Other Fish

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  • Stripey Stripey


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  • Ultra Colored Anglerfish (Asia Pacific) Ultra Colored Anglerfish (Asia Pacific)

    Ultra Colored Anglerfish (Asia Pacific)

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    The Angler, or Frogfish, is a fascinating ambush predator which makes an incredible pet and conversation piece. Their stout bodies come in a wide range of colors and textures. They may be rather smooth or bumpy textured. Ultra colors may be stark white with bright red or orange markings, intense yellow, or other impressive coloration. Most Anglers grow to only 4 inches with some larger species rarely exceeding 8 inches. Because of their low activity level any of them may be kept in aquariums of 20-30 gallons in size.Anglers spend most of their time perched atop the rockwork surveying their surroundings and watching for a potential meal to pass by. Anything that swims or crawls may be considered edible- shrimp, crabs, and other fish, even those larger than itself may be eaten. For this reason the Angler should only be kept with snails and sessile invertebrates such as corals, sponges, tunicates and macroalgae.If hungry an anglerfish will extend its fishing lure from the top of its head and dangle it in front of its mouth. When prey comes close to investigate it is instantly sucked into the vacuum of the Angler's mouth. Many specimens become so tame that they extend their lure when they catch sight of their owner. They rarely swim, usually preferring to literally walk using their fins as feet, or sometimes gulping water and jetting it out the gills to propel themselves. We don't recommend lifting the Angler out of the water as it may occasionally gulp air and have trouble expelling it.They are carnivores and should be fed at least once every two or three days a high quality diet of krill, silversides and chopped seafood. They are heavy feeders and thus strong filtration is necessary. Live food may initially be necessary, and the fish trained to eat off a feeding stick.

    In Stock

    $229.95 - $499.45


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