Marine Betta (Asia Pacific)
SKU: F-9500
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SKU: F-9500
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
The marine Betta is an exquisite beauty like no other. It is velvety black all over, and shimmers a rainbow of colors when the light hits it just right. Tiny white polka dots, like stars in the sky, cover every inch, and there is a large eyespot on its dorsal fin near the tail. This fish can inflate its fins to such a degree it nearly triples in size. Males and females are identical. The Betta grows up to 8 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.
The Betta, or Comet, is most active in the evening hours. It moves through the aquarium with grace and purpose, usually with its fins spread. It appreciates an aquarium with plenty of rockwork and overhangs to help it feel secure. It is peaceful with all other fish too large to be swallowed. It may consume shrimp, but otherwise is reef safe. Aggressive tank mates which steal its food and force it into hiding should be avoided.
Betta are carnivores and should be fed a high quality diet of krill, silversides and chopped seafood at least once a day. If it refuses to feed then food should be offered after lights-out when it is more active.