Freshwater Fish

58 products


  • Freshwater Cardinal Tetra Cardinal Tetra

    Cardinal Tetra

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    Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Cardinal Tetra Specifics Cardinal Tetras are a peaceful fish that grow to a size of 2 inches. They prefer water temperatures between 73-81oF, a pH between 5.5-7.5, and a dKH between 2-6.

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  • Freshwater Bloody Mary Shrimp Bloody Mary Shrimp

    Bloody Mary Shrimp

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    Bloody Mary Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Mixed Colored Guppy - Male Mixed Colored Guppy - Male

    Mixed Colored Guppy - Male

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    Mixed Colored Guppy - Male Poecilia reticulata Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish by far with their stunning colours and peaceful temperament. They should be housed with other peaceful fish, and if mixed with female guppies, you should stick to a ratio of 2 females for every male guppy. They are omnivores, so a diet of algae based foods as well as meaty foods would serve them best. They reach a final size of around 2.5 inches and require at least a tank of 10 gallons. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, pH between 5.5-8.0, and dKH between 10-30.

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  • Freshwater Brushmouth Albino Longfin Pleco (L144) Brushmouth Albino Longfin Pleco (L144)

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    $15.95 - $67.95

  • Freshwater Amano Shrimp Amano Shrimp

    Amano Shrimp

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    Amano Shrimp Caridina multidentata Amano shrimp are another popular choice of shrimps for the freshwater aquarium. They are peaceful shrimps whose only goal is to eat up algae and other organic debris. Their colors do not stand out like the Neocaridina shrimps do, as Amano shrimps are translucent with faint patterns on their backs. They should be housed in a planted tank to provide them grazing space, as well as to give them shaded areas to feel secure in. They should not be kept with larger, more aggressive fish. They grow much larger than the other dwarf shrimp, up to a maximum of 2 inches. They prefer their water temperature between 60-80F, pH between 6.0-7.6, dKH between 0-10, and a TDS reading between 80-400.

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  • Freshwater Rummy-nose Tetra Rummy-nose Tetra

    Rummy-nose Tetra

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    Rummy-nose Tetra Hemigrammus rhodostomus Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Rummy-nose Tetra Specifics Rummy Nose Tetras are a peaceful fish that grow to a size of 2 inches. They prefer water temperatures between 72-77oF, a pH between 5.5-7.0, and a dKH between 2-6.

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  • Freshwater Assorted Neocaridina Shrimp Assorted Neocaridina Shrimp

    Assorted Neocaridina Shrimp

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    Assorted Neocaridina Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Pygmy Corydora

    Pygmy Corydora

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    Pygmy Corydora Corydoras pygmaeus Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Pygmy Cory Cat Specifics Pygmy Corydoras are the perfect dwarf cleaner for any nano tank, and love to live in groups of 10 or more. They prefer their water temperature to be between 72-79oF, a pH between 6.4-7.8, and dKH between 6-10

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  • Freshwater Zebra Snail

    Zebra Snail

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    Zebra Snail Neritina zebra Zebra Nerite Snails are one of the most popular and trusted snails for the home aquarium. While adored for their brilliant shell markings, these snails are also amazing additions to a clean up crew. Unlike most snails, they require saltier (brackish) water to reproduce, so they will not begin to overpopulate your tank as with many other species. These snails like a temperature between 65-85oF, pH between 6.5-8.5, and their dKH between 12-18.Zebra Snails are one of the top choices for algae eating within the peaceful home aquarium. Not only are they beautiful, but quite hardy as well.

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  • Freshwater Endler Guppy Assorted - Male Endler Guppy Assorted - Male

    Endler Guppy Assorted - Male

    In Stock

    Endler Guppy Assorted - Male Poecilia wingei Endler Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish by far with their stunning colors and peaceful temperament. They should be housed with other peaceful fish, and if mixed with female Endlers, you should stick to a ratio of 2 females for every male Endler. They are omnivores, so a diet of algae based foods as well as meaty foods would serve them best They reach a final size of around 2 inches and require at least a tank of 10 gallons. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, pH between 5.5-8.0, and dKH between 10-30.

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  • Freshwater Celestial Pearl Danio Celestial Pearl Danio

    Celestial Pearl Danio

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    Celestial Pearl Danio Danio margaritatus Rasboras, Danios and Barbs are a highly sought after fish in the hobby. Not only do they beautifully school in the upper areas of your tank, but they also remain rather small, so they are a perfect addition to many smaller sized aquariums. They are a peaceful fish that enjoy the company of others of its species, a school of at least 6 is recommended to keep them feeling safe and secure, but adding more is a welcomed idea. Rasboras, Danios and Barbs generally grow to a size of around 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would be best suited for the Rasbora fish, as they enjoy having enough space to swim around in their school. Planted aquariums would provide them with ample spots to hide in and weave through as they are swimming about. Rasboras are omnivores and should be fed a well-balanced diet of freeze-dried bloodworms and quality flake food. Celestial Pearl Danio Specifics The Galaxy Rasbora or Celestial Pearl Danio is a peaceful fish that grows only to 1 inch in size. They should be kept in water that is 73-79oF, pH between 6.5-7.5, and a dKH between 8-12.

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  • Freshwater Blood Red Swordtail

    Blood Red Swordtail

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    Blood Red Swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Swordtails make an excellent choice for peaceful community tanks. Swordtails get their name from exactly that - their tail tapers off into a flowy sword like shape that is only present in males. Swordtails are members of the livebearer family, which means they can birth up to 80 fry all at once. Caution should be taken when housing multiple males together as they will more than likely fight amongst each other. They grow to a size of 4 inches and are quite active, making their requirements for a tank at the minimum of 30 gallons. This species is more prone to jumping out of the aquarium, so it is recommended to have a tight-fitting lid on your enclosure to ensure they stay in the water. Swordtails are omnivores and will take high-quality pellets, flakes, brine shrimp, as well as algae. Blood Red Swordtail Specifics The Blood Red Swordtail is a peaceful fish that grows up to 4 inches. They like their water temperature to be between 64-82oF, a pH of 7.0-8.3, and a dKH between 12-30

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  • Freshwater Yellow Fire Shrimp Yellow Fire Shrimp

    Yellow Fire Shrimp

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    Yellow Fire Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish school

    Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish

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    Spotted Blue-eye Rainbowfish Pseudomugil gertrudae Rainbowfish is a broad name given to a few different families of fish. In the aquarium trade, the most well-known being the Melanotaeniidae and the Bedotiidae. The most popular choice for aquariums fall under the family of Melanotaeniidae, known as the Pseudomugilidae genus. This species stays rather small, with the largest max size in a species being roughly 2". They are known as the "Blue Eyes" family because of one thing - their brilliant blue eyes. They are a peaceful family of fish that do their best while living in a group to feel safe and secure. Although they are peaceful, they are more suited to be housed with tank mates that are roughly the same size as them, as they may be more prone to shyness or being out competed for food. Rainbowfish are omnivores and should be fed a classic diet of meaty foods and algae-based foods. Gertrude's Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Specifics The Gertrude's Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow prefer their water temperature between 74-82oF, their pH to be within 4.5-7.5, and a dKH of 12-15. They grow to a size of roughly 1-1/2" and swim in schools of at least 6 or more, meaning they are great for a 10g minimum tank

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  • Freshwater Tiger Barb Tiger Barb

    Tiger Barb

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    Tiger Barb Puntigrus tetrazona Barbs are a fun, loud personality to add to your peaceful home aquarium. They are quite active in the aquarium, and because they tend to want to school in groups of at least 5, more timid fish or long finned fish should be avoided as tank mates. Barbs are omnivores, meaning they should be supplied with a varied diet of high- quality flake food and meaty frozen shrimp. Tiger Barb Specifics Tiger Barbs are one of the most recognizable freshwater fish that are popular within community tanks. Tiger Barbs grow to a size of 3", so a 30g aquarium for a school of at least 5 fish would be preferable. Their water temperature should be between 74-79oF. pH between 6.0-7.0, and a dKH between 4-10.

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  • new-label Freshwater Marble Angelfish Marble Angelfish

    Marble Angelfish

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    Marble Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Freshwater Angels come in a variety of different colours and patterns, with long wispy fins that flow elegantly behind them. Though considered semi-aggressive, this behavior is only exhibited from breeding pairs who wish to protect their territory. They do like to live amongst other angels so long as they are provided with enough space. They are peaceful toward other community fish. Angels can grow to a size of 6 inches from the tip of their nose to the end length of their tail. They are not the most active fish and like to hover around in open spaces of the tank, so they require a tank of at least 30 gallons, more for a large school. Angels need to be fed a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and vegetables in the form of high- quality flake or pellet food. Marble Angelfish Specifics The Marble Angelfish are considered semi-aggressive fish that grow to a size of 6". They like their temperatures between 75-82oF, pH between 5.8-8.0, and dKH between1-5.

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    $12.95 - $34.95

  • Freshwater Red Fire Shrimp Red Fire Shrimp

    Red Fire Shrimp

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    Red Fire Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Female Guppy - Assorted Female Guppy - Assorted

    Female Guppy - Assorted

    In Stock

    Female Guppy - Assorted Poecilia reticulata Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish by far with their stunning colours and peaceful temperament. They should be housed with other peaceful fish, and if mixed with female guppies, you should stick to a ratio of 2 females for every male guppy. They are omnivores, so a diet of algae based foods as well as meaty foods would serve them best. They reach a final size of around 2.5 inches and require at least a tank of 10 gallons. Their temperature should be between 64-82oF, pH between 5.5-8.0, and dKH between 10-30.

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  • Freshwater Albino Neon Tetra

    Albino Neon Tetra

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    Albino Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Albino Neon Tetra Specifics Albino Neon Tetra's are a peaceful fish that grow to a size of 2". They prefer water temperatures between 73-81oF, pH between 5.5-7.5, and dKH between 2-6

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  • Freshwater Harlequin Rasbora Harlequin Rasbora

    Harlequin Rasbora

    In Stock

    Harlequin Rasbora Trigonostigma heteromorpha Rasboras, Danios and Barbs are a highly sought after fish in the hobby. Not only do they beautifully school in the upper areas of your tank, but they also remain rather small, so they are a perfect addition to many smaller sized aquariums. They are a peaceful fish that enjoy the company of others of its species, a school of at least 6 is recommended to keep them feeling safe and secure, but adding more is a welcomed idea. Rasboras, Danios and Barbs generally grow to a size of around 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would be best suited for the Rasbora fish, as they enjoy having enough space to swim around in their school. Planted aquariums would provide them with ample spots to hide in and weave through as they are swimming about. Rasboras are omnivores and should be fed a well-balanced diet of freeze-dried bloodworms and quality flake food. Harlequin Rasbora Specifics The Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful fish that grows up to 2 inches. They should be kept in water that is 72-77oF, pH between 6.0-6.5, and a dKH between 6-10.

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  • Freshwater

    Venezuelan Orange Corydora

    In Stock

    Venezuelan Orange Corydora Corydoras venezuelanus Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Venezuelan Orange Cory Cat Specifics Orange Corydoras are peaceful and only grow to 2.5 inches. They prefer a temperature between 72-78oF, their water on the slightly acidic / neutral pH range of 6.5-7.5, and prefer moderate water hardness 5-15dKH.

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  • Freshwater Betta - Assorted Female Betta - Assorted Female

    Betta - Assorted Female

    In Stock

    Betta - Assorted Female Betta splendens Betta's originate from Thailand but can be found in various neighboring countries. Wild betta's typically live in shallow areas like rice paddies, stagnant ponds, marshes, and streams. So, while they can breathe through their set of gills, if they are put in an environment where oxygen is low, they may swim up to the surface and take a big gulp of air that they process through a lung-like organ called the Labyrinth organ. This doesn't mean that betta's prefer oxygen poor environments - the ideal set up for a Betta fish is a tank that is at least 5 gallons that is both filtered and heated. Filtration provides the tank with much needed oxygenation in the water as well as a quick way to clean out some waste that begins to build up. Because betta's have evolved and lived in warmer climates, their water temperature should rest between 75-86oF; if the water runs at room temperature, betta's will become sluggish and lethargic in their movements. Betta's do well in water that has a pH between 6.0-8.0 as well as a kH between 0-25. Glossary of Some Common Betta Terms Betta Fin/Caudal Fin Variations Crowntail (CT): Crowntail caudal fins have very little webbing between the rays, giving them a spiky appearance like a regal crown. Doubletail (DT): Doubletail betta's have two distinct equal caudal fins that separate at the base. Plakat is the most common type of doubletail seen, but doubletail halfmoons exist as well. Dumbo: Dumbo, or elephant ear betta's, haveen larged pectoral fins right behind each gill, giving them an even more dramatic and showy appearance. They can be found with plakat, halfmoon, doubeltail, and crowntail caudal fins. Halfmoon (HM): Halfmoon tails/caudal fins form a fan-like half circle that is at least 180 degrees apart or further. Plakat (PK): Plakat tails/caudal fins were bred to have shorter/less billowy fins so they could swim much faster in the water when fighting for sport. Rosetails (RT): The difference between rosetails and halfmoons is the excessive yet beautiful folding of the fins which give them a more ruffled look, like a rose flower. Veiltail (VT): Veiltail caudal fins are one of the most common and beloved tail types, known for being long and flowy like a veil. Betta Color Variations Avatar - Blue or green colored fins and scales over top a black body. Black Samurai - Deep black body with white dragon scales and white accents in fins. Blue Mustard - A blue body with yellow/orange fins that may have blue accents as well. Blue Rim - A white body with a deep, navy color rimming their fins. Candy - A vibrant, multicolored body that includes, pinks, reds, greens, blues, and more! Copper - This copper coloration metallic and iridescent, shimmering under many types of lighting. Nemo - Nemo's are primarily a mix between orange and red coloration on the body and fins of the fish.

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  • Freshwater Golden Panchax Killifish Golden Panchax Killifish

    Golden Panchax Killifish

    In Stock

    Golden Panchax Killifish Aplocheilus phanchax Killifish are the perfect addition to a peaceful community tank. They enjoy spending their time near the top of the aquarium, so a tight well-fitted lid is recommended. They reach their maximum size of around 2 inches and are not known to school though will not mind sharing a tank with other Killis. Because of their size they are best suited for a tank of at least 20 gallons, with foliage around the upper area of the tank for them to hide in. They will accept most foods such as flakes, pellets, and brine shrimp. Golden Panchax Specifics Golden Panchax are a peaceful fish that grow to roughly 4", so a tank of at least 20 gallons for a group of 6 would suffice. They prefer their water temperature to be between 73- 79o, pH between, 6.0-7.5, and a dKH between 5-8.

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  • Freshwater Blue Star Shrimp

    Blue Star Shrimp

    In Stock

    Blue Star Shrimp Neocaridina sp Neocaridina shrimp are by far the most popular freshwater invertebrate in the market. They come in almost every color with varying degrees of boldness to provide you with that extra pop of color for your tank. Neocaridinas are a peaceful shrimp whose diet consists of algae and various other organic debris they come across, making them an invaluable addition to your tanks cleanup crew. Neocaridina shrimp are generally easy to care for when provided with the right aquarium set up. They do well in aquariums with good filtration and stable water quality, preferring slightly harder water with a gH of at least 5 to show their best color. Neocaridinas also like to live in groups, a minimum of 3 shrimps is recommended and they should be housed in a tank that is at least 3 gallons. A planted aquarium is preferred as it provides many spaces to scavenge and hide but is not necessarily required.

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  • Freshwater Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish

    Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish

    In Stock

    Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Freshwater Angels come in a variety of different colours and patterns, with long wispy fins that flow elegantly behind them. Though considered semi-aggressive, this behavior is only exhibited from breeding pairs who wish to protect their territory. They do like to live amongst other angels so long as they are provided with enough space. They are peaceful toward other community fish. Angels can grow to a size of 6 inches from the tip of their nose to the end length of their tail. They are not the most active fish and like to hover around in open spaces of the tank, so they require a tank of at least 30 gallons, more for a large school. Angels need to be fed a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and vegetables in the form of high-quality flake or pellet food. Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Specifics

    In Stock

    $22.95 - $74.95

  • Freshwater Longfin Rosy Barb

    Longfin Rosy Barb

    In Stock

    Longfin Rosy Barb Barbodes semifasciolatus Barbs are a fun, loud personality to add to your peaceful home aquarium. They are quite active in the aquarium, and because they tend to want to school in groups of at least 5, more timid fish or long finned fish should be avoided as tank mates. Barbs are omnivores, meaning they should be supplied with a varied diet of high- quality flake food and meaty frozen shrimp. Rosy Barb Specifics Rosy Barbs grow slightly larger than most other barbs in the family, maxing out at a size of 6 inches. They like to school together so a tank of at least 30g is recommended for a group of younger smaller ones. They like their temperature between 74-79oF, a pH between 6.0-7.0, and a dKH between 4-10.

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  • Freshwater Daisy's Blue Rice Fish

    Daisy's Blue Rice Fish

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    Daisy's Rice Fish Oryzias woworae Daisy's Rice Fish are very small, peaceful fish that are perfect additions to smaller sized aquariums. These fish because of their size, should be kept with other similarly sized fish in a peaceful environment that is well planted alongside pieces of driftwood and smooth rocks. They are a very outgoing fish and love to school with each other, so a recommended minimum grouping of 6 or more is recommended for the best coloration and activity to be seen. Male Rice Fish have a shimmery blue body with red highlights in their fins, while female Rice Fish with a slightly more yellow color body with orange highlighting. They are omnivores and will thrive with a varied diet of high quality flake food, pellets, and freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex. They will also appreciate being given vegetable matter. Daisy's Rice Fish grow to a max size of just over 1 inch, so a school of at least 6 fish is ideal in a 10g minimum tank. They prefer their water temperatures between 73-80oF and a pH between 6.0-7.5.

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  • Freshwater Black Bristlenose Pleco (L183) Black Bristlenose Pleco (L183)

    Black Bristlenose Pleco (L183)

    In Stock

    Black Bristlenose Pleco (L183) Ancistrus dolichopterus The Bristlenose Pleco, also known as the Bushy Nose or brushmouth pleco, are peaceful fish that are a popular choice for many aquariums. They spend their time primarily near the bottom of the tank, using the many whiskers around their mouths to detect food. Most, if not all of this fishes nutrition comes from leftover food and algae, so if your tank is lacking algae it is recommended to add some algae wafers for them to graze on. They prefer well planted tanks with plenty or rock and driftwood to imitate their natural habitat. Bristlenose Black Pleco (L183) Specifics The Bristlemouth Pleco grows to a size of 6 inches and should be placed in a tank of at least 30 gallons. They prefer their water temperatures between 72-82oF, pH between 6.5-7.4, and dKH between 6-10.

    In Stock

    $15.95 - $76.45

  • Freshwater Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Emerald Dwarf Rasbora

    Emerald Dwarf Rasbora

    In Stock

    Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Danio erythromicron Rasboras, Danios and Barbs are a highly sought after fish in the hobby. Not only do they beautifully school in the upper areas of your tank, but they also remain rather small, so they are a perfect addition to many smaller sized aquariums. They are a peaceful fish that enjoy the company of others of its species, a school of at least 6 is recommended to keep them feeling safe and secure, but adding more is a welcomed idea. Rasboras, Danios and Barbs generally grow to a size of around 2 inches, so a tank of at least 10 gallons would be best suited for the Rasbora fish, as they enjoy having enough space to swim around in their school. Planted aquariums would provide them with ample spots to hide in and weave through as they are swimming about. Rasboras are omnivores and should be fed a well-balanced diet of freeze-dried bloodworms and quality flake food. Emerald Rasbora Specifics The Emerald Rasbora is a peaceful fish that grows only to 1" in size. They should be kept in water that is 73-79oF, pH between 6.5-7.5, and a dKH between 8-12.

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  • new-label Freshwater Sterba's Corydora Sterba's Corydora

    Sterba's Corydora

    Sterba's Corydora Corydoras sterbai Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up. Sterba's Cory Cat Specifics Sterbai Corydoras are a social schooling fish that grow only to 2-1/2". They prefer a temperature between 70-77oF, a pH between 6-8, and a dKH between 2-25


  • Freshwater Lemon Tetra

    Lemon Tetra

    In Stock

    Lemon Tetra Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Lemon Tetra Specifics Lemon Tetra's are a peaceful schooling fish that grow no more than 2 inches in size. They prefer a water temperature between 70-80oF, a pH between 6.0-7.5, and a dKH between 2-6.

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  • new-label Freshwater Rainbow Shark Rainbow Shark

    Rainbow Shark

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    Rainbow Shark Epalzeorhynchos frenatus Rainbow Sharks are a fun addition to the right home aquarium. Keep in mind, that while they only grow to a size of 6", they can be rather territorial, so it is best to give thought to their new home and tank mates. They like tanks that have caves, rock work, and live plants to claim as their own. They are not overly fond of visitors in their territory and will chase them away if they get too close. They are best when they are the only Rainbow Shark / Red Tail Shark in the tank, as the more dominant one may put up with the other for a little bit but will eventually chase the other until they succumb to stress. They occupy the lower to middle space in the tank, so bottom dwelling peaceful fish like Corydoras are best avoided. Rainbow Sharks are primarily herbivores and should be provided algae wafers and pellets. Though they are not terribly picky and may eat frozen meaty foods as well. Since Rainbow Sharks grow to a size of 6", a 55g aquarium is ideal for their long-term home. Their water temperature should be kept between 75-80oF and their pH between 6.5-7.5.

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    $5.45 - $13.95

  • Freshwater Reticulated Driftwood Catfish Reticulated Driftwood Catfish

    Reticulated Driftwood Catfish

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    Reticulated Driftwood Catfish Centromochlus reticulatus Reticulated Driftwood Catfish are a very small, sweet, and social fish that are a perfect match for a peaceful community tank with other small fish species. These fish seek shelter around pieces of submerged wood during the day and like to graze for their food at night, making them a great addition to a tank as a nightly clean up crew! They love living amongst each other, so a group minimum of 6-8 individuals is recommended. Adult males have an elongated pointed anal fin while females have a rounded anal fin. Females can also carry unfertilized eggs and sperm within their bodies until they are ready to deposit. Reticulated Driftwood Catfish grow to a maximum size of roughly 1 inch, so in a group of minimum 6-8, they are perfect for a 15g tank. They like their water temperatures to be between 71-82oF and pH between 5.0-7.5.

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  • new-label Freshwater Altum Peruvian Angelfish Altum Peruvian Angelfish

    Altum Peruvian Angelfish

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    Altum Peruvian Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Freshwater Angels come in a variety of different colours and patterns, with long wispy fins that flow elegantly behind them. Though considered semi-aggressive, this behavior is only exhibited from breeding pairs who wish to protect their territory. They do like to live amongst other angels so long as they are provided with enough space. They are peaceful toward other community fish. Angels can grow to a size of 6 inches from the tip of their nose to the end length of their tail. They are not the most active fish and like to hover around in open spaces of the tank, so they require a tank of at least 30 gallons, more for a large school. Angels need to be fed a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and vegetables in the form of high-quality flake or pellet food. Altum Peruvian Angelfish Specifics The Altum Peruvian Angelfish are considered semi-aggressive fish that grow to a size of 6 inches. They like their temperatures between 75-82oF, pH between 6.0-7.5, and dKH between1-5.

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    $14.95 - $37.95

  • Freshwater Red Pigeon Checkerboard Discus Red Pigeon Checkerboard Discus

    Red Pigeon Checkerboard Discus

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    Red Pigeon Checkerboard Discus Symphysodon sp Discus are regarded as one of the most well-known fish to the freshwater hobby, popularized by their striking colors and patterns. They are a peaceful fish that only become territorial while they are breeding. They grow to roughly 8" and would prefer a taller rather than wider tank of at least 60 gallons. They like their water between 79-86oF, a pH between 6,1-7.5, and dKH between 3-8. They are primarily carnivores, so providing them with high quality flake food, frozen shrimp, and Discus pellet food will benefit them. Because of their eating habits their water must be cleaned more often than other freshwater species, as they are more likely to do unwell in poor water conditions.

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    $59.95 - $288.45

  • new-label Freshwater Red Phantom Tetra

    Red Phantom Tetra

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    Red Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Red Phantom Tetra Specifics Red Phantom Tetra's are a peaceful schooling fish that grow to a size of 1-1/2", so in a school of at least 6 or more, they would like a tank size of at least 15g. They prefer their water temperature to be between 70-82oF, their pH between 6.0-7.5, and hardness between 15-20.

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  • new-label Freshwater Albino Cardinal Tetra Albino Cardinal Tetra

    Albino Cardinal Tetra

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    Albino Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi Tetras are one of the best go-to fish for filling up some empty space in your aquarium. They are lively schooling fish that are quite active throughout the tank, creating a dazzling show of the metallic and bright colors they come in. Tetras are peaceful and do best with other peaceful community fish, preferring to be in groups of at least 6 to feel secure. Tetras max out at 2 inches, so they are best rated for tanks 10 gallons and upwards for a school of at least 6. Lots of natural foliage is recommended for the Tetra to weave through to create shady spots to rest and hide in. Tetras will accept many forms of food, such as high-quality pellet and flake foods, thawed brine shrimp, and freeze-dried shrimp. Albino Cardinal Tetra Specifics Albino Cardinal Tetras are a peaceful fish that grow to a size of 2 inches. They prefer water temperatures between 73-81oF, a pH between 5.5-7.5, and a dKH between 2-6.

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  • new-label Freshwater Mystery Snail - Black

    Mystery Snail - Black

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    Mystery Snail - Black Pomacea sp. Mystery snails are one of the many popular snails in the freshwater hobby. They are favored for their shells, which range between a plethora of different colours and patterns. Mystery snails have a long siphon that they use to extend out into the open air so they can breathe – and often, the siphons are longer than the snail themselves! Since they require open air to breathe, it is recommended to have a few inches of space available above the waterline so they may go up when needed. Mystery snails are more active at night where they scour the bottom substrate for food. They will eat a variety of foods, such as algae, plant matter, vegetables, flake food, and frozen food. They like their water temperature to be between 68-84°F, a pH between 7.8-8.4, and Dkh between 12-18.

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  • new-label Freshwater Leopard Corydora Leopard Corydora

    Leopard Corydora

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    Leopard Corydora Corydoras julii Corydoras, or Cory Cats, are incredible little bottom dwellers that add some life to the bottom of your tank. Corys are peaceful and prefer to spend their time sifting through the top layer of your substrate alongside other Corys. They are recommended to be kept in groups of at least 6 others, but more may be added as well. Corydoras are omnivores, they will appreciate being provided with a well-balanced diet of quality flake food, frozen food, and/or live food. A tank of 20 gallons is recommended for a school of Corys, as they grow only to 2 inches. Providing them with a planted aquascape is preferred as they like shaded areas to hide and sift through. Smoother/softer gravel will be a better fit for these fish, their soft facial barbels are prone to being damaged on rougher substrates and surfaces while they are cleaning up.   Leopard Cory Cat Specifics Leopard Corydoras are social and schooling, so keeping them in a group of at least 5-6 is best. They prefer their water temperature to be between 73-79oF, pH between 6.0-8.0, and dKH between 2-25

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  • new-label Freshwater Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile

    Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile

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    Kribensis Cichlid - Juvenile Pelvicachromis pulcher Kribensis Cichlids are a dwarf cichlid, making them an excellent choice to add into your peaceful community tank. While they are a fairly peaceful fish, it is recommended not to have very slow docile fish, such as angels, because Kribensis may nip fins.They are predominantly cave dwelling, so providing them with plenty of hiding spots in the tank will make them feel secure. They tend to stick around the bottom of the tank, so be sure not to add too many bottom dwelling fish that may encroach upon the Kribensis’ cave. Kribensis are omnivores, so they will eat most of what is offered to them, whether that is flake or pellets, or frozen brine shrimp. Be sure to add sinking pellets, as they tend to stay near the bottom of the aquarium.   Kribensis Cichlid Specifics Kribensis cichlids will grow to 3” for females and 4” for males, so a tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended. They prefer their water temperature between 75-77oF, pH between 6.5-7.0, and a dKH between 8-10.Juveniles are sold unsexed.

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  • Freshwater Betta - Halfmoon Copper Solid - E12

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  • Freshwater Betta - Plakat Nemo Multicolor - E30


  • Freshwater Betta - Halfmoon Plakat Female - F3


  • Freshwater Betta - Plakat Avatar Sparkling - D10


  • Freshwater Betta - Plakat Avatar Sparkling - D24

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  • new-label Freshwater Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami

    Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami

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    Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Macropodus opercularis Paradise Gourami are one of the first fish kept in the freshwater hobby. They are loved for their striking beauty and size, only growing between 3-4”, making them perfect for smaller aquariums. As with a few others in the family, Paradise Gourami’s tend to be more aggressive fish, with the male often watching over his territory. Though they are not as aggressive as Betta fish, some thought should be put into tank mates, making sure there are no other gourami’s or betta’s to start a scuffle. Since they only grow to a size between 3-4”, the minimum tank size recommend for one adult male is 20g, and if you were planning on buying a male and a female, we recommend having at least 29g available for them.These fish are omnivores with a preference for meaty foods, but will readily accept flake and pellet foods.   Fire & Ice Paradise Gourami Specifics • Fire and Ice Paradise Gourami’s accept a wide range of water parameters in the home aquarium, making them relatively easy to please. They will like temperatures anywhere between 50-82oF, though they tend to like room temperature water the best. They prefer pH between 6.0-8.0 with some leeway on either end of the spectrum

    In Stock

    $4.95 - $13.95

  • Freshwater Betta - Halfmoon Super Red - E13

    In Stock


  • Freshwater Betta - Plakat Nemo Multicolor - E29

    In Stock



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