Bicolor Parrotfish (Asia Pacific)
SKU: F-9571
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SKU: F-9571
This item is exempt from our free shipping policy
Friendly by nature, they are rarely aggressive except towards other parrotfish. They are very active and require plenty of open space for swimming. Their teeth are fused together and resemble the beak of a tropical bird; they are powerful animals and regularly take bites out of the reef, eating algae, rock and coral alike. Soft coral and motile invertebrates are typically safe from their ravenous appetites; however they should receive plenty of high quality food throughout the day. Marine algae and Spirulina, frozen Mysis shrimp, half shell clams, enriched brine shrimp, chopped krill and other high quality items should be offered at least three times a day. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary.
The Bi-Color parrotfish is a striking fish most commonly available in its juvenile coloration. It has a snowy white body with jet black and bright orange markings. Most notably a wide orange band covers its face and eyes, which are also orange. This band is outlined in black giving it spectacular contrast. A black eyespot on the dorsal fin is highlighted with orange, and orange dusts the caudal fin as well. As an adult it is primarily super saturated robin's egg blue with its features and scales outlined with magenta. Males and females are identical. The Bi-Color parrotfish grows to 31.5 inches and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 300 gallons.