Pocillipora Coral
SKU: C-6800
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SKU: C-6800
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Pocillopora coral is a type of pocilloporid, related to Stylophora and Birdsnest. They are some of the easiest small polyped stony corals to keep. Although they can be highly adaptable, they should still be provided with bright lighting and strong turbulent water flow best provided with a wave maker or surge action. It may be host to several species of beneficial crustaceans including Trapezia sp. crabs. In nature their polyps are open mainly at night, although in the aquarium they typically also open in the daytime. This coral may grow short sweeper tentacles less than 1”.
This delightful coral has bumpy branches which may be thick or thin. Although its polyps are very small, when expanded the whole coral takes on a fuzzy appearance. It is most often available pink, although may be green or cream, sometimes with fluorescent polyp tips.
This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It will also benefit from occasional feedings of fine zooplankton and coral snow.
Temperature swings are not tolerated and may lead to bleaching. Temperatures should never be allowed to reach 82F, which will surely damage the colony. For this reason many aquarists keep their temperature lower as a precaution, as low as 76F.
Intermixing with soft corals (especially leathers, mushrooms and Lemnalia) is best avoided, as many soft corals release potent chemicals into the water which can be detrimental to the health of small polyp stony corals.
Water flow should be strong and is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly.