Bubble Coral (Ultra)
SKU: C-1670
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SKU: C-1670
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This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. At night time it will retract the bubbles and extend its feeding tentacles, and will benefit from meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, oyster eggs, pellets, etc. It can alter the size of its bubbles to expose its symbiotic algae to more or less light, however like all corals sudden changes in light intensity should be avoided.
Bubble corals can be hardy once established and are not prone to pests, aside from planaria flatworms. When handling this coral it should be picked up via the skeleton only, and allowed to fully retract before removing from the water. It has thin tissue which is prone to tearing, and may suffer from infectious brown jelly infection due to injury if removed from water while inflated, from falls due to incorrect placement, or high water flow.
This coral should be provided with plenty of space as it may produce long, powerful sweeper tentacles.
The Bubble coral is an irresistible display of large water filled balloons which totally obscure the stony skeleton underneath. Its alluring appearance has made it a favorite of many hobbyists. The ultra Bubble is typically translucent green, and may fluorescence brightly under actinic lighting. Australian specimens are more rare and impressive than those from other locations. It is best positioned on the rockwork where it cannot fall, in a vertical position.
Water flow is best provided as turbulent flow with the use of a wave maker or surge action. Constant laminar flow is very damaging and could cause death of the coral. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and strontium are required for growth and should be checked regularly.