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33 products
Albino Cardinal Tetra
Albino Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Albino Cardinal Tetra Specifics Albino Cardinal Tetras are a peaceful fish that grow to a size of 2 inches. They prefer water temperatures between 73-81oF, a pH between 5.5-7.5, and a dKH between 2-6.
Altum Peruvian Angelfish
Altum Peruvian Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Freshwater Angels come in a variety of different colours and patterns, with long wispy fins that flow elegantly behind them. Though considered semi-aggressive, this behavior is only exhibited from breeding pairs who wish to protect their territory. They do like to live amongst other angels so long as they are provided with enough space. They are peaceful toward other community fish. Angels can grow to a size of 6 inches from the tip of their nose to the end length of their tail. They are not the most active fish and like to hover around in open spaces of the tank, so they require a tank of at least 30 gallons, more for a large school. Angels need to be fed a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and vegetables in the form of high-quality flake or pellet food. Altum Peruvian Angelfish Specifics The Altum Peruvian Angelfish are considered semi-aggressive fish that grow to a size of 6 inches. They like their temperatures between 75-82oF, pH between 6.0-7.5, and dKH between1-5.
$14.95 - $37.95
Black Spot Angel Pair- Australia
The black spot swallowtail angel has a beautiful pearly white body with a yellow back and high-contrast pitch black accents. The female's tail has a thick V shaped outline, and the face is dusted with a baby blue color. The male's face and body has many black vertical stripes all the way to the tail.The black spot swallowtail angel can grow to be approximately 9 inches long and needs an aquarium of at least 125 gallons. Angelfish of the genus Genicanthus are collectively known as swallowtail angelfish. In the wild, they typically live in small groups or harems of one male and several females. In the aquarium they are usually kept singly or in pairs; two males may fight each other. They are typically peaceful with all other fish. As they can be collected from deep water, they may suffer from swim-bladder damage; dim lighting will help with initial acclimation. Swallowtail angelfish are planktivores, meaning their diet consists of small floating food items such as shrimp. Sessile invertebrates such as corals are not their natural food item, so they can safely be kept in any sort of reef aquarium. They feel most secure when there is plenty of live rock to hide in, as well as open space for swimming. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as Mysis shrimp and chopped krill, and also marine algae and Spirulina. It should be fed 2-3 times a day.
Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami
Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Macropodus opercularis Paradise Gourami are one of the first fish kept in the freshwater hobby. They are loved for their striking beauty and size, only growing between 3-4”, making them perfect for smaller aquariums. As with a few others in the family, Paradise Gourami’s tend to be more aggressive fish, with the male often watching over his territory. Though they are not as aggressive as Betta fish, some thought should be put into tank mates, making sure there are no other gourami’s or betta’s to start a scuffle. Since they only grow to a size between 3-4”, the minimum tank size recommend for one adult male is 20g, and if you were planning on buying a male and a female, we recommend having at least 29g available for them.These fish are omnivores with a preference for meaty foods, but will readily accept flake and pellet foods. Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Specifics • Fire and Ice Paradise Gourami’s accept a wide range of water parameters in the home aquarium, making them relatively easy to please. They will like temperatures anywhere between 50-82oF, though they tend to like room temperature water the best. They prefer pH between 6.0-8.0 with some leeway on either end of the spectrum
$4.95 - $13.95
Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile
Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile Pelvicachromis pulcher Kribensis Cichlids are a dwarf cichlid, making them an excellent choice to add into your peaceful community tank. While they are a fairly peaceful fish, it is recommended not to have very slow docile fish, such as angels, because Kribensis may nip fins.They are predominantly cave dwelling, so providing them with plenty of hiding spots in the tank will make them feel secure. They tend to stick around the bottom of the tank, so be sure not to add too many bottom dwelling fish that may encroach upon the Kribensis’ cave. Kribensis are omnivores, so they will eat most of what is offered to them, whether that is flake or pellets, or frozen brine shrimp. Be sure to add sinking pellets, as they tend to stay near the bottom of the aquarium. Kribensis Cichlid Specifics Kribensis cichlids will grow to 3” for females and 4” for males, so a tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended. They prefer their water temperature between 75-77oF, pH between 6.5-7.0, and a dKH between 8-10.Juveniles are sold unsexed.
Leopard Corydora
Leopard Corydora Corydoras julii Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Leopard Cory Cat Specifics Leopard Corydoras are social and schooling, so keeping them in a group of at least 5-6 is best. They prefer their water temperature to be between 73-79oF, pH between 6.0-8.0, and dKH between 2-25
Lobophyllia - Gold/Green - C70
Lobophyllia - Gold/Green - C70
Marble Angelfish
Marble Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Freshwater Angels come in a variety of different colours and patterns, with long wispy fins that flow elegantly behind them. Though considered semi-aggressive, this behavior is only exhibited from breeding pairs who wish to protect their territory. They do like to live amongst other angels so long as they are provided with enough space. They are peaceful toward other community fish. Angels can grow to a size of 6 inches from the tip of their nose to the end length of their tail. They are not the most active fish and like to hover around in open spaces of the tank, so they require a tank of at least 30 gallons, more for a large school. Angels need to be fed a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and vegetables in the form of high- quality flake or pellet food. Marble Angelfish Specifics The Marble Angelfish are considered semi-aggressive fish that grow to a size of 6". They like their temperatures between 75-82oF, pH between 5.8-8.0, and dKH between1-5.
$12.95 - $34.95
Mystery Snail - Black
Mystery Snail - Black Pomacea sp. Mystery snails are one of the many popular snails in the freshwater hobby. They are favored for their shells, which range between a plethora of different colours and patterns. Mystery snails have a long siphon that they use to extend out into the open air so they can breathe – and often, the siphons are longer than the snail themselves! Since they require open air to breathe, it is recommended to have a few inches of space available above the waterline so they may go up when needed. Mystery snails are more active at night where they scour the bottom substrate for food. They will eat a variety of foods, such as algae, plant matter, vegetables, flake food, and frozen food. They like their water temperature to be between 68-84°F, a pH between 7.8-8.4, and Dkh between 12-18.
Rainbow Shark
Rainbow Shark Epalzeorhynchos frenatus Rainbow Sharks are a fun addition to the right home aquarium. Keep in mind, that while they only grow to a size of 6", they can be rather territorial, so it is best to give thought to their new home and tank mates. They like tanks that have caves, rock work, and live plants to claim as their own. They are not overly fond of visitors in their territory and will chase them away if they get too close. They are best when they are the only Rainbow Shark / Red Tail Shark in the tank, as the more dominant one may put up with the other for a little bit but will eventually chase the other until they succumb to stress. They occupy the lower to middle space in the tank, so bottom dwelling peaceful fish like Corydoras are best avoided. Rainbow Sharks are primarily herbivores and should be provided algae wafers and pellets. Though they are not terribly picky and may eat frozen meaty foods as well. Since Rainbow Sharks grow to a size of 6", a 55g aquarium is ideal for their long-term home. Their water temperature should be kept between 75-80oF and their pH between 6.5-7.5.
$5.45 - $13.95
Red Phantom Tetra
Red Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Red Phantom Tetra Specifics Red Phantom Tetra's are a peaceful schooling fish that grow to a size of 1-1/2", so in a school of at least 6 or more, they would like a tank size of at least 15g. They prefer their water temperature to be between 70-82oF, their pH between 6.0-7.5, and hardness between 15-20.
Sterba's Corydora
Sterba's Corydora Corydoras sterbai Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Sterba's Cory Cat Specifics Sterbai Corydoras are a social schooling fish that grow only to 2-1/2". They prefer a temperature between 70-77oF, a pH between 6-8, and a dKH between 2-25
Tropica Anubias barteri (Glabra) Potted Plant
Tropica Anubias barteri (Glabra) Potted Plant Anubias barteri var. glabra from West Africa is a beautiful plant with long, narrow leaves. 10-20 cm tall with a rhizome, from which the leaves develop, that grows 10-15 cm or larger. Very easy to grow since it thrives in almost any conditions, although high light intensity should be avoided. Place it instead in shady positions under larger plants. If planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome, it tends to rot. It is not eaten by herbivorous fish. Anubias barteri var. glabra used to be sold as Anubias afzelii, but the latter is actually a much larger species. Anubias barteri var. glabra Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Origin: Africa Height: 10-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Anubias barteri (Kirin) Potted Plant
Tropica Anubias barteri (Kirin) Potted Plant Anubias barteri 'Kirin' is a captivating aquatic cultivar inspired by an Asian dragon. Its ovate dark green leaves with strongly wavy edges, measuring 3-4 cm, set it apart from other Anubias species. This slow-growing plant thrives in low-light conditions and is best attached to wood or rock in the aquarium. Avoid covering the rhizome to prevent rot and ensure its survival. Experience the magic of Anubias barteri 'Kirin' as it adds a touch of enchantment to your aquascape. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Kirin' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Origin: Cultivar Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Anubias berteri caladifolia Potted Plant
Tropica Anubias berteri caladifolia Potted Plant The Indian Pogostemon deccanensis forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 15-40 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide. Pogostemon erectus is suitable as a background plant and creates a wonderful focal point in both smaller and larger groups. Intense light helps the plant to stay compact for a longer period. Moderate growth and vigorous roots. Plants will need frequent pruning, and cut off shoots will easily start growing when planted. Previously known as Pogostemon erectus Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Height: 10-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Type: Rhizomatous IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Bolbitis heudelotii Potted Plant
Tropica Bolbitis heudelotii Potted Plant Bolbitis comes from West Africa, a fern with beautiful, transparent green leaves, 15-40 cm tall and wide. When planting, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot, and it is best to plant Bolbitis heudelotii on a root or stone. Keep the plant in position with fishing line until it has gained a hold. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. Supply of CO2 will considerably enhance the growth, which is only optimal in soft, slightly acidic water. Bolbitis heudelotii Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Rhizomatous Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Cardamine lyrata Potted Plant
Tropica Cardamine lyrata Potted Plant Cardamine lyrata is actually a marsh plant from Japan. But it is also a familiar aquarium plant which thrives under water with 20-50 cm long stems. A characteristic trailing growth form makes it highly decorative, and �aerial� roots often form on the plant itself. Plant it in groups, and make sure the water temperature does not exceed 28 degrees C (this makes the leaves much smaller and the plant more leggy). Also suitable in garden ponds in the summer. Cardamine lyrata Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Cryptocoryne x willisii Potted Plant
Tropica Cryptocoryne x willisii Potted Plant This Cryptocoryne from Sri Lanka used (mistakenly) to be called Cryptocoryne nevillii, but this is the name of a species that has never been used in aquariums. Like many other Cryptocorynes, not much happens the first month after planting. But then it starts to grow, and willingly produces plenty of runners which form a compact group. The plant becomes 7-20 cm tall, and each roset 7-15 cm wide. Cryptocoryne x willisii Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Origin: Asia Height: 10-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Cyperus helferi Potted Plant
Tropica Cyperus helferi Potted Plant Cyperus-species are widespread all over the tropics, but only a few of them are good underwater plants. Cyperus helferi from Thailand is the first Cyperus-species used in aquariums, 20-35 cm tall and a roset from 15-25 cm wide. It requires a relatively large amount of light, and CO2 addition is recommended to promote growth. In aquariums with good water flow the plant sways beautifully in the current. Cyperus helferi Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Rosulate Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Hygrophila pinnatifida Potted Plant
Tropica Hygrophila pinnatifida Potted Plant Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy colour underneath. It forms multiple horizontal shoots if the top shoots are pinched. This will maintain compact and attractive growth. The horizontal side shoots easily attach to both wood and rocks. Growth is moderate, stems 15-40 cm tall and 10-20 cm wide, and the colour is attractive when planted in small groups with a plain background. Intense lighting ensures compact growth due to the plant's slow to medium growth rate. Hygrophila pinnatifida Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Hygrophila polysperma (Rosanervig) Potted Plant
Tropica Hygrophila Rosanervig Potted Plant Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' is normally an undemanding plant. It may suddenly develop shoots that are entirely green. Remove these to keep the distinctive pink, marbled leaves. If you want deep-pink leaves, you must provide intensive light. Stems becomes 20-40 cm tall and 5-8 cm wide. The distinctive colouring of the pale leaf ribs is probably caused by a virus which prevents chlorophyll from being produced in the cells around the leaf ribs, making them white. However, this virus does not affect other plants in the aquarium. Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium Height: 25-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Hygrophila polysperma Potted Plant
Tropica Hygrophila polysperma Potted Plant Hygrophila polysperma from South-East Asia is one of the hardiest aquarium plants available. Stems becomes 25-40 cm and 4-8 cm wide. It is particularly good for beginners because it grows in almost all conditions. It normally grows so fast that it is important to prevent it crowding out other plants. The shoots must be pinched out regularly. Leaves lying on the surface form small new plants. Hygrophila polysperma varies considerably in leaf shape and colour, depending to some extent on the light supplied. Hygrophila polysperma Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Lilaeopsis brasiliensis Potted Plant
Tropica Bucephalandra (Kedagang) Potted Plant Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity. When planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx. 1/8 pot) should be placed a few centimetres apart to help the plants grow together more quickly. Place in an open position without shading from other plants to ensure good light. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can be used in garden ponds, and also tolerates low salt concentrations in brackish aquariums. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stolon Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Limnophila hippuridoides Potted Plant
Tropica Limnophila hippuridoides Potted Plant Limnophila hippuridoides is originally from Asia and the stalks grow to be 20-50 cm high and 6-10 cm wide - often with beautiful outwards crooked shoot tips. A simple plant, able to adjust to various conditions. The leaves are green with a red-violet underside, and the whole leaf turns red-violet under ideal growth conditions. A vigorously growing plant that willingly creates new, solid shoots from the base. Thinning of the oldest and longest shoots is recommended, in order to make room for such new shoots. Replant the cut-offs, they will soon grow new roots. If either stem or leaves are damaged, a strong scent is emitted. Limnophila hippuridoides Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Lindernia rotundifolia Potted Plant
Tropica Lindernia rotundifolia Potted Plant Lindernia rotundifolia 'Variegated' grows on sandy banks along streams in Asia. This marbled variant may grow new shoots with entirely green leaves. Cut these shoots off to maintain the marbled aspect. The plant is undemanding and quickly forms compact groups and may require some pruning. Lindernia rotundifolia is suitable both for background and as a solitary mid-ground plant with leaves growing tightly from top to bottom. A good starter plant that thrives under most conditions. Lindernia rotundifolia Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 5-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Lobelia cardinalis Potted Plant
Tropica Lobelia cardinalis Potted Plant Lobelia cardinalis grows wild in Northern America. In the nursery this plant is cultivated in marshy conditions, forming dark-green leaves which are purple underneath. In aquariums the leaves turn a beautiful shade of light-green, with stems 10-30 cm tall and 5-10 cm wide. Widely used in Dutch aquariums in so-called "plant streets''. In open aquariums it grows above the water surface, where it forms very beautiful scarlet flowers and the leaves regain their colour. Can be used in garden ponds. Lobelia cardinalis Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: North America Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Micranthemum glomeratum Potted Plant
Tropica Micranthemum glomeratum Potted Plant Micranthemum glomeratum from North America is a graceful plant whose small, arched leaves make it look like a miniature version of Egeria. It has a characteristic trailing growth in intensive light, so it can be used as a foreground plant (stems from 10-20 cm tall, 2-3 cm wide). A compact group of Micranthemum glomeratum is very beautiful with its small, light-green leaves. In terrariums the plant forms a compact cushion. Used to be called Hemianthus micranthemoide. Micranthemum glomeratum Plant Information Expert Level: Advanced Type: Carpeting Origin: North America Height: 5-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Micranthemum tweediei (Monte Carlo) Potted Plant
Tropica Micranthemum tweediei (Monte Carlo) Potted Plant Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' originates from Argentina. It has compact, round and fresh light green leaves on creeping stalks and creates a fast-growing carpet in the front of the aquarium. The plant can grow in light shadow, but requires good light conditions, as well as CO2 additive, in order to develop optimally and become really compact. Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Carpeting Origin: South America Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Pogostemon deccanensis Potted Plant
Tropica Pogostemon deccanensis Potted Plant The Indian Pogostemon deccanensis forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 15-40 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide. Pogostemon erectus is suitable as a background plant and creates a wonderful focal point in both smaller and larger groups. Intense light helps the plant to stay compact for a longer period. Moderate growth and vigorous roots. Plants will need frequent pruning, and cut off shoots will easily start growing when planted. Previously known as Pogostemon erectus Pogostemon deccanensis' Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Sagittaria subulata Potted Plant
Tropica Sagittaria subulata Potted Plant Sagittaria subulata from South America is an ideal, undemanding foreground plant whose short runners form a compact group. Place individual plants 2-4 cm apart. This plant may cause problems because in certain conditions it suddenly grows to a height of 50 cm when it grows older. But if it is then moved into the background it may become low again. In the aquarium, it sometimes sends a long flower stem to the surface, and small white flowers unfold just above the water surface. Sagittaria subulata Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stolon Origin: South America Height: 5-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium – The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.