Fire Urchin
SKU: I-8880
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SKU: I-8880
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
Urchins have sharp teeth at their center which they use to scrape algae, including coralline algae. They are able to scratch acrylic so are recommended only for glass aquariums. Echinoderms such as urchins are extremely sensitive to changes in the water quality. They require well established aquariums for both water stability and sufficient food supply.
A spectacularly colored creature, the Fire, or Red Radiating urchin is one of the most beautiful urchins available. It should not be touched, however, as its sting can be extremely painful. Care must be taken when working in the aquarium or transferring the animal. It eats both algae and meaty food; if there is not enough natural food available it may be fed dried algae sheets or fish food. It is typically collected from the Philippines and can grow to 6 inches.