Black Molly (Asia Pacific)
SKU: F-9505
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SKU: F-9505
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
The black Molly is an elegant fish that is all over velvety black. It makes a stunning contrast against a colorful background. Males have a high dorsal fin and thin anal fin while the female's anal fin is rounded. The molly grows to 3 inches and should be kept in an aquarium at least 20 gallons.
Mollies are a brackish water fish by nature, and are very adaptable to a wide variety of salt levels. Our Mollies are acclimated to full salt water conditions. They are very sociable and friendly with all other fish and invertebrates to the point of being innocent, lacking the 'street smarts' of reef fish. As such they are prone to accidentally swimming into anemones or other stinging animals. Mollies do well in groups with their own kind, with one male to every two females. The modified anal fin of the male is used in breeding, and females will give live birth to large babies which can be separated from the parents and raised easily.
Mollies are omnivorous and will eat any type of food including flakes. Plenty of marine algae and Spirulina helps to keep them healthy, combined with frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, pellets, and other high quality items. They are well known to graze on nuisance algae in the aquarium.