Tropica Juncus repens 1-2-3 Grow Plant Juncus repens originates from swampy areas of south-east North America. This grasslike plant is rather undemanding in cultivation. Under unhindered light and with a good dose of micronutrients, this plant assumes a reddish-brown hue.Under moderate light, it has a pleasant green colour. Its moderate but constant growth makes Juncus repens an easy-to-handle plant, even though it is a little susceptible for green spot algae. It can be propagated by cuttings like stem plants. Juncus repens Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium- The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam' 1-2-3 Grow Plant In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care in the aquarium. Bucephalandra 'Bukit Kalem' is an easy, slow-growing plant that prefers lower light levels. A nice, dense appearance is ensured by the willingness to branch, even without trimming. The green leaves are 2 cm wide and 5 cm long with wavy edges. Tiny white spots will appear on immerse leaves. The creeping stem, rhizome, must not be covered when planting. This will cause the plant to rot and die. Bucephalandra pygmaea Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow-Compared to other plants Height: 5-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Echinodorus (Reni) Potted Plant 'Reni' is a well-known cultivar characterized by being easy to grow and amongst the smallest of the red Echinodorus, 15-40 cm tall and a roset from 15-25 wide. The new leaves of the plant are reddish-brown to deep beetroot in color. It can be used in small aquariums and is unpretentious. The plant requires a lot of light and nourishment for optimal color development. Echinodorus 'Reni' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Taxiphyllum 1-2-3 Grow Plant Asian Flame moss got its name from its form of growth. Tight, vertical growing and light undulating shoots give the impression of a deep green camp fire, 5-15cm high.The very special form makes Flame moss extremely suitable for horizontal surfaces and it only spreads slowly horizontally.A lovely result is achieved by binding the moss to small stones or in small bundles on tree roots. Taxiphyllum Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Moss Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Microsorum pteropus Potted Plant Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone, attached with fishing line until it has gained a hold. If planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. A hardy plant that grows in all conditions. The black spots under the leaves are sporangia (reproductive organs), not signs of disease, as many believe. Microsorum pteropus Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Cryptocoryne nurii 1-2-3 Grow Plant This beautiful variation of Cryptocoryne nurii was found growing in the wild in Malaysia around 1970. In the aquarium hobby it became popular under the name 'Rose Maiden'. The plant is as easy to grow as Cryptocoryne wendtii and has the same size and leaf shape. It will, given the time, produce runners under the bottom layer, often showing up quite far from the mother plant. Intensity of colour and patterns in leaves is dependant on light and nutrition. Cryptocoryne nurii Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia.It is characterised by fast, compact growth and small, intense green leaves on vertical stems. The plant is carpet-forming (5-10 cm tall) and its compact growth can be promoted by physically pressing the carpet with your hand when maintaining your aquarium (mechanical retardation). Carpet formation and compact growth do best in good light. Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 5-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Single Pot Rotala rotundifolia Plant Live aquatic plant in pot, packed in a breathable blister packaging to go. The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves''. But this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. Rotala rotundifolia from South-East Asia has long, thin leaves and 15-30 long stems, 2-3 cm wide including the leaves. Unlike other Rotala species it is relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red leaves. It forms side shoots willingly, becoming compact and bushy. This also means that it is hard for light to reach the lower leaves, so the plant should be pruned frequently Rotala rotundifolia Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium -Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Microsorum pteropus (Windelov) Potted Plant Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' is a patented variety of Microsorum pteropus, named after Tropica's founder Holger Windelov. Its finely branched leaf tips make it one of the most beautiful aquarium plants. The Microsorum variety becomes 15-20 cm tall and wide. A hardy and easy plant for both beginners and the more experienced. Best results are obtained by planting it on a stone or tree root. If planted in the bottom the horizontal rhizome must not be covered. This plant is not eaten by herbivorous fish Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Micranthemum tweediei (Monte Carlo) Potted Plant Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' originates from Argentina. It has compact, round and fresh light green leaves on creeping stalks and creates a fast-growing carpet in the front of the aquarium. The plant can grow in light shadow, but requires good light conditions, as well as CO2 additive, in order to develop optimally and become really compact. Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Carpeting Origin: South America Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
The Blyxa japonica originates in the nutrient rich shallow pools of water, swamps and slowly flowing rivers in East and South East Asia. The plant has gained notoriety thanks to the late Takashi Amano and his aquarium works from the 90s.Blyxa has a distinct grass-like appearance that moves easily in the circulating aquarium water creating a sense of dynamicity in comparison to other more robust plants.Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium- The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Microsorum pteropus (Trident) Potted Plant Microsorum pteropus or Java fern is from Asia. Microsorum pteropus 'Trident' is a narrow-leaved, smaller form of Microsorum, which like other Microsorum is an easy and safe plant. 'Trident" is both suitable for beginners, as well as the experienced scaper, and fits both smaller and larger aquariums. The name 'Trident' tells that the plant leafs are tripartite, while the leaves can vary from whole to multipartite. Suitable for planting on stones or tree roots. When planted on the bottom layer, avoid covering the horizontal stalk. New, small plants are often created on the leaf tips, and can carefully be pulled off and planted. Microsorum pteropus 'Trident' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 15-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Nymphoides hydrophylla (Taiwan) Potted Plant Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' grows in Asia and Africa - and this variant of the species originates from southern Taiwan. The rosette plant can become 15-25 cm tall and 10-15 cm wide. This variant is characterised by many underwater leaves and the intense, light-green, transparent colour of the plant. The plant is fast-growing and it is necessary to thin out the leaves (remove oldest leaves and surface leaves). The plant is easy to care for under varying conditions, but for optimal growth it requires a lot of nourishment. The new plant grows from the plates of old leaves. Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Bulb/onion Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Rotala 'Bonsai' is best described as a compact, moderate growing version of Bacopa caroliniana. Plant in small groups and trim often. Cuttings may be re-planted in the group to achieve a more dense group or carpet At high light may the tip of the stems become reddish, at lower light will the leaves become larger and the plant less compact.Rotala 'Bonsai' are particularly suitable for nano-aquariums. Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 5-20cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Lagenandra meeboldii (Red) Potted Plant This plant is originally from India and is quite similar to a medium-sized, broad-leaved Cryptocoryne. It can be used in the aquarium like Cryptocorynes, but needs sufficient light to develop colours. The leaves are 4-8 cm wide and 6-12 cm long, so the whole plant becomes relatively wide. The colours range from dusty green with bright violet to red-violet often on the same leaf. New leaves are pale pink. Lagenandra meeboldii 'Red' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Eleocharis parvula Potted Planted A low-growing Eleocharis that forms runners close to the parent plant. It is prettiest planted in small bunches quite close to each other, which will gradually form a solid mass of plants. An ideal foreground plant, equally suited to large and small aquariums. Eleocharis parvula Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Carpeting Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Bucephalandra pygmaea Potted Plant Plant in 5 cm pot. In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care in the aquarium. Bucephalandra 'Wavy Green' is an easy, slow-growing plant that prefers lower light levels. A nice, dense appearance is ensured by the willingness to branch, even without trimming. The green leaves are 2 cm wide and 5 cm long with wavy edges. Tiny white spots will appear on immerse leaves. The creeping stem, rhizome, must not be covered when planting. This will cause the plant to rot and die. Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 5-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Lobelia cardinalis (Mini) 1-2-3 Grow Plant Sometimes plants surprise by suddenly deviating from the way they normally grow. This is called a mutation, and Lobelia cardinalis 'Mini' is a good example of this. Lobelia cardinalis 'Mini' has thus originated from the general production of Lobelia cardinalis. It is characterized by its beautiful light green leaves which are closer together than on the original Lobelia, and then it is also significantly smaller, hence the addition 'Mini' to the name of the plant.The growth is low and dense, as the plant branches willingly, even without trimming. In addition, the mini version rarely forms the long vertical shoots which otherwise characterize Lobelia cardinalis.It is easily propagated by planting the cut shoots down into the bottom layer. Lobelia cardinalis 'Mini' becomes most compact in good light conditions and added CO2, but also thrives well without. Lobelia cardinalis (Mini) Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Vesicularia ferriei 1-2-3 Grow Plant Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping', commonly known as Weeping Moss, is believed to originate from China and has been distributed by Oriental Aquarium Plants.'Weeping' is a fleshy, 1-3 cm tall hanging moss with teardrop-like bright green shoots. It is best attached to driftwood or roots, as its drooping growth pattern helps to create depth and contrast in the aquarium.'Weeping' has low demands, is fast growing and should be pruned frequently with scissors to maintain an attractive shape Vesicularia ferriei Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Moss Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-5cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity.When planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx. 1/8 pot) should be placed a few centimetres apart to help the plants grow together more quickly. Place in an open position without shading from other plants to ensure good light.Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can be used in garden ponds, and also tolerates low salt concentrations in brackish aquariums. Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stolon Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 3-5cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Nymphaea lotus Potted Plant A beautiful and very varied species from West Africa with leaves of green to red-brown and varying numbers of purple spots. Can grow from 20-80 cm tall. Before forming floating leaves Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri) forms many underwater leaves. If you don't want floating leaves, prune the roots and leaves. The beautiful, aromatic flowers can be fully appreciated in open aquariums. A nutritious bottom encourages growth. Often available in a red and a green variety. Recommended as a solitary plant for large aquariums. Nymphaea lotus Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Bulb/onion Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 20-30+cm – Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
The Indian Pogostemon erectus forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 10-20 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide.Pogostemon erectus is suitable as a background plant and creates a wonderful focal point in both smaller and larger groups Intense light helps the plant to stay compact for a longer period.Moderate growth and vigorous roots.Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Taxiphyllum barbieri 1-2-3 Grow Plant Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands on the water or light.The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick and grows willingly on any surface, so it is ideal for decorating stones and tree roots or concealing installations in the aquarium.Attach the plant with a piece of fishing line or cotton thread until it has gained a hold on the decor. If its growth becomes too luxuriant, it can be pruned with scissors. In breeding aquariums Taxiphyllum barbieri is a wonderful hiding place for the young fish. Taxiphyllum barbieri Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Moss Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Proserpinaca palustris (Cuba) 1-2-3 Grow Plant Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.Proserpinaca is a stem plant, 10-40 cm tall and 5-10 cm wide.Cultivated in closed cups and delivered with saw-toothed leaves, which after a transitional period in the aquarium develop into long, finely denticulated, needle-like leaves. In good light conditions it turns a beautiful copper colour and its characteristic appearance is a pleasing contrast to the other plants.Proserpinaca palustris varies in form according to its origin. The Tropica cultivar is found on the Isla de la Juventud off Cuba. In the USA the plant is commonly known as "mermaid weed''. Proserpinaca palustris (Cuba) Plant Information Expert Level: Advanced Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium – Compared to other plants Height: 10-30+cm -Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: High - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: High - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Leptodictyum riparium 1-2-3 Grow Plant Leptodictyum riparium is a slender, upright moss that tolerates both high and low temperatures. Leptodictyum riparium is often called "stringy moss" and is found throughout most of the world, but is thought to have originated in Europe. It has an intense, slightly transparent green colour. An undemanding and easy moss that can adhere to rocks and tree roots in the aquarium. Growth is both vigorous and rapid, so regular trimming is required. A generally good plant for beginners who want a unique effect in the aquarium. The moss is popular in nano aquariums, and often used as brood care and cover. Leptodictyum riparium Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Moss Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy colour underneath. It creates horizontal side shoots and the top shoots should be pinched out in order to maintain compact and attractive growth. The horizontal side shoots easily attach to both wood and rocks.Growth is moderate, stems 15-40 cm tall and 10-20 cm wide, and the colour is attractive when planted in small groups with a plain background. Intense lighting ensures compact growth due to the plant's slow to medium growth rate.Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
This small rosulate plant will easily make a 5-10 cm high carpet when the light is good and the bottom layer nutritious.Even at an intense light level this variety remains fresh green unlike the usual, more reddish, Echinodorus tenellus.An easy and quite undemanding foreground plant.Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Carpeting Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 5-15cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L
Tropica Riccia fluitans 1-2-3 Grow Plant Japanese Takashi Amano has inspired many aquarium owners to keep the 1-5 cm tall cosmopolitic moss, Riccia fluitans, submerged. It can be kept down by tying it to a stone with a piece of fishing line, but new shoots always grow towards the surface, so it may be necessary to prune it with scissors.Riccia fluitans thrives best with added CO2 and in good growing conditions small oxygen bubbles form on the leaf tips. As a traditional floating plant offers good protection for young fish. Riccia fluitans Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Moss Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-5cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Hygrophila polysperma Potted Plant Hygrophila polysperma from South-East Asia is one of the hardiest aquarium plants available. Stems becomes 25-40 cm and 4-8 cm wide. It is particularly good for beginners because it grows in almost all conditions. It normally grows so fast that it is important to prevent it crowding out other plants. The shoots must be pinched out regularly. Leaves lying on the surface form small new plants. Hygrophila polysperma varies considerably in leaf shape and colour, depending to some extent on the light supplied. Hygrophila polysperma Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Cryptocoryne parva 1-2-3 Grow Plant Cryptocoryne parva fromac Sri Lanka is the smallest of all Cryptocorynes (only 3-6 cm tall and a roset less than 5-8 cm wide). It is one of the few species that does not significantly change its leaf shape and colour depending on cultivation conditions. It needs more light than most other Cryptocorynes because it almost loses its leaf plate under water. So, it must never be overshadowed by other plants. Known for its slow growth, but Nutrition Capsules in the bottom layer will enhance the development. Individual plants should be planted a few centimetres apart, and after about six months they will form a cohesive low group of plants. Very recommendable foreground plant. Cryptocoryne parva Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 5-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Hygrophila corymbosa (Stricta) Potted Plant Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta' originates from Thailand and have stems from 15-40 cm and 10-15 cm wide. Leaves are light green and dense. Plant several stems in a group at the background of the aquarium, cut off the top shoots when they reach the water surface and replant these. They will soon form new roots and continue growing. In open aquariums Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta' grows easily above the water surface, where it forms blue-green leaves and small blue flowers. It grows fast and the shoots should be pinched out regularly if you want to keep the plant under water. An extremely hardy plant, suitable for beginners. Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Bucephalandra (Kedagang) Potted Plant The 'Kedagang' is a variety of the Bucephalandra family originated in Borneo. It is characterized by long, narrow, dark green leaves with white dots. The leaf can be 1-2 cm wide and up to 6 cm long. The rhizomes are red and similar to the Red variety of Bucephalandra. When immersed, a blue metallic shade may appear on the leaves. Alternanthera reineckii 'Rosanervig'' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Gratiola viscidula originates from Northern America and is relatively new to the aquatic hobby. The somewhat "thorny" appearance of the submersed form makes it very distinct and easily recognizable. It is quite easy to grow and prefers good light.By regular trimming it can be kept very low, almost carpeting, but will also present itself well as a fore/mid-ground cushion-plant. Each stem is approximately 1-2 cm wide and can become 10+ cm tall.The stem willingly branches and spreads giving a very dense appearance to the plant. Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Anubias barteri var. barteri Potted Plant Anubias barteri var. barteri from West Africa is an undemanding plant. It grows somewhat larger than Anubias barteri var. nana but is grown in the same conditions. From 25-45 cm tall and the creeping rhizome from 10-15 cm or more. Anubias barteri varies considerably in terms of size and leaf shape. Like other Anubias-species, it is best planted in a shady spot to minimize algae growth on the leaves. If planted on the bottom, the rhizome must not be covered because it tends to rot. It is also suitable for terrariums and paludariums. Herbivorous fish do not eat the very tough and robust leaves. Anubias barteri var. barteri Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Anubias gracilis Potted Plant Western Africa is home to several species of Anubias, including this one. The triangular leaves of 5-10 cm on long leaf-stems make Anubias gracilis one of the most elegant. It is hardy and tolerant, a very good beginner's plant. The plant can grow on rock or wood or planted on the bottom. If planted in the bottom, the rhizome, from which leaves and roots appear, must not be covered. If it is, the whole plant will rot and die. Anubias gracilis can be allowed to grow out of the water, but will attain a significant size this way. Anubias gracilis Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Bucephalandra 'Kedagang' 1-2-3 Grow Plant The "Kedagang" is a variety of the Bucephalandra family originated in Borneo. It is characterized by long, narrow, dark green leaves with white dots. The leaf can be 1-2 cm wide and up to 6 cm long.The rhizomes are red and similar to the Red variety of Bucephalandra. When immersed, a blue metallic shade may appear on the leaves. Bucephalandra 'Kedagang' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 10-20+ cm -Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya' 1-2-3 Grow Plant This beautiful variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii is only found in the river Mi Oya at Sri Lanka. It has characteristic red-brown, slightly hammered leaves from 20-35 cm, and 15-30 cm wide rosettes. Many Cryptocorynes can grow at high temperatures. In the wild this plant is found in streams with a temperature of more than 30 degrees C. Cryptocoryne wendtii Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
This Myriophyllum keeps its bright, green colour even at very high light intensity.Every stem will only measure approximately 2-3 cm (1"), but it branches willingly and the plant quickly becomes dense and lush. Cutting down is often necessary to maintain the access to light and water flow. Its moderate growth makes Myriophyllum "Guyana" particularly adapted to nano tanks.Plant Information: Expert Level: Medium Type: Stem Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 10-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Marsilea crenata 1-2-3 Grow Plant This small fern comes from Asia, where it often grows in rice fields. The leaves are tiny and rarely wider than 0.5cm.It is a hardy plant that tolerates poor light conditions and high temperatures. However, improved conditions are beneficial to the plant. Planted in small bundles that spread with offshoots. Creates a 1-3cm high and close carpet, well-anchored in the bottom layer. Marsilea crenata Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Carpeting Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-10cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Lobelia cardinalis Potted Plant Lobelia cardinalis grows wild in Northern America. In the nursery this plant is cultivated in marshy conditions, forming dark-green leaves which are purple underneath. In aquariums the leaves turn a beautiful shade of light-green, with stems 10-30 cm tall and 5-10 cm wide. Widely used in Dutch aquariums in so-called "plant streets''. In open aquariums it grows above the water surface, where it forms very beautiful scarlet flowers and the leaves regain their colour. Can be used in garden ponds. Lobelia cardinalis Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: North America Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' 1-2-3 Grow Plant Nymphoides sp. grows in Asia and Africa - and this variant of the species originates from southern Taiwan. The rosette plant can become 15-25 cm tall and 10-15 cm wide.This variant is characterized by many underwater leaves and the intense, light-green, transparent colour of the plant. The plant is fast-growing and it is necessary to thin out the leaves (remove oldest leaves and surface leaves).The plant is easy to care for under varying conditions, but for optimal growth it requires a lot of nourishment.The new plant grows from the plates of old leaves. Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 15-10+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plantsarrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.
Tropica Helanthium bolivianum (Quadricostatus) Potted Plant Helanthium 'Quadricostatus' from South America has characteristic light green leaves 10-15 cm long which offer a great contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each rosette becoming 15-20 cm wide. Thrives well even at a rather low light. In good conditions, it produces runners which spread over the bottom. Very pale leaves are a sign of a shortage of micro-nutrients. There is some confusion about the name of this plant, and it has been sold as Echinodorus bolivianus var. magdalenensis. Helanthium bolivianum 'Quadricostatus' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: High - Compared to other plants Height: 10-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Cardamine lyrata Potted Plant Cardamine lyrata is actually a marsh plant from Japan. But it is also a familiar aquarium plant which thrives under water with 20-50 cm long stems. A characteristic trailing growth form makes it highly decorative, and �aerial� roots often form on the plant itself. Plant it in groups, and make sure the water temperature does not exceed 28 degrees C (this makes the leaves much smaller and the plant more leggy). Also suitable in garden ponds in the summer. Cardamine lyrata Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 20-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Anubias berteri caladifolia Potted Plant The Indian Pogostemon deccanensis forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 15-40 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide. Pogostemon erectus is suitable as a background plant and creates a wonderful focal point in both smaller and larger groups. Intense light helps the plant to stay compact for a longer period. Moderate growth and vigorous roots. Plants will need frequent pruning, and cut off shoots will easily start growing when planted. Previously known as Pogostemon erectus
Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia Plant Information
Expert Level: Easy Height: 10-15+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Type: Rhizomatous IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Anubias barteri (Kirin) Potted Plant Anubias barteri 'Kirin' is a captivating aquatic cultivar inspired by an Asian dragon. Its ovate dark green leaves with strongly wavy edges, measuring 3-4 cm, set it apart from other Anubias species. This slow-growing plant thrives in low-light conditions and is best attached to wood or rock in the aquarium. Avoid covering the rhizome to prevent rot and ensure its survival. Experience the magic of Anubias barteri 'Kirin' as it adds a touch of enchantment to your aquascape. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Kirin' Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Rhizomatous Origin: Cultivar Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Ceratopteris thalictroides Potted Plant Ceratopteris thalictroides is a pantropical fern, 15-30 cm high and 10-20 cm wide.. This plant normally grows fast, but the addition of CO2 may be necessary to promote growth. In small, open aquariums, it can grow out of the tank and form beautiful surface leaves. The finely branched leaves are very decorative and provide good contrast to other leaf shapes. In good light Ceratopteris thalictroides grows fast and helps prevent algae by consuming large amounts of nutrients. This makes it a good starter plant in small aquariums. Ceratopteris thalictroides Plant Information Expert Level: Medium Type: Rosulate Growth Rate: Fast- Compared to other plants Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: Medium- The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: Medium- A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
Tropica Lindernia rotundifolia Potted Plant Lindernia rotundifolia 'Variegated' grows on sandy banks along streams in Asia. This marbled variant may grow new shoots with entirely green leaves. Cut these shoots off to maintain the marbled aspect. The plant is undemanding and quickly forms compact groups and may require some pruning. Lindernia rotundifolia is suitable both for background and as a solitary mid-ground plant with leaves growing tightly from top to bottom. A good starter plant that thrives under most conditions. Lindernia rotundifolia Plant Information Expert Level: Easy Type: Stem Origin: Asia Height: 5-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium CO2 Demand: Medium - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.
The creeping growth of this stem-plant makes it highly attractive for creating carpets in the aquarium.The very small leaf size makes it an obvious choice for nano-tanks. Its fresh green colour compliments wood, rocks and other plants extraordinary well and has made the plant increasingly popular.The growth of Elatine hydropiper is quite similar to Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' and Glossostigma elatinoides but is considerably slower, making it easier to maintain.Plant Information: Expert Level: Advanced Type: Carpeting Growth Rate: Medium - Compared to other plants Height: 3-5+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium Light Demand: High - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon) CO2 Demand: High - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L IMPORTANT: While we do our best to ensure that your Tropica plants arrive to you safe and sound - they are only guaranteed to "arrive alive" if UPS Express, Expedited, or Canada Post Xpresspost or Priority shipping methods are chosen at checkout.