Blue and Gold Fusilier (Asia Pacific)
SKU: F-9338
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SKU: F-9338
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The Fusilier makes a shining addition to the right aquarium. Its shimmering scales are a bright tuna blue on its back and silver on its belly. An electric yellow stripe runs from above its eye through to the top lobe of its sharply forked caudal fin. Bright blue streaks highlight both above and below the yellow stripe. Jet black marks on its tail and the base of its pectoral fins make impressive contrast. When sleeping or stressed it takes on a rusty red to salmon pink color. Males and females are identical. The Blue and Gold Fusilier grows to 12 inches. Single individuals may be kept in aquariums of at least 100 gallons. It forms a tight school with its own kind and sometimes other species of Fusilier as well, and we recommend at least 150 gallons or larger for a group.
The Fusilier is technically a snapper, however in the aquarium it behaves more like an anthias. It feeds on floating plankton and proves easy to feed on any type of frozen meaty morsels such as Mysis, chopped krill, and other high quality meaty foods as well as dry pellets two to three times a day. Hardy and disease resistant, the Fusilier makes a great tank mate with other peaceful fish. They may shy away from much larger or aggressive tank mates. It has a large mouth and may consume small or slender fish such as gobies and blennies, and crustaceans, especially shrimp. Cleaner shrimp are usually left alone as long as they are added first. It may hide amongst the rockwork when newly introduced but once it settles in it will appreciate plenty of open swimming space.