
489 products


  • Symphyllia - Mulitcolor - C63

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  • Modern/Cynarina - Multicolored - C58

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  • Modern/Cynarina - Multicolored - C54

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  • Modern/Cynarina - Multicolored - C69

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  • Zoa Gardens - B47

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  • Symphyllia - Red/Blue - B4

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  • Lobophyllia - Multicolor - A30

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  • Goniopora - Pink - A57

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  • Micromussa - Red/Green - B31

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor- A46

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  • Multicolor Doughnut Coral - C64

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  • Goniopora - Pink - A50

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  • War Paint Scoly - A38

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  • Blastomussa - Red/Orange - B8

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  • Lobopyllia - Multicolor - B1

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  • Symphyllia - Red/Green - A59

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor - A48

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  • Goniopora - Green Multicolor - A63

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  • Goniopora - Pink - A49

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  • Blastomussa - Red/Green - B16

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  • Blastomussa - Red/Orange - B11

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  • Goniopora - Pink Multicolor - A47

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  • Symphyllia - Multicolored - B42

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  • Symphyllia - Red/Blue - A41

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  • Multicolor Doughnut Coral - C62

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  • Mushroom - Fuzzy Rhodactis - A43

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  • Lobopyllia - Multicolor - B27

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  • Scolymia - Red -A67

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  • Zoa - Garden - A28

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  • Goniopora - Purple Multicolor - A35

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  • Acanthrophyllia Deshi - A75

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  • Acanthrophyllia Deshi - A74

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  • Symphyllia - Multicolored - B45

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  • Symphyllia - Multicolored - B29

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  • Enchinata - Multicolor -B3

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  • Trachyphyllia - Green - C61

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  • Symphyllia - Multicolor - A39

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  • Lobopyllia - Multicolor - B43

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  • Lobophyllia - Multicolor (Australia) - A53

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  • Buy Picasso Mushroom at

    Picasso Mushroom

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    Mushroom corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will also benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and small meaty items such as brine shrimp. They are covered by a thick layer of mucus which helps them consume small edible particles, and they also absorb dissolved nutrients from the water. They are very adaptable and virtually pest and disease free.Mushrooms are peaceful with other corals so long as they do not physically touch them- they have been known to melt other corals, especially stony corals, in this situation. Different colors of mushrooms often co-exist well in close proximity. It is very uncommon, but possible, for large specimens to close around and consume small animals such as fish.Mushroom corals are easy to keep and are a popular first coral for beginners, often growing and multiplying quickly. They come in many color varieties and textures. The Blue Mushroom is smooth, sometimes with small bumps, and has a blueish to purple color. Several corals will be attached to a rock. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low-Medium Average Placement: Low Water Flow: Low-Medium Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Mushroom corals are easy to keep and are a popular first coral for beginners, often growing and multiplying quickly. They come in many color varieties and textures. The Ultra Colored Mushroom may be smooth or bumpy, and may come in any bright color of the rainbow. Several corals will be attached to a rock.

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  • Lava Lamp Mushroom

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    Bullseye mushroom corals have a leathery texture covered in bumpy nubs. It has a saturated electric color which will stand out brightly from the rockwork. It is easy to keep and makes a great coral for beginners and experienced collectors alike. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low-Medium Average Placement: Low Water Flow: Low-Medium Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Mushroom corals are easy to keep and are a popular first coral for beginners, often growing and multiplying quickly. They come in many color varieties and textures. The Ultra Colored Mushroom may be smooth or bumpy, and may come in any bright color of the rainbow. Several corals will be attached to a rock.

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  • Uranium Bounce Mushroom

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    The unique and spectacular Bounce Mushroom is one of the newest developments in reef keeping! It is theorized that under high quality LED lighting, particularly with heavy blue spectrum, some Rhodactis mushrooms may develop enlarged pseudotentacles which gives them an extremely appealing shape. Each one is a breathtaking gem worthy of being the centerpiece of a reef! Uranium colored mushrooms showcase the pinnacle of saturated colors possible! Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low-Medium Average Placement: Low Water Flow: Low-Medium Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Mushroom corals are easy to keep and are a popular first coral for beginners, often growing and multiplying quickly. They come in many color varieties and textures. The Ultra Colored Mushroom may be smooth or bumpy, and may come in any bright color of the rainbow. Several corals will be attached to a rock.

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  • St. Thomas Mushroom

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    This fabulous Caribbean soft coral is covered in large tentacles which are often swollen and branched. Its color may vary, but is typically shimmering teal with pink or purple highlights. It is also known as the Bubble or Warty mushroom. This coral arrives loose without any substrate.It is often beneficial upon introduction to place the coral in low or shaded light and gradually move it to a more brightly lit location. To encourage it to attach to substrate it may be placed in a shallow dish with course rubble or rock. St. Thomas mushrooms may show better color and growth if given higher light levels and more food than more common types of mushroom.St. Thomas mushroom corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and small meaty items such as brine shrimp. They are covered by a thick layer of mucus which helps them consume small edible particles, and they also absorb dissolved nutrients from the water. They are quite adaptable and virtually pest and disease free.St. Thomas mushrooms are peaceful with other corals so long as they do not physically touch them- they have been known to melt other corals, especially stony corals, in this situation. Different colors of St. Thomas often co-exist well in close proximity. Difficulty: Intermediate Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Mid-Level Water Flow: Low Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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  • Oxypora Chalice Coral - Ultra

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    This interesting coral most often takes on a plating shape, able to encrust onto and extend outward from the rockwork. Occasionally it may develop whirls, branches or crinkled shapes. Ultra Australian specimens are always vividly colored and are more rare and impressive than those from other locations.Echinophyllia corals are best known for their flashy, saturated colors, which may be nearly any color of the rainbow; many colonies show contrasting colors. It is similar to Mycedium and Oxypora, but tends to puff up its tissue more than its relatives, especially around the edges of the colony where it may extend up to an inch from the skeleton. Its large, raised corallites often point in many different angles. It is one of the hardiest and most adaptable of the Chalice corals. Faviidae, or Closed Brain corals, are quite hardy and adaptable, making them a great first introduction to stony corals. This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It can also be offered small meaty items such as mysis and enriched brine shrimp, oyster eggs, and pellets. Its transparent feeding tentacles extend mainly at night, although it can learn to feed during daylight hours. It is tolerant of less-than-perfect water quality and not prone to pests.Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its long sweeper tentacles have a strong sting. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Aggressive

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    $44.95 - $98.95

  • Oxypora Chalice Coral

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    This interesting coral most often takes on a plating shape, able to encrust onto and extend outward from the rockwork. Occasionally it may develop whirls, branches or crinkled shapes. Ultra Australian specimens are always vividly colored and are more rare and impressive than those from other locations.Echinophyllia corals are best known for their flashy, saturated colors, which may be nearly any color of the rainbow; many colonies show contrasting colors. It is similar to Mycedium and Oxypora, but tends to puff up its tissue more than its relatives, especially around the edges of the colony where it may extend up to an inch from the skeleton. Its large, raised corallites often point in many different angles. It is one of the hardiest and most adaptable of the Chalice corals. Faviidae, or Closed Brain corals, are quite hardy and adaptable, making them a great first introduction to stony corals. This coral receives most of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It can also be offered small meaty items such as mysis and enriched brine shrimp, oyster eggs, and pellets. Its transparent feeding tentacles extend mainly at night, although it can learn to feed during daylight hours. It is tolerant of less-than-perfect water quality and not prone to pests.Space should be provided between corals to allow for growth and expansion, as its long sweeper tentacles have a strong sting. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Medium Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Aggressive

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    $22.45 - $53.95

  • Orange Oxide Zoa

    Orange Oxide Zoa

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    This coral receives much of its energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within its tissues. It also depends on absorbing nutrients from the water, and will benefit from occasional feedings of zooplankton and coral snow. Zoanthids are often covered in a heavy mucus layer which helps them capture prey. Many types may be voracious feeders if offered meaty items, especially those corals with long tapering tentacles. Their sting is quite mild, however they can grow fast enough to over-grow other corals, so adequate space should be provided to accommodate future growth. Those species with shorter tentacles typically require higher water flow than those with longer tentacles, and all types will benefit from bright light.Most species contain toxins in their mucus and tissues, including the potent neurotoxin palytoxin, which may be dangerous to humans. It is important not to underestimate this toxin- gloves are highly recommended when handling this coral. Sand Zoanthus polyps may be any of nearly limitless colors, often pink, red, or green, often with contrasting skirts or mouths in a different color. Different color varieties may grow next to one another peacefully, so it is possible to create a rainbow garden. Collected from Australia, each colony is unique.Sand Zoanthus polyps are a type of Zoanthid, also called colonial anemones. They grow in a cluster by budding, and are attached at the base by runners or a mat. Occasionally blowing the colony with a baster or powerhead will help clear detritus from between the polyps and discourage nuisance algae. They are very hardy and are quite tolerant of poor water quality. However, they may be prone to pests such as predatory nudibranch, sundial snails, spiders, some Asterina sp. starfish, and zoa pox infection. Dipping the coral before adding to a display aquarium is highly recommended. Some fish may also nip on them. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Medium - High Average Placement: Middle - High Water Flow: Medium - High Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $31.45 - $112.45

  • Colt Coral

    Colt Coral

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    These corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will also benefit from occasional feedings of phytoplankton. Specimens collected from the South Pacific have much more vivid colors than those from Indonesia.While leather corals have non-stinging tentacles, it is possible for them to release potent chemicals into the water which adversely affect the growth of stony corals; the use of carbon filtration (changed frequently) and regular water changes can minimize this. They occasionally retract all polyps and develop a waxy sheet over the surface which makes them look wet underwater; this is a natural cleansing behavior. Given good water flow the sheet will be shed into the water and the polyps will re-emerge. The sheet will break down naturally, but should be removed if seen floating in the water or if it covers another coral. Once established this coral is very hardy, but it may be prone to several types of pests. Snails such as the rapa rapa, little egg cowrie, nudibranches, and worms such as syllid worms (among others) may prey on soft corals. We recommend every coral be dipped before placed in a display aquarium. Leather corals may also be sensitive to the aluminum oxide in some phosphate-absorbing media.This popular coral is kept by nearly every aquarist at some point. It has an exceptionally soft texture and flexible branches which move easily in the current. It may come in nearly any shade of tan to pink, with polyps typically a deeper shade. It may be mistaken for Kenya Tree, but can easily be told apart by its slimy feel to the touch. Unlike most other soft corals, the Colt coral does not tolerate fresh water dips- cleansing products such as Coral RX Coral Dip should be used when necessary instead. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low - Medium Average Placement: Low - Middle Water Flow: Low - Medium Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $22.45 - $53.95

  • Cabbage Coral Cabbage Coral

    Cabbage Coral

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    These corals receive most of their energy by utilizing the photosynthetic algae contained within their tissues. They will also benefit from occasional feedings of phytoplankton. Specimens collected from the South Pacific have much more vivid colors than those from Indonesia.While leather corals have non-stinging tentacles, it is possible for them to release potent chemicals into the water which adversely affect the growth of stony corals; the use of carbon filtration (changed frequently) and regular water changes can minimize this. They occasionally retract all polyps and develop a waxy sheet over the surface which makes them look wet underwater; this is a natural cleansing behavior. Given good water flow the sheet will be shed into the water and the polyps will re-emerge. The sheet will break down naturally, but should be removed if seen floating in the water or if it covers another coral.Once established this coral is very hardy, but it may be prone to several types of pests. Snails such as the rapa rapa, little egg cowrie, nudibranches, and worms such as syllid worms (among others) may prey on soft corals. We recommend every coral be dipped before placed in a display aquarium. Leather corals may also be sensitive to the aluminum oxide in some phosphate-absorbing media.This easy to keep coral grows as delightful ruffles extending a few inches from the rock. It comes in shades of tan to pink with tiny polyps scattered sporadically over its surface and along the edges of its ruffles. Difficulty: Easy Growth Speed: Fast Lighting: Low - Medium Average Placement: Low - Middle Water Flow: Medium - Strong Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

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    $22.45 - $53.95


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