Sea Hare - Spotted
SKU: I-4360
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SKU: I-4360
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Sea Hare are huge slugs with massive appetites for algae. Most species eat soft green hair algae, although spotted Hares may also eat macro algae such as Caulerpa. Sea Hares have soft bodies and may become sucked into powerheads so all pumps should be screened. It is common for Hares to bury themselves in the sand. If stressed or dying they can release an ink into the water which should be quickly removed with water changes and fresh carbon. They are extremely sensitive to changes in water quality and are only recommended for expert aquarists.
The Spotted Sea Hare is variable in color from light caramel to dark chocolate, always with decorative black rings. The long sense organs on its head resemble the ears of a rabbit. It has an internal shell but is soft on the outside. It usually moves by crawling but can also swim by undulating the fleshy extensions on its back.