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Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis

Yellow Fin Fairy Wrasse (Asia Pacific)


    One of the smallest fairy wrasses available - can hold it's own in a fight!

    SKU: F-8798

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      Wrasses are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Most species may be kept in pairs or harems as long as they are added together or females first. They do not appreciate living with other species of wrasse, so any aquarium with several species must be large enough and the most peaceful species added first.

      They should be fed two to three times a day plenty of high quality meaty items, frozen Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped seafood, marine algae and Spirulina.

      Fairy wrasses are easy to keep and have active personalities. They are safe with most invertebrates except small shrimp and crabs. They do not bother corals or anemones. They may bully smaller fish such as flasher wrasses, however most are not big enough to live with large or very aggressive fish, either. Most species can be kept together in systems at least 100 gallons, with the most peaceful species added first.

      At night time fairy wrasses hide in the rockwork and wrap themselves in a mucus cocoon to hide their scent from predators. This cocoon may be visible in the morning, and will soon dissipate into the water, and a new cocoon created each night.

      Stunning lemon yellow paints the broad dorsal fin on this dazzling fish. Deep pink saddles drape over its back and head against a backdrop of delicate rose. Females are a bright pink with a dark eyespot at the base of the tail. It is one of the smallest fairy wrasses, and surprisingly adept at holding their own. It grows up to 2.5 inches and needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

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