Major Elements Seachem

18 products


  • Buy SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 2.2 KG at SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 2.2 KG

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 2.2 KG

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    Reef Advantage Magnesium is a concentrated (80,000 ppm) optimized blend of magnesium, chloride, and sulfate salts designed to restore depleted levels of magnesium with minimal impact to the ionic ratios found in natural sea water.Reef Advantage Magnesium contains no ammonia! This is a common contaminant in every liquid magnesium supplement on the market.Severely depleted levels of magnesium (below 800 mg/L) can cause depressed pH levels and an inability to maintain proper calcium levels. Magnesium depletion is commonly associated with the use of kalkwasser.600 g treats 10,000 L (2,500 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 1.2 KG at SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 1.2 KG

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 1.2 KG

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    Reef Advantage Magnesium is a concentrated (80,000 ppm) optimized blend of magnesium, chloride, and sulfate salts designed to restore depleted levels of magnesium with minimal impact to the ionic ratios found in natural sea water.Reef Advantage Magnesium contains no ammonia! This is a common contaminant in every liquid magnesium supplement on the market.Severely depleted levels of magnesium (below 800 mg/L) can cause depressed pH levels and an inability to maintain proper calcium levels. Magnesium depletion is commonly associated with the use of kalkwasser.600 g treats 10,000 L (2,500 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Buffer - 500 Gram at SeaChem Reef Buffer - 500 Gram

    SeaChem Reef Buffer - 500 Gram

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    Reef Buffer; is intended primarily for use in a reef system where the maintenance of a pH of 8.3 is often difficult.When used as directed Reef Buffer; will raise the pH of your reef system to 8.3 without fear of accidentally overshooting the pH to a dangerous level.Reef Buffer; will also raise carbonate alkalinity. Reef Buffer; is a blended product and is not just sodium carbonate.Reef Builder should be used to raise alkalinity when pH is not a problem.500 g treats 16,000 L (4,000 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Calcium - 500ml at SeaChem Reef Calcium - 500ml

    SeaChem Reef Calcium - 500ml

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    Reef Calcium is a concentrated (50,000 mg/L) bioavailable polygluconate complexed calcium intended to maintain calcium in the reef aquarium without altering pH (formulated at pH 8.2).Polygluconate complexation confers several benefits: it increases the bioavailability of the calcium, it provides a rich source of metabolic energy to help maintain peak coral growth, and it inhibits calcium precipitation/alkalinity depletion. One side benefit includes enhancement of denitrification.Polygluconate contains no nitrogen or phosphorous, thus it is biologically impossible for it to lead to algae growth in a properly maintained reef system.Reef Calcium may be used alone to maintain calcium but will provide enhanced levels of coral growth when used in conjunction with an ionic calcium supplement (Reef Complete, Reef Advantage Calcium, Reef Kalkwasser).Reef Calcium is intended to maintain calcium levels; if calcium becomes seriously depleted one should either perform a water change or use an ionic calcium supplement to restore the depleted level of calcium.Each 100 mL treats up to 1,600 L (400 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 1 KG at SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 1 KG

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 1 KG

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    Reef Advantage Calcium is equivalent to dry Reef Complete. It is a non-caustic (pH 8.3-8.6) optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium levels found in natural seawater.Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. Reef Advantage Calcium also includes magnesium and strontium in amounts proportionate to typical utilization ratios (100:5:0.1, Ca:Mg:Sr). This allows one to maintain these two important elements while maintaining calcium.Unlike limewater (kalkwasser), Reef Advantage Calcium does not have a caustic pH and will not deplete magnesium. Used as directed, it will not deplete alkalinity.A 500 g bottle treats 16,000 L (4,000 gallons).

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  • Seachem Laboratories Seachem SeaChem Reef Carbonate - 500ml

    SeaChem Reef Carbonate - 500ml

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    Reef Carbonate is a concentrated (4,000 meq/L) optimized blend of carbonate and bicarbonate salts designed to restore and maintain alkalinity in the reef aquarium.Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. To prevent this you must provide carbonates (Reef Carbonate) and calcium (Reef Advantage Calcium or Reef Complete).When used as directed, Reef Carbonate will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity. Reef alkalinity should be maintained at 3-5 meq/L (8-14 dKH). Alkalinity should not be allowed to fall below 2 meq/L.Whereas competing products simply use sodium bicarbonate, Reef Carbonate is made with a blend of carbonate and bicarbonate salts. This blend of salts results in Reef Carbonate yielding a pK of roughly 9.0 in saltwater (higher than competing products). In a closed reef system, the multitude of organics produced by reef inhabitants tends to force pH downward, but the advantage of Reef Carbonate's higher pK is a stabilization of pH around 8.3-8.4.Competing products' formulations make them incapable of such a claim, so pH will always fall below desirable levels for a reef aquarium.Reef Carbonate Directions

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Builder - 1.2 KG at SeaChem Reef Builder - 1.2 KG

    SeaChem Reef Builder - 1.2 KG

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    Reef Builder raises carbonate alkalinity without immediately impacting on pH. With long term use there will be a tendency to stabilize at pH 8.3.Carbonates and calcium are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health.Used as directed, Reef Builder will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity.Reef Builder and Reef Buffer may be used together.Use Reef Builder to raise carbonate alkalinity without affecting pH. Use Reef Buffer to raise carbonate alkalinity and pH.500 g treats 32,000 L (8,000 gallons).

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  • SeaChem Reef Carbonate - 2 Litre SeaChem Reef Carbonate - 2 Litre

    SeaChem Reef Carbonate - 2 Litre

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    Reef Carbonate is a concentrated (4,000 meq/L) optimized blend of carbonate and bicarbonate salts designed to restore and maintain alkalinity in the reef aquarium.Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. To prevent this you must provide carbonates (Reef Carbonate) and calcium (Reef Advantage Calcium or Reef Complete).When used as directed, Reef Carbonate will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity. Reef alkalinity should be maintained at 3-5 meq/L (8-14 dKH). Alkalinity should not be allowed to fall below 2 meq/L.Whereas competing products simply use sodium bicarbonate, Reef Carbonate is made with a blend of carbonate and bicarbonate salts. This blend of salts results in Reef Carbonate yielding a pK of roughly 9.0 in saltwater (higher than competing products). In a closed reef system, the multitude of organics produced by reef inhabitants tends to force pH downward, but the advantage of Reef Carbonate's higher pK is a stabilization of pH around 8.3-8.4.Competing products' formulations make them incapable of such a claim, so pH will always fall below desirable levels for a reef aquarium.Reef Carbonate Directions

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  • Buy SeaChem Liquid Marine Buffer - 500 ml at SeaChem Liquid Marine Buffer - 500 ml

    SeaChem Liquid Marine Buffer - 500 ml

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    Liquid Marine Buffer will safely raise marine pH to 8.3. It will not raise pH above 8.3 even if inadvertently overdosed.Liquid Marine Buffer is a blended product and is not just sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate, commonly sold as a substitute. Such products can raise pH to dangerous levels if not used properly. Liquid Marine Buffer contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and potassium salts of carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, and borate.Liquid Marine Buffer shares the same blend as Marine Buffer powder; thus, it confers the same benefits. It is a blended buffer that drives and holds your pH at 8.3 because of the blend. The pK of Liquid Marine Buffer is actually slightly higher than 8.3 in order to combat the influx of bicarbonate at every water change.Directions:Use 1 capful (5 ml) for every 20 L (5 gallons) daily until pH stabilizes at 8.3. (Note: The 2 & 4 L containerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cap is 10 mL). This may take from a day to a week depending on original pH, alkalinity and buffer system balance. Thereafter, use as needed to maintain pH.

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Builder - 600 Gram at SeaChem Reef Builder - 600 Gram

    SeaChem Reef Builder - 600 Gram

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    Reef Builder raises carbonate alkalinity without immediately impacting on pH. With long term use there will be a tendency to stabilize at pH 8.3.Carbonates and calcium are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health.Used as directed, Reef Builder will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity.Reef Builder and Reef Buffer may be used together.Use Reef Builder to raise carbonate alkalinity without affecting pH. Use Reef Buffer to raise carbonate alkalinity and pH.500 g treats 32,000 L (8,000 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Marine Buffer - 500 Gram at SeaChem Marine Buffer - 500 Gram

    SeaChem Marine Buffer - 500 Gram

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    Marine Buffer is the original and still unique buffer with a pK of 8.3, designed to adjust pH to 8.3 and maintain both pH and alkalinity(KH).It is formulated not to disrupt the natural ionic balance of marine water with prolonged use. Marine Buffer contains a natural balance of sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium salts of carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate, formulated for enhanced and lasting buffer capacity at pH 8.3 without sacrificing calcium.It dissolves readily and does not obscure water clarity. The original Marine Buffer remains clearly superior in both composition and performance and is the choice of discriminating aquarists.A 250 g bottle treat 800-1600 gallons.Marine use only.

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  • SeaChem Reef Iodide - 500 mL SeaChem Reef Iodide features and instructions

    SeaChem Reef Iodide - 500 mL

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    Seachem Reef Iodide - 500ml Iodide is an important element required by invertebrates and many soft corals (gorgonians, sarcophytons, etc). Reef Iodide is a concentrated (8,000 mg/L) stabilized potassium iodide source for reef aquaria that will restore and maintain iodide levels to those found in natural sea water. It is formulated to provide a safe source of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions. Iodine is as toxic as chlorine and should never be used in a reef system. However, iodide is as safe as chloride.Most iodine supplements on the market are simply potassium iodide or a medicinal disinfectant commonly known as Lugol's Solution. Lugol's is a highly concentrated iodine/iodide solution that is highly toxic and intended for disinfection. Although such products are sold for use in reef aquaria, we believe the risks vastly outweigh the potential minor benefits. Reef Iodide is formulated to provide a safe source of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions. Potassium iodide only products are a safer alternative but not very effective alone owing to the unstable nature of iodide in the aquarium environment. When added to an aquarium environment, iodide becomes unstable converting to elemental iodine (which is biocidal), iodate (which is useless to corals, toxic at elevated levels, and can't be tested for), and iodide which is the only form of iodine available to corals for uptake. These products' inherent instability makes them potentially dangerous to coral health. Unlike competing products, Reef Iodide is complexed to a stabilizing compound in order to keep it in the iodide form when added to the aquarium. All of the product remains usable and fully bio-available. Seachem Reef Iodide Features Stabilized potassium iodide source Safe and easy to use Important for soft tissue growth Dosing Seachem Reef Iodide Beginner Add 5 mL (1 capful) for each 200 L (US 50 gallons) every other day.Advanced Add 1 mL for each 80 L (20 US gallons) daily to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L. If necessary, adjust amount so that iodide reads 0.06-0.08 mg/L 6-12 hours after the last amount. Thereafter, use this amount daily and check iodide twice a month.ExpertAfter determining the iodide consumption rate, set up a continuous drip system. Use the following formula (or skip the math and use our Dosage Calculator) to determine how much to add to your top-off water: m=0.125vi (m=mL of product to add to top off water, v=volume of tank in liters, i=amount to raise iodide in mg/L). For example, if you want to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L in a 200 liter tank, then you would add 0.125x200x0.10=2.5 mL into the top-off water. [For reference: 1 gallon=3.8 L].

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  • Seachem Laboratories Seachem SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 500 Gram

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 500 Gram

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    Reef Advantage Calcium is equivalent to dry Reef Complete. It is a non-caustic (pH 8.3-8.6) optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium levels found in natural seawater.Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. Reef Advantage Calcium also includes magnesium and strontium in amounts proportionate to typical utilization ratios (100:5:0.1, Ca:Mg:Sr). This allows one to maintain these two important elements while maintaining calcium.Unlike limewater (kalkwasser), Reef Advantage Calcium does not have a caustic pH and will not deplete magnesium. Used as directed, it will not deplete alkalinity.A 500 g bottle treats 16,000 L (4,000 gallons).

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  • SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 600 Gram SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 600 Gram

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium - 600 Gram

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    Reef Advantage Magnesium is a concentrated (80,000 ppm) optimized blend of magnesium, chloride, and sulfate salts designed to restore depleted levels of magnesium with minimal impact to the ionic ratios found in natural sea water.Reef Advantage Magnesium contains no ammonia! This is a common contaminant in every liquid magnesium supplement on the market.Severely depleted levels of magnesium (below 800 mg/L) can cause depressed pH levels and an inability to maintain proper calcium levels. Magnesium depletion is commonly associated with the use of kalkwasser.600 g treats 10,000 L (2,500 gallons).

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  • Buy SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 4 KG at SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 4 KG

    SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium - 4 KG

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    Reef Advantage Calcium is equivalent to dry Reef Complete. It is a non-caustic (pH 8.3-8.6) optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium levels found in natural seawater.Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. Reef Advantage Calcium also includes magnesium and strontium in amounts proportionate to typical utilization ratios (100:5:0.1, Ca:Mg:Sr). This allows one to maintain these two important elements while maintaining calcium.Unlike limewater (kalkwasser), Reef Advantage Calcium does not have a caustic pH and will not deplete magnesium. Used as directed, it will not deplete alkalinity.A 500 g bottle treats 16,000 L (4,000 gallons).

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  • SeaChem Reef Calcium - 2 Litre SeaChem Reef Calcium - 2 Litre

    SeaChem Reef Calcium - 2 Litre

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    Reef Calcium is a concentrated (50,000 mg/L) bioavailable polygluconate complexed calcium intended to maintain calcium in the reef aquarium without altering pH (formulated at pH 8.2).Polygluconate complexation confers several benefits: it increases the bioavailability of the calcium, it provides a rich source of metabolic energy to help maintain peak coral growth, and it inhibits calcium precipitation/alkalinity depletion. One side benefit includes enhancement of denitrification.Polygluconate contains no nitrogen or phosphorous, thus it is biologically impossible for it to lead to algae growth in a properly maintained reef system.Reef Calcium may be used alone to maintain calcium but will provide enhanced levels of coral growth when used in conjunction with an ionic calcium supplement (Reef Complete, Reef Advantage Calcium, Reef Kalkwasser).Reef Calcium is intended to maintain calcium levels; if calcium becomes seriously depleted one should either perform a water change or use an ionic calcium supplement to restore the depleted level of calcium.Each 100 mL treats up to 1,600 L (400 gallons).

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  • Seachem Laboratories Seachem SeaChem Marine Buffer - 4 KG

    SeaChem Marine Buffer - 4 KG

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    Marine Buffer is the original and still unique buffer with a pK of 8.3, designed to adjust pH to 8.3 and maintain both pH and alkalinity(KH).It is formulated not to disrupt the natural ionic balance of marine water with prolonged use. Marine Buffer contains a natural balance of sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium salts of carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate, formulated for enhanced and lasting buffer capacity at pH 8.3 without sacrificing calcium.It dissolves readily and does not obscure water clarity. The original Marine Buffer remains clearly superior in both composition and performance and is the choice of discriminating aquarists.A 250 g bottle treat 800-1600 gallons.Marine use only.

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  • Special Order Buy SeaChem Reef Builder - 4 KG at SeaChem Reef Builder - 4 KG

    SeaChem Reef Builder - 4 KG

    Reef Builder raises carbonate alkalinity without immediately impacting on pH. With long term use there will be a tendency to stabilize at pH 8.3.Carbonates and calcium are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health.Used as directed, Reef Builder will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity.Reef Builder and Reef Buffer may be used together.Use Reef Builder to raise carbonate alkalinity without affecting pH. Use Reef Buffer to raise carbonate alkalinity and pH.500 g treats 32,000 L (8,000 gallons).



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