Rainbow Shark
SKU: F-F7000
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SKU: F-F7000
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
Rainbow Sharks are a fun addition to the right home aquarium. Keep in mind, that while they only grow to a size of 6", they can be rather territorial, so it is best to give thought to their new home and tank mates. They like tanks that have caves, rock work, and live plants to claim as their own. They are not overly fond of visitors in their territory and will chase them away if they get too close.
They are best when they are the only Rainbow Shark / Red Tail Shark in the tank, as the more dominant one may put up with the other for a little bit but will eventually chase the other until they succumb to stress. They occupy the lower to middle space in the tank, so bottom dwelling peaceful fish like Corydoras are best avoided. Rainbow Sharks are primarily herbivores and should be provided algae wafers and pellets.
Though they are not terribly picky and may eat frozen meaty foods as well. Since Rainbow Sharks grow to a size of 6", a 55g aquarium is ideal for their long-term home.
Their water temperature should be kept between 75-80oF and their pH between 6.5-7.5.