Merulina/Ruffled Coral
SKU: C-3280
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SKU: C-3280
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The spectacular Lettuce coral is most notable for maturing into a wide array of growth forms, such as ruffles, plates, and fans, often all on the same colony. It has a highly textured surface and is usually green, although some are deep pink with green highlights. Most specimens fluorescence under actinic lighting.
This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It will also benefit from frequent feedings of powder and liquid zooplankton preparations, rotifers, oyster eggs, etc. Its polyps are usually opened at night.
Lettuce coral is sensitive to the chemicals released by soft corals, such as leathers, Lemnalia and mushrooms, and even to Caulerpa algae; the use of carbon filtration (changed frequently) and regular water changes can minimize this. It is also sensitive to poor water conditions and does not tolerate sudden changes in water parameters.
Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion; although Lettuce coral possess sweeper tentacles up to three inches long it is prone to being stung and damaged by neighboring corals.
This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It will also benefit from occasional feedings of fine zooplankton and coral snow.
Temperature swings are not tolerated and may lead to bleaching. Temperatures should never be allowed to reach 82F, which will surely damage the colony. For this reason many aquarists keep their temperature lower as a precaution, as low as 76F.
Intermixing with soft corals (especially leathers, mushrooms and Lemnalia) is best avoided, as many soft corals release potent chemicals into the water which can be detrimental to the health of small polyp stony corals.
Water flow should be strong and is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly.