates. However, care should be taken when handling the fish in a net, or if small children have access to the aquarium and may put their fingers in the water. Fang blennies spend almost all their time swimming in the open water where they can be enjoyed. They are reef safe and very easy to keep.Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or larger.

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  • Striped Puffer (Indian Ocean) Striped Puffer (Indian Ocean)

    Striped Puffer (Indian Ocean)

    Out of stock

    Pufferfish are some of the most interesting fish available. Their rounded bodies and cute faces are almost irresistible. Tank mates should be selected carefully, however, as pufferfish will use their strong beaks to investigate everything in the aquarium for edibility. They like to eat snails, crabs, bivalves and shrimp, and in fact these crunchy items are important for trimming their ever-growing beaks. They may also sample corals, feather dusters, and any other invertebrate available. They may chase and bully other fish, especially those smaller than themselves. They are typically aggressive with other pufferfish and two should only be kept together in the very largest of aquariums, and added at the same time. There are two main types of pufferfish- the Tobies, or sharp-nosed puffers, which are small sized fish typically 4-5 inches, and normal pufferfish which typically grow at least 12 inches. All pufferfish have the ability when frightened to inflate their bodies to a huge size. This is an extreme threat response and should never be encouraged. We recommend pufferfish be transported in a container rather than a net, because should it inflate with air rather than water it could experience massive problems expelling the air.Pufferfish have shiny eyes that often appear to shimmer a turquoise color but may also at times appear glossed over. Males and females are identical, however males may grow larger.Puffers are carnivores and should be fed two to three times a day a high quality diet of meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clams, and chopped seafood. Algae clips with nori are a favorite treat and may be quickly devoured. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. The Striped Puffer is a delightful fish with a light grey fawn color all over and narrow stripes in a darker caramel. The stripes begin near its tail, loop around its eye and end again near its tail. Its caudal fin is edged in a dark black giving impressive contrast. It is one of the smaller pufferfish, growing up to 12 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 150 gallons.

    Out of stock

    $50.95 - $101.45

  • Buy Striped Shrimp Goby (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 21.95 Striped Shrimp Goby

    Striped Shrimp Goby (Asia Pacific)

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    The Striped, or Diagonal, shrimp goby sports attractive dark bands in a pinkish to orangeish hue over its white as snow body. Most of these bands are fairly wide, however two distinctive pencil-thin stripes run over its face, one behind and one through its eye. Its rear fins may shine bright yellow with magenta and sapphire accents. Males and females are visually identical. It grows up to 3 inches; we recommend an aquarium 10 gallons or largerShrimp gobies go by many names including prawn gobies and watchman gobies. They may be kept on their own just fine in an aquarium; however it is especially fascinating to pair them with a pistol shrimp. The goby will form a strong bond with the shrimp and mutually benefit each other. The hard-working shrimp will excavate a burrow under the sand for them to live in, consisting of several tunnels, entrances and exits. The sharp-eyed goby stands guard at one of the entrances and keeps an eye out for threats. As the shrimp goes about maintaining the tunnel and searching for food it keeps one antennae on the goby. If the goby sees danger it flicks its tail, signaling to the shrimp to make a hasty retreat. The goby may follow quickly if the danger is threatening enough. At nighttime or when a tunnel is not being used the shrimp will block it off with shells and small rocks. It is important to provide deep sand of at least three inches and plenty of shells and crushed coral of various sizes so the shrimp has enough building material to create a stable dwelling. Rocks should be placed on the aquarium glass and sand poured around them to eliminate the danger of a cave-in when the shrimp excavates.We recommend a shrimp and its goby partner be added to the aquarium at the same time; it is best if they are placed in a net together and gently lowered to the aquarium bottom. There are three common types of pistol shrimp that pair with gobies; the Tiger, Fine Striped, and Candy Cane pistol shrimp.Unless they are a pair shrimp gobies tend to be quite territorial with each other- if more than one is to be kept in the same aquarium we recommend space enough to accommodate at least 24 inches between burrows. They are typically peaceful with all other types of fish.We recommend the tank be securely covered as sand dwelling gobies may be prone to jumping from open top aquaria.Sand gobies are primarily carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day and to let some food land on the bottom of the aquarium. Frozen food is best, however in time they usually learn to eat dry foods.As one of the largest families of fish there are near countless varieties of gobies which inhabit every different niche on the reef. They are coral safe and typically quite active and friendly with other fish. They have the ability to change sex to form pairs, although they don't always do so. Most gobies are imported from the Philippines. Gobies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, etc.

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  • Buy Striped Swallow Angel (Asia Pacific) in Canada for as low as 69.45

    Striped Swallow Angel (Asia Pacific)

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    The Striped Swallow angel has a beautiful pearly white body with a black dorsal fin. It has black horizontal stripes along its body, and polka-dots cover its caudal fin, giving it another common name, the freckled tail angelfish. Females have thicker black body stripes with one extending all the way through the tail fin.The Striped Swallow angel can grow to be approximately 9" long and needs an aquarium of at least 125 gallons. Angelfish of the genus Genicanthus are collectively known as swallowtail angelfish. In the wild, they typically live in small groups or harems of one male and several females. In the aquarium they are usually kept singly or in pairs; two males may fight each other. They are typically peaceful with all other fish. As they can be collected from deep water, they may suffer from swim-bladder damage; dim lighting will help with initial acclimation. Swallowtail angelfish are planktivores, meaning their diet consists of small floating food items such as shrimp. Sessile invertebrates such as corals are not their natural food item, so it is rare for them to nip on corals. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as Mysis shrimp and chopped krill, and also marine algae and Spirulina. It should be fed 2-3 times a day.

    Out of stock



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