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Chromobotia macracanthus

Clown Loach


    The Clown Loach is an entertaining shoaling fish need a large aquarium and can be useful for controlling snail infestations in planted tanks.

    SKU: F-F5050

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      Clown Loach

      Chromobotia macracanthus

      Clown loaches are a fun addition to any peaceful tank. While they shy away from bright open spaces of the aquarium, they exhibit playful personalities amongst their school of other Clown Loaches while they peruse around your tank.

      They may be prone to aggression if kept in smaller groups or by themselves, so it is recommended to keep them in bigger groups.

      The Clown Loach can grow to nearly one foot in length, so while they may be great for a smaller sized aquarium now, they are more suited for larger tanks of at least 75-100 gallons.

      They do best when fed multiple times throughout the day, taking high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen food, live food, and vegetables like blanched zucchini and cucumber.

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