Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B-P Alkalinity Additive - 4KG
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B is a balanced calcium and alkalinity system for all marine fish and reef aquaria.
1 Kilogram will make between approximately 1.8 and 3.1 gallons of Part-B additive.
Basic Instructions and Guidelines: Dissolve 20 grams per 8-fl. oz. of purified water in a clean mixing container and stir to dissolve; dose the resultant solution to the aquarium system as required to maintain the alkalinity within a range of 7 - 12 dKH. Up to 60 g per 8-fl. oz. Of purified water may be mixed at once.
Advanced Instructions and Guidelines: Create a stock solution by dissolving 30 grams of REEF CODE B-P in 8-fl. oz. of purified fresh water; each ml of the solution will increase the alkalinity in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~1.0 dKH (0.375 meq/L). [Reference: Each g of REEF CODE B-P will increase the alkalinity in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~8.3 dKH (3 meq/L).] If initial alkalinity in the aquarium is below 7 dKH (2.5 meq/L), add stock solution at maximum rate of 10 ml per 20 US-gallons daily until desired alkalinity is attained, then dose daily or weekly as needed (see below). Maintain alkalinity within a range of +/-1 dKH. Once desired alkalinity has been acquired, measure the alkalinity at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period to determine the required rate of alkalinity depletion. To determine daily dosing rate: estimate volume of water in entire aquarium system (US-gal.); divide the daily decrease in alkalinity by 2.1 (when reading dKH); multiply this number by volume of water in system to obtain daily ml of stock solution required to maintain stable alkalinity. Maximum strength of the stock sol�n should not exceed 58.3 g RCBP per 8-fl. oz. purified water. Dose system as required to maintain desired calcium (using REEF CODE A-P) and alkalinity values. Do not mix solutions together; this will cause the active components to precipitate and become ineffective. May be mixed individually in large containers and dosed with a drip- or automated-dosing system; ensure that solutions are entering the system in different areas to prevent precipitation. If adding manually, allow at least 60 seconds to pass between dosing REEF CODE A-P and B-P solutions.