Elegance Coral
SKU: C-1695
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SKU: C-1695
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This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It should also be fed meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, chopped krill, pellets, etc.
Elegance coral may be attached to rock while young, but is most commonly free living on soft bottoms. Its base is often cone shaped, helping it to burry into the sand. In nature it may be found in seagrass beds near the reef with other solitary corals. It should be placed facing straight up, with enough space that its flesh does not touch live rock. Such contact may damage the coral and cause brown jelly infection. When handling this coral it should be picked up from underneath, and allowed to fully retract before removing from the water. Any physical injury may lead to infection, especially if removed from water while inflated or from damage inflicted by other corals.
Elegance is sensitive to the chemicals released by soft corals, such as leathers, Lemnalia and mushrooms, and even to Caulerpa algae; the use of carbon filtration (changed frequently) and regular water changes can minimize this. It is also sensitive to poor water conditions and does not tolerate sudden changes in water parameters. It is quite a challenging coral to maintain and is only recommended for experienced aquarists.
Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion; although Elegance possess strongly stinging tentacles it is prone to being stung and damaged by neighboring corals.
The aptly named Elegance coral is unmistakable; waves of lavish tentacles undulate across its surface, dotted with countless sparkling tips. The Australian ultra variety has vibrant colors and the tips are most often purple.
Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly.