Black-lined Silver Hatchetfish
SKU: F-F5550
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SKU: F-F5550
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
Hatchetfish are fun little fish, loved for their unique body shape that brings something new into the home aquarium. Their peaceful disposition makes them great tank mates for the planted community tank and do even better when schooling together in groups of at least 6.
Hatchetfish are carnivores, so providing floating foods like freeze dried bloodworms/tubifex, meaty frozen food, and high-quality flake food is a must.
Silver Hatchetfish reach a maximum size of 2", and since they prefer to be in schools they are better fitted for aquariums of at least 20g. They like their temperature around 73-79oF, their pH between 6.0-7.0, and a dKH between 8-12.