Freshwater Snails

2 products


  • new-label Freshwater Mystery Snail - Black

    Mystery Snail - Black

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    Mystery Snail - Black Pomacea sp. Mystery snails are one of the many popular snails in the freshwater hobby. They are favored for their shells, which range between a plethora of different colours and patterns. Mystery snails have a long siphon that they use to extend out into the open air so they can breathe – and often, the siphons are longer than the snail themselves! Since they require open air to breathe, it is recommended to have a few inches of space available above the waterline so they may go up when needed. Mystery snails are more active at night where they scour the bottom substrate for food. They will eat a variety of foods, such as algae, plant matter, vegetables, flake food, and frozen food. They like their water temperature to be between 68-84°F, a pH between 7.8-8.4, and Dkh between 12-18.

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  • Freshwater Zebra Snail

    Zebra Snail

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    Zebra Snail Neritina zebra Zebra Nerite Snails are one of the most popular and trusted snails for the home aquarium. While adored for their brilliant shell markings, these snails are also amazing additions to a clean up crew. Unlike most snails, they require saltier (brackish) water to reproduce, so they will not begin to overpopulate your tank as with many other species. These snails like a temperature between 65-85oF, pH between 6.5-8.5, and their dKH between 12-18.Zebra Snails are one of the top choices for algae eating within the peaceful home aquarium. Not only are they beautiful, but quite hardy as well.

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