Shrimp & Lobster
3 products
Cleaner Shrimp
Shrimp are active, entertaining and easy to keep. They shed their shells as they grow, and afterwards need to hide in the rock until their new shell hardens. Shrimp are highly excitable when food is present, and will do anything to get it. Some species may pester corals by attempting to reach food the coral has eaten. In this situation the shrimp should be provided food first. Large individuals may catch and consume smaller species.By far our most popular shrimp, this beautiful animal is bright yellow with a broad scarlet band down its back and a stark white stripe through it, giving it another name, the Skunk shrimp. Its long white whiskers communicate to fishes that it may clean them of parasites and old skin. It may not however cure an aquarium of ICH or other parasites; its main benefit is to lower the fishes stress. The Cleaner shrimp is nearly always perched on top of rocks where it can be seen. It is social and may form pairs; all specimens are hermaphrodites. It grows up to 2 inches and is easy to feed on fish food.
Peppermint Shrimp
Shrimp are active, entertaining and easy to keep. They shed their shells as they grow, and afterwards need to hide in the rock until their new shell hardens. Shrimp are highly excitable when food is present, and will do anything to get it. Some species may pester corals by attempting to reach food the coral has eaten. In this situation the shrimp should be provided food first. Large individuals may catch and consume smaller species.Ours is the true Caribbean Peppermint from our trusted Florida supplier: guaranteed to eat Aiptasia anemones. The trick is to limit the amount of fish food available to the shrimp, who may not hunt anemones on a full stomach. The shrimp also relies on its own kind for assistance in killing the stinging anemones. It may pester other, larger anemones, and occasionally corals such as zoanthids, but typically ignores all other aquarium inhabitants. It likes to rest upside down in caves in groups, often waving its body back and forth. It is not to be confused for the superficially similar Camel shrimp. The Peppermint shrimp grows up to 1.5 inches.
Sexy Shrimp
Shrimp are active, entertaining and easy to keep. They shed their shells as they grow, and afterwards need to hide in the rock until their new shell hardens. Shrimp are highly excitable when food is present, and will do anything to get it. Some species may pester corals by attempting to reach food the coral has eaten. In this situation the shrimp should be provided food first. Large individuals may catch and consume smaller species.The tiny Sexy shrimp is also known as the Dancing Anemone shrimp and grows to only 3/4 inches. It holds its colorful tail up high an waves it around making an entertaining display. It is quite social with its own kind and is very peaceful with all other animals and corals. It may spend time within the tentacles of corals and anemones. It is easy to feed on fish food.