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Leander plumosus

Longnose Shrimp


    A very social and easy to keep smaller sized shrimp.

    SKU: I-6590

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      Shrimp are active, entertaining and easy to keep. They shed their shells as they grow, and afterwards need to hide in the rock until their new shell hardens. Shrimp are highly excitable when food is present, and will do anything to get it. Some species may pester corals by attempting to reach food the coral has eaten. In this situation the shrimp should be provided food first. Large individuals may catch and consume smaller species.

      An amusing animal also known as the Pinocchio shrimp after its long red nose; the rest of its body is bright yellow with dark spots. It is very social with its own kind and is peaceful with all other aquarium inhabitants. It may clean fish, and is easy to feed on fish food. It grows to only 1.5 inches.

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