Griessinger's Goby (Asia Pacific)
SKU: F-4130
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SKU: F-4130
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
The Griessinger�s goby is truly a spectacular animal. It has enormous fins for its size, and all of them covered in a fiery orange as hot as molten rock. Its first dorsal fin is a high spike, and it frequently fans its large, spiked pectoral fins in front of its face while flicking this dorsal fin up and down. Its body is pale fawn color, with a deep chocolate stripe running along its flank and tiny polka dots on its face. Large chocolate spots are also present on the second dorsal fin and tail, creating striking contrast. All these qualities make for a fish much larger than life- it grows to only 1 inche long but makes a huge impression when it emerges from within the rockwork. This amazing fish is best housed in small aquaria where it can be seen more frequently. It typically sneaks through the rockwork making sporadic visits into the open, typically when the lighting is dim or during feeding time.
It has been granted many names, most popularly known as the flaming prawn goby- though it does not bond with a pistol shrimp. Males and females are visually identical. Tank mates should be carefully selected and similarly peaceful.
Sand gobies are small, peaceful fish which spend most of their day hopping around on the substrate in an entertaining manner. A fine sand bed of at least two inches will help them feel secure.
We recommend the tank be securely covered as sand dwelling gobies may be prone to jumping from open top aquaria. They may be territorial to others of the same or similar species, however if two fish are added to a sufficiently large aquarium at the same time it may be possible to keep a pair. They are typically peaceful with all other types of fish.
Sand gobies are primarily carnivores and their diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items, marine algae, Spirulina, and frozen Mysis shrimp. It is preferable to feed more than once a day and to let some food land on the bottom of the aquarium. Frozen food is best, however in time they usually learn to eat dry foods.
As one of the largest families of fish there are near countless varieties of gobies which inhabit every different niche on the reef. They are coral safe and typically quite active and friendly with other fish. They have the ability to change sex to form pairs, although they don't always do so. Most gobies are imported from the Philippines.
Gobies are diminutive fish typically with elongated bodies, and as such we do not recommend any aggressive or large-mouthed fish to be kept with them; this includes all groupers, snappers, sweetlips, soapfish, lionfish, eels, goatfish, anglers/frogfish, leaf fish, etc.