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Stenopus hispidis

Coral Banded Shrimp


    One of the largest and easiest shrimp to keep in your aquarium.

    SKU: I-6480

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      Shrimp are active, entertaining and easy to keep. They shed their shells as they grow, and afterwards need to hide in the rock until their new shell hardens. Shrimp are highly excitable when food is present, and will do anything to get it. Some species may pester corals by attempting to reach food the coral has eaten. In this situation the shrimp should be provided food first. Large individuals may catch and consume smaller species.

      One of the largest and easiest to keep shrimp, the Coral Banded is also the best choice with larger fish, which may not bother it on account of its large claws. It is bright scarlet and pure white all over. Its long white whiskers communicate to fishes that it may clean them of parasites and old skin. It may not however cure an aquarium of ICH or other parasites; its main benefit is to lower the fishes stress. The Coral Banded shrimp spends most of its time within the rockwork and emerges at night or feeding time. It is aggressive towards its own species but occasionally forms pairs. It is an opportunistic feeder and may attack other crustaceans and small snails and worms. It grows up to 4 inches and is easy to feed on fish food.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 1 review
      Katie Marcia
      Nice big shrimp

      Cool looking shrimp with long interesting claws and attractive stripes. Sometimes available as pairs.


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