Our core values of quality and integrity are rooted in our history and drive us forward. Our humble beginning started in 1956 when the Goldman and Rosen family opened the first of pet shop in Brooklyn, NY. The shops became neighborhood staples for pet parents and animal lovers of all ages. The shops gave the family firsthand knowledge of what the customer wanted and what pets needed. This understanding sparked the creativity and ingenuity of the Goldman brothers to begin developing and producing new and innovative products in the back room of the shop.
Molds were created by hand and a simple oven and vacuum cleaner were used to create vacuumed formed plastic. Industry staples such as a 3-D aquarium background, a unique aquarium filter, underwater rivers, cat pans and dog bowls were a few of the inventions created and refined here. Customers responded positively and demand increased - garnering attention from other pet stores and distributors in the industry.
By the 1960’s product concepts and development lead to large scale manufacturing on Pennsylvania Avenue, and Penn-Plax was born. Starting as Pennsylvania Plastics, the now called Penn-Plax branded itself as a leader in the industry for quality and creative products in all categories.
The passion for pets and business ran strong in the Goldman family and now three generations later, our vision today remains as it once was; to enhance the experience for both the hobbyist and novice pet owner with innovative products that keep customers engaged and coming back for more.