Black Bristlenose Pleco (L183)
SKU: F-F6370A
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SKU: F-F6370A
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
The Bristlenose Pleco, also known as the Bushy Nose or brushmouth pleco, are peaceful fish that are a popular choice for many aquariums. They spend their time primarily near the bottom of the tank, using the many whiskers around their mouths to detect food.
Most, if not all of this fishes nutrition comes from leftover food and algae, so if your tank is lacking algae it is recommended to add some algae wafers for them to graze on.
They prefer well planted tanks with plenty or rock and driftwood to imitate their natural habitat.
The Bristlemouth Pleco grows to a size of 6 inches and should be placed in a tank of at least 30 gallons. They prefer their water temperatures between 72-82oF, pH between 6.5-7.4, and dKH between 6-10.