Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLM - 250ml
MicroBacter Start XLM is a professional 15x strength live tank starter nitrifying bioculture for rapidly cycling new marine fish and reef aquaria and brackish aquariums, and for recovering from overcrowding or disasters where the bacteria bed has been damaged or when adding new fish.
MicroBacter Start XLM 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in marine & brackish aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new start-ups, resulting in cycling in about 5 to 7 days in most cases. It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through non pathogenic nitrifying bacterial action. Even though this product is extremely potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times the rated dosage during aquarium upsets. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has beeninadvertently killed or under overcrowding.
Shake product vigorously immediately before using. Add the appropriate volume of MicroBacter Start XLM (see below) to the aquarium in an area of high flow to promote dispersion. Do not use "live sand" or "dry seeded artificial live rock" until cycling with this product is complete for several weeks! (In fact, Brightwell Aquatics recommends that you do not use dry seeded artificial "live rock" ever. The best choices are aquacultured live rock, rock from the ocean, naturally cycled artificial rock sold wet, unseeded dry artificial rock, dry Florida aragonite, other natural aragonite, marco rock and the like. Any rock that already contains a bacteria and is dry, will damage the cycling and in our experience takes too long to cycle and cycles the wrong nutrients - it will not properly cycle ammonia because it is the wrong species of bacteria).
To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) of MicroBacter Start XLM per 25 US-gallons (95 L) of aquarium water. Add one or more hardy fish. Remove filter socks, turn UV-sterilization and/or ozonation and/or protein skimmer off for the complete period of cycling until you are finished dosing this product. Test ammonia and nitrite levels daily or as needed, if either are above .2 ppm, then you can dose MicroBacter Start XLM again at a lower dose of 10 ml per 25 US-gallons, if desired. At 7 days or longer, Tank is cycled if, and only if, both ammonia and nitrite levels are zero and nitrate is well above zero. If either ammonia or nitrite levels are above zero, then the tank is not yet fully cycled and you should not add fish. if the nitrate is not above zero (at least .25 ppm), then tank is not yet fully cycled and you should not add fish.
To replace bacteria killed by extensive cleaning of substrates and surfaces: Add 10 to 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed, and ammonia level.
To replace bacteria killed by medications, overcrowding or emergencies: Add 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed. Then add 5 ml per half hour until ammonia levels come down.
To perform a Fishless Cycle: Purchase a bottle of MicroBacter QuikCycl to use simultaneously with this product, MicroBacter Start XLM according to the QuikCycl label. Fishless cycling requires both products to be used together. This product will provide the bacteria and the QuikCycl will provide the nutrients.
Ongoing care after the aquarium is cycled: To provide ongoing biological stability to a cycled aquarium: Switch to MicroBacterClean after tank is fully cycled and one week has elapsed. This will greatly reduce problems during the "ugly stage." At that point, you can add Reef BioFuelTM to provide a carbon source for the MicroBacterClean, if desired.