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Brightwell Aquatics Boost pH+
Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics Boost pH+ is a high range pH increaser that deals with excess CO2. It raises the pH only without altering alkalinity or calcium
pH is a measurement of the acidity of a solution, such as aquarium water. The pH of natural seawater ranges from approximately 8.2 - 8.4, however maintaining pH in the range of 8.4 - 8.5 on a daily basis has a positive effect on captive marine organism growth rate, primarily in stony corals. It also may help prevent bleaching, boost immune response and assist in coloration. To maintain a stable pH within the desired range, the alkalinity must first be maintained within a range of 7.5 - 9.5 dKH (2.7 - 3.4 meq/L). Aquaria with low circulation at the water's surface, or in which a CO2-injected calcium reactor is being employed, or which are placed in an enclosed room with human and animal inhabitants (giving off CO2 into the air), often have a depressed pH due to carbon dioxide build up.
Boost pH+ will overcome this and bring pH in the aquarium back into a higher desired range without raising alkalinity to an unacceptable level. Use as directed and do not exceed a pH value of 8.5, because pH at 8.6 or higher may be stressful and/or damaging to sensitive aquarium inhabitants. Additionally, changes to pH should be made very gradually, again to avoid stressing aquarium inhabitants. See suggestions for adjusting alkalinity below. It is not unusual for pH to fluctuate throughout the course of 24-hours between seemingly wide-ranging values (i.e. lower at night higher during the middle of the day); this is a natural occurrence that is caused by changes in the rates of photosynthesis between dark and light periods.
If pH levels are seen to be constantly below the desired level and alkalinity is within the proper range, then the addition of Boost pH+, this product, may be very helpful.
Boost pH+ Features
- Increases pH in marine and reef aquaria without affecting alkalinity or calcium level (which is an unusual ability not found in most similar products)
- May also be used to increase pH in aquaria that have chronically low pH due to excess CO2 or other chronically low pH problems
- Works with buffers and alkalinity products to increase pH to desirable 8,3, 8.4 or 8.5 levels without increasing alkalinity itself
- Assists coral growth. Higher pH allows increased growth rate in new frags and mother colonies in coral grow out facilities
Instructions for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics Boost pH+
First adjust the alkalinity to a range of 7.5 - 9.5 dKH (2.7 - 3.4 meq/L) as described above using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics' pH+ or Alkalin8.3 or Alkalin8.3-P (powder) as directed on their bottles. To raise pH further without increasing alkalinity, add 7.5 ml per of Boost pH+ (this product) per 10 US gallons in a high flow area such as a pump intake or a power head exhaust. pH will generally stabilize within 5 minutes following product use, Re-measure pH and dose again, if necessary.
Livestock should not be subjected to a change in pH of more than 0.2 per 24-hour period, so do not overdose Boost pH+. Repeat as needed to attain desired pH value. It is recommended that pH be maintained within a range of +/-0.2 at all times.