Velvetfish (Indian Ocean)
SKU: F-9920
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SKU: F-9920
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
A fantastic fish for the collector of the rare and wonderful, the Velvetfish, or Gumdrop Coral Croucher, makes a lovely addition to the peaceful aquarium. It resembles a colorful clown goby, however it is actually more closely related to scorpionfish. Its stocky body is delicate rosy pink all over with bright bubblegum colored polka dots sprinkled everywhere. Males and females are identical. The Velvetfish grows to 2.5 inches and should be kept in an aquarium at least 10 gallons.
Velvetfish are entertaining little fish who spend most of their day perched on rocks and coral. In the wild they make their home in the branches of SPS corals, usually Pocillopora and Stylophora, however it is not necessary to duplicate this in the aquarium. If a pair is kept with these branching corals they may use the coral as their nest, clearing away a small area of its polyps so they may lay their adhesive eggs on the coral. This does not harm large established colonies, but may be too stressful for small or weak corals. In the aquarium a Velvetfish may host with any number of corals that it would not associate with in the wild, making a very interesting display. They do not hurt the coral but rather enjoy spending time within its branches.
The Velvetfish should never be touched as it contains a toxin that can cause painful wounds similar to a bee sting. Great care should be taken when handling the Velvetfish, and children should never be allowed to put their fingers in the water with the fish. Predatory fish may or may not recognize the Velvetfish as venomous, so caution should be used when combining the Velvetfish with larger fish. It is peaceful towards all other fish but may fight with its own kind unless a pair is maintained.
Velvetfish are primarily carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed at least twice a day. Live food may be necessary at first, and the use of a feeding tube may be useful in making sure the Velvetfish gets enough to eat.