Brightwell Aquatics

Brightwell Aquatics

Like many of you, I am long-time aquarist, now with over three decades spent tending to all manner of marine and freshwater aquaria, and over 14 years spent as an aquarium professional at the manufacturing level. I have fought the same battles that you have with algae and livestock illnesses, balanced my water chemistry using what was available to me, maintained countless fishes, invertebrates, and plants, and had my share of successes and failures. Additionally, I have seen the conga line of products entering the aquarium hobby that create confusion among aquarists and earn dollars for exploitative manufacturers; frankly, I got tired of it all and decided that it was time to make some changes in the industry.

Being a disciple of a hobby based on Chemistry, Biology, Geology, and Physics, I feel that an aquarist generally prefers to be told in concrete terms the service that a product will perform and the constituents of the product, itself. Additionally, products should be formulated to provide the best possible performance, with high-purity materials, and without unnecessary ingredients.

It was from these ideals that the concept of Brightwell Aquatics was born.

76 products


  • Brightwell Aquatics Microvore - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics Microvore - 500ml

    Brightwell Aquatics Microvore - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Microvore Microdiet for Planktivorous Marine Fishes, Corals & other Suspension-Feeding Invertebrates Overview of Brightwell Aquatics Microvore Suspension of particulate, microencapsulated marine proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates fortified with complex and free-form amino and fatty acids, and vitamins important to immune system function. Appropriate for feeding many LPS, zooxanthellate, and azooxanthellate soft corals, as well as gorgonians, anemones, and other solitary and colonial polyps, particularly at night when tentacles are extended to maximize chances of prey-capture. Readily eaten by a multitude of reef-associated fishes known to feed on zooplankton and food particles drifting in the water column, including anemonefishes, basslets and pseudochromids, anthias, damselfishes and chromis, pygmy angelfishes, cardinalfishes, dartfishes, jawfishes, hawkfishes, wrasse, and many surgeonfishes. Does not require refrigeration. Formulated by a marine scientist. Instructions & Guidelines for using Microvore from Brightwell Aquatics Shake product well before using. Turn protein skimmer and other forms of mechanical filtration off prior to adding Microvore to aquaria, and allow 10 - 15 minutes after use before resuming operation of filtration.Target Feeding (corals): Target feeding may be carried out with a lengthy piece of rigid air tubing, plastic syringe, pipette, dropper, or similar device; suck a portion of Microvore into the feeding device, then slowly discharge the contents of the device 2 - 4" upstream of the target organism(s). Repeat these steps as deemed necessary. Do not place items that have been exposed to aquarium water inside this container without first thoroughly rinsing them (inside and outside) with fresh water; failure to do so will contaminate the product and encourage it to decompose. See below regarding maximum recommended feeding amount. Most zooxanthellate corals extend their tentacles at night, when the majority of coralivorous and zooplanktivorous fishes are asleep and the abundance of zooplankton in the water column passing over and through the reef is at its greatest.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Extrax Phos Phosphate Remover Brightwell Aquatics Extrax Phos Phosphate Remover close-up of aquarium filter media for removing phosphates in reef aquariums.

    Brightwell Aquatics Extrax Phos Phosphate Remover- 600 Gram

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    Brightwell Extrax Phos Phosphate Remover Phosphate adsorption media for all marine and reef aquaria. Overview of Brightwell Extrax Phos Advanced adsorbent of phosphate and silicate; provides rapid results. May be used on an on-going basis as part of a sensible nutrient-control program. Spherical shape and porosity maximize reactive surface area; promotes reactivity and efficiency by maximizing contact time and minimizing tendency to pack and channel water, and outperforms competing non-spherical phosphate-adsorbent media. Recommended usage is 2 g of Extrax Phos per 1 US-gallon (3.8 L) in aquarium; 600 grams will adsorb up to 20 mg/L phosphate in 300 US-gallons (1,136 L). Does not release phosphate, silicate, or soluble compounds into aquarium system when exhausted. Safe for use in all freshwater and marine aquaria, including freshwater planted systems and reef systems. Instructions & Guidelines for using ExtraxPhos from Brightwell Aquatics Prior to first use, rinse each 600 grams of Extrax Phos in 1/2 US-gallon of purified water, then discard water; note that Extrax Phos material may become hot when first immersed in this water. Use 2 grams of Extrax Phos per 1 US-gallon of water in system and monitor phosphate concentration ("[PO43-]") during usage. Apply Extrax Phos media as required to obtain and then maintain an immeasurable [PO43-]. It is time to replace Extrax Phos once the [PO43-] in the system either ceases to decrease (e.g. when the [PO43-] is >0.05 mg/L and is no longer falling) or begins to increase; this indicates complete media exhaustion. Slight changes in coloration of the media with usage do not necessarily indicate exhaustion and should not be used as a guideline for when to replace the media.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Koralle-VM - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics Koralle-VM - 500ml

    Brightwell Aquatics Koralle-VM - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Koralle-VM Advanced vitamin, minor, and trace element supplement for all marine fish and reef aquaria. Overview of Brightwell Koralle-VM Unique vitamin and minor and trace element complex for establishing and replacing substances important to marine invertebrates, including corals, clams, and their allies; these substances are particularly important to biological reactions. Does not contain minor or trace elements not expressly known to be utilized by marine organisms or take place in chemical interactions. Vitamins are present in ratios found in the tissues of filter-feeding marine invertebrates. Minor and trace elements are present in natural seawater ratios. Composed of purified water and ultra-high purity materials. Formulated by a marine scientist. Instructions & Guidelines for using Koralle-VM from Brightwell Aquatics Shake well before using. Add 5 ml (1 capful) per 25 US-gallons of water in the aquarium system weekly for the first four weeks of use; then, gradually increase the dosage to 10 ml per 25 US-gallons per week if desired. When used in this fashion, 250 ml treats up to 1,250 US-gallons (4,732 L).

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Coralline Accelerator - 500mL Brightwell Aquatics Coralline Accelerator instructions for use

    Brightwell Aquatics Coralline Accelerator - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Coralline Accelerator The active components of Coralline Accelerator are provided by a combination of sources and include natural aragonite, increasing the solubility of the solution and the effectiveness of the method. Silicate- and phosphate-free.Examples of reef-building organisms familiar to hobbyists are: coralline algae, stony corals and their allies; molluscs including clams (bivalves) and snails (gastropods); tube worms that secrete calcareous burrows; and other calcareous algae such as Halimeda, and Penicilus. These organisms require that the components of aragonite be in adequate concentrations if they are to thrive, regardless of how perfect the remainder of their environment is. The advantage to this method of supplementation is that one product may be used to establish and maintain water parameters conducive to reef formation.Note that target ion-specific supplementation may be called for in some aquaria, depending upon stocking density of reef-building organisms and environmental conditions within the system. Additionally, hobbyists may choose to use Coralline Accelerator in conjunction with other methods of calcium, strontium, magnesium, and carbonate supplementation as a means of diversifying their dosing routine.The rate at which calcium and carbonates are extracted from the water is determined by the stocking density of reef-building livestock, type of lighting, and other conditions; therefore, each aquarium will have different requirements for the rate of supplementation. Coralline Accelerator Features Complete source of the elements and molecules that are directly used by coralline algae, as well as corals, clams, and other reef-building invertebrates Provides calcium, strontium, magnesium, and potassium in approximately the same ratios* in which they occur in aragonite. Very strong source of carbonates (derived from aragonite), the other important group of ions involved in aragonite formation. Increases alkalinity to help stabilize pH. Stronger than competing products. May be used as an inexpensive alternative to automated calcium reactor systems with similar results. Free of phosphate, silicate, and organic material. Instructions for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics Coralline Accelerator Shake product well before using. Add 10 ml (2 capfuls) of product per 50 US-gallons of aquarium water every other day or as needed to maintain the calcium concentration within a range of 412 - 450 ppm. When used in this fashion, 500 ml treats up to 2,500 US-gallons (9,450 L).Coralline Accelerator may temporarily cloud aquarium water after addition, therefore it is recommended that the product be dosed in the late evening.

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  • Brightwell MicroBacter Clean - 2 Litre

    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Clean - 2 Litre

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    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Clean MicroBacter Clean is a complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to clean aquarium live rock and decorations.The concentration of dissolved and particulate organic materials in any aquatic environment can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of, as well as the health of organisms residing within, that system. Relatively low-nutrient environments are characterized by high water clarity, lack of unpleasant odors, and absence of unsightly coatings; this is collectively a result of the lack of nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and carbon-based waste available. Aquaria that are relatively rich in available nutrients have characteristics opposite to the afore mentioned, and are typically not desirable because of the resultant appearance of the system and the difficulty of maintaining healthy aquarium inhabitants. Features of MicroBacter Clean Natural cleaning action on all aquarium and decoration surfaces. Loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier. Establishment of bacterial colonies that multiply and continue to clean the aquarium. Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate (without having to physically clean or disturb the substrate bed). Instructions for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics MicroBacter Clean Shake product well before using. Mix appropriate volume of MicroBacterCLEAN (see below) with 250-ml (~8 fl. oz.) of aquarium water in a clean container prior to addition to aquarium. If using a pipette to dispense MicroBacterCLEAN below water level of container or aquarium, be sure to thoroughly clean pipette with fresh water prior to placing tube back into MicroBacterCLEAN bottle; failure to do so will contaminate the product. Best results may be obtained by adding mixture to external biological filtration system. Works particularly well with Xport. Do not add to pump intake port(s). Turn protein skimming and UV-sterilization off for a period of 4 hours following addition to aquaria. While utilizing MicroBacterCLEAN continue good maintenance practices such as regular vacuuming, using purified water for additions, and limiting the addition of unnecessary nutrients.For normal cleaning and to maintain a clean aquarium: Add 20 ml (4 capfuls) per 25 US-gallons (94.6 L) [16 drops per gallon (3.8 L)] of aquarium water weekly.For problem aquariums or to rapidly accelerate cleaning: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) per 25 US-gallons (94.6 L) [24 drops per gallon (3.8 L)] of aquarium water on the first day, then add 5 ml (1 capful) per 25 US-gallons (94.6 L) [4 drops per gallon (3.8 L)] of aquarium water daily for 2 weeks or longer as necessary until desired results are achieved. Bacteria work slowly, so full results can take up to 8 to 10 weeks for long neglected systems.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro 5x - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro 5x overview and features of this aquarium additive

    Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro 5x - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro 5X Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro 5X Professional strength Nitrogen source - 5 times as powerful of NeoNitro Overview of Brightwell NeoNitro 5X Nitrate Additive Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without the use of chemical filtration media and without resorting to polluting the system with organic material to raise the nitrogen content. Recommended for use by advanced reef aquarists maintaining ultra-low nutrient content systems, only. May be used with MICROBACTER7 (selected microbes and enzymes), REEF BIOFUEL and/or KATALYST (organic carbon source), and NEOPHOS (phosphorus source) to achieve desired nutrient content in reef aquaria for improved health and coloration of inhabitants. Successfully-operated low-nutrient and ultra-low-nutrient reef aquaria rely upon a balance of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in order to enable beneficial microbes to efficiently remove latent organic material by means of consuming it and converting it into additional microbial biomass. The resulting perpetual supply of planktonic microbes is exported from the system via protein skimming and/or captured by corals and other suspension-feeding invertebrates, recycling the once-latent organic material (waste) into additional biomass of these organisms. These nutrients are also required by zooxanthellae, and therefore by zooxanthellate invertebrates, for continued existence.The ability of microbes to remove nutrients from their surroundings relies upon the presence of adequate supplies of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus; if any one of these nutrients is not present in adequate supply, microbial uptake slows or ceases and the concentrations of the remaining nutrients increases as nutrient input continues. The aquarist may employ appropriate filtration material to reduce the concentrations of these nutrients, however bringing the nutrient concentrations into "balance" will accomplish the same task. Failure to maintain adequate nutrient content in any reef system may result in bleaching and/or tissue degradation of zooxanthellate invertebrates. Instructions & Guidelines for using NeoNitro 5X from Brightwell Aquatics Shake product well before using. Do not overdose. Results will be most significant when the system is being dosed with MICROBACTER7 on a daily or bi-daily basis.1. Using accurate test kits or calibrated digital testing devices, determine phosphate and nitrate concentrations in system. It is assumed that the nitrate concentration in the system is below detectable limits for the testing method being employed.2. Apply NEONITRO as directed below to attain a nitrate concentration of ~3 ppm.3. Allow 24-hours to elapse; re-test nitrate and phosphate concentrations. If concentrations remain unchanged, then the system is likely carbon-limited. Dose with REEF BIOFUEL at the rate of 1- l per 25 US-gallons and allow 24-hours to elapse, then re-test phosphate and nitrate concentrations. Continue daily dosing with REEF BIOFUEL until phosphate or nitrate concentrations begin to decrease, indicating that the rate of carbon input to the system matches the rate of phosphorus- or nitrogen-input, respectively.4. If phosphate concentration decreases without addition of REEF BIOFUEL or use of KATALYST, nitrate concentration in the system will decrease. Continue dosing with NEONITRO to maintain nitrate concentration of ~3 - 5 ppm until phosphate concentration falls to within desired range (suggested 0.01 - 0.02 ppm). Thereafter, dose with NEONITRO as required to maintain desired phosphate and nitrate concentrations.Note: If at any time, dosing with NEONITRO results in a prolonged increase of nitrate concentration without gradual decrease as phosphate is taken up, system is likely carbon-limited (remedied by the application of REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST to the system). Refer to Steps 3 and 4, or to our website (NEOPHOS "Technical" page). There has been more than one strength of NEONITRO that has been sold, so please refer to the number of gallons treated on the bottle. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos 5x - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos 5x overview and features of this aquarium additive

    Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos 5x - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos 5X Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos Phosphorus supplement for utra-low nutrient reef aquarium systems; 5 times more powerful than NeoPhos. Overview of Brightwell NeoPhos 5X Phosphate Additive Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural nitrogen uptake to take place in systems with inadequate phosphorus content, lowering ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations without the use of chemical filtration media and without resorting to polluting the system with organic material to raise the phosphorus content. Recommended for use by advanced reef aquarists maintaining ultra-low nutrient content systems, only. May be used with MICROBACTER7, REEF BIOFUEL and/or KATALYST, and NEONITRO to achieve desired nutrient content in reef aquaria for improved health and coloration of inhabitants. Successfully-operated low-nutrient and ultra-low-nutrient reef aquaria rely upon a balance of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in order to enable beneficial microbes to efficiently remove latent organic material by means of consuming it and converting it into additional microbial biomass. The resulting perpetual supply of planktonic microbes is exported from the system via protein skimming and/or captured by corals and other suspension-feeding invertebrates, recycling the once-latent organic material (waste) into additional biomass of these organisms. These nutrients are also required by zooxanthellae, and therefore by zooxanthellate invertebrates, for continued existence.The ability of microbes to remove nutrients from their surroundings relies upon the presence of adequate supplies of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus; if any one of these nutrients is not present in adequate supply, microbial uptake slows or ceases and the concentrations of the remaining nutrients increases as nutrient input continues. The aquarist may employ appropriate filtration material to reduce the concentrations of these nutrients, however bringing the nutrient concentrations into "balance" will accomplish the same task. Failure to maintain adequate nutrient content in any reef system may result in bleaching and/or tissue degradation of zooxanthellate invertebrates. Instructions & Guidelines using NeoPhos 5X from Brightwell Aquatics Shake product well before using. Do not overdose. Results will be most significant when the system is being dosed with MICROBACTER7 on a daily or bi-daily basis.1. Using accurate test kits or calibrated digital testing devices, determine phosphate and nitrate concentrations in system. It is assumed that the phosphate concentration in the system is below detectable limits for the testing method being employed.2. Apply NEOPHOS as directed below to attain a phosphate concentration of ~0.02 ppm.3. Allow 24-hours to elapse; re-test nitrate and phosphate concentrations. If concentrations remain unchanged, then the system is likely carbon-limited. Dose with REEF BIOFUEL at the rate of 1-ml per 25 US-gallons and allow 24-hours to elapse, then re-test phosphate and nitrate concentrations. Continue daily dosing with REEF BIOFUEL until phosphate or nitrate concentrations begin to decrease, indicating that the rate of carbon input to the system matches the rate of phosphorus- or nitrogen-input, respectively.4. If nitrate concentration decreases without addition of REEF BIOFUEL or use of KATALYST, phosphate concentration in the system will decrease. Continue dosing with NEOPHOS to maintain phosphate concentration of ~0.01 - 0.02 ppm until nitrate concentration falls to within desired range (suggested 3 - 5 ppm). Thereafter, dose with NEOPHOS as required to maintain desired phosphate and nitrate concentrations.Note: If at any time, dosing with NEOPHOS results in a prolonged increase of phosphate concentration without gradual decrease as nitrate is taken up, system is likely carbon-limited (remedied by the application of REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST to the system). Refer to Steps 3 and 4, or to our website (NEOPHOS "Technical" page). There has been more than one strength of NEOPHOS that has been sold, so please refer to the number of gallons treated on the bottle.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3 - 1000 Gram Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3 - 1000 Gram

    Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3 - 1000 Gram

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    Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3 Powder Buffer KH buffer powder for all marine fish and reef aquaria. Alkalin8.3 Features Highly-effective alkalinity-increasing ("buffer") powdered blend. Helps increase pH stability in an aquarium by raising the alkalinity; continued addition raises pH until 8.3 is reached, at which point the pH remains unchanged and the alkalinity alone increases. Provides a source of carbonates, which make up the majority by weight of aragonite, the mineral secreted by reef-building organisms as skeletal material. Formulated by a marine scientist Determine alkalinity in aquarium with an accurate test kit prior to supplementing. Do not add this product directly to an aquarium without first diluting in water as directed. Instructions for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics Alkalin8.3 Powder Dissolve 2 grams (~1/2 teaspoon) of product per 20 US-gallons of aquarium water in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water; add every other day or as needed to maintain the alkalinity within a range of 7 - 12 dKH. When used in this fashion, 1,000 g treats up to 10,000 US-gallons (37,854 L).

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  • Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLM full bottle

    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLM - 2 Liter

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    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLM - 2 Liter MicroBacter Start XLM is a professional 15x strength live tank starter nitrifying bioculture for rapidly cycling new marine fish and reef aquaria and brackish aquariums, and for recovering from overcrowding or disasters where the bacteria bed has been damaged or when adding new fish. MicroBacter Start XLM 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in marine & brackish aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new start-ups, resulting in cycling in about 5 to 7 days in most cases. It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through non pathogenic nitrifying bacterial action. Even though this product is extremely potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times the rated dosage during aquarium upsets. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has beeninadvertently killed or under overcrowding. MicroBacter Start XLM Features Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems. Crucial for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an ammonia or nitrite emergency (such as when medications have killed or damaged the bacteria bed) Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications. 1. Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite. 2. Prevents "New Tank Syndrome." Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Does not require refrigeration during normal shipping or storage. Normal storage temperature range is 34F to 80F. Will withstand one or more freezes and higher temperatures to 95F for a few days at a time, allowing for normal shipping temperatures. We do recommend refrigeration at 50F when possible to prolong shelf life. (Competing products cannot stand any freezes and must be refrigerated below 50F at all times requiring shipping with ice or refrigerated containers MicroBacter Start XLM 15X is a highly concentrated, selective complex of live, extremely effective microbes and enzymes that rapidly reduces the concentrations of organic nitrogen - i.e. ammonia, and nitrite in marine and brackish ecosystems, leading to greatly improved water quality and much faster cycling. Use of MicroBacter Start XLM does not alleviate the requirement for regular partial water changes to help maintain proper concentrations of elements that are vital to long-term health and survival of aquarium inhabitants.Notes - It is normal that clumps may form in the product and the product and the aquarium may have an "earthy" smell or smell "off" and the aquarium water could become cloudy and the smell and cloudiness could remain for many hours after using. This is due to the bacteria themselves and is an indication of quality and is the reason it is necessary to shake product well immediately before using. Brightwell Aquatics recommends that you not use any other type of bacteria product until your cycle with this product is complete. Do not use live sand and particularly DO NOT USE dry seeded artificial live rock. There are no dry bacteria species that will be compatible with this nitrifying bacteria product or that are useful to cycle an aquarium! To use a dry bacteria will only lengthen the time it takes to cycle by many weeks and increase your work by 6 to 8 times! Wet cycled live rock or even previously cycled wet man made rock will work fine. Dry sand is fine to use, but not bagged, so called "live sand."Storage: Although product can withstand elevated temperatures for short periods of time (a few days), for best longevity and highest potency, keep below 80 degrees F and if possible, it will be best kept refrigerated at 50 degrees F. Do not freeze! Freezing can kill the bacteria. (This product will usually withstand a freeze or two in transit in the winter, but do not freeze, thaw, freeze thaw.) If the product arrives frozen, then thaw at room temperature, NEVER MICROWAVE! Instructions & Guidelines for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLM Shake product vigorously immediately before using. Add the appropriate volume of MicroBacter Start XLM (see below) to the aquarium in an area of high flow to promote dispersion. Do not use "live sand" or "dry seeded artificial live rock" until cycling with this product is complete for several weeks! (In fact, Brightwell Aquatics recommends that you do not use dry seeded artificial "live rock" ever. The best choices are aquacultured live rock, rock from the ocean, naturally cycled artificial rock sold wet, unseeded dry artificial rock, dry Florida aragonite, other natural aragonite, marco rock and the like. Any rock that already contains a bacteria and is dry, will damage the cycling and in our experience takes too long to cycle and cycles the wrong nutrients - it will not properly cycle ammonia because it is the wrong species of bacteria). To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) of MicroBacter Start XLM per 25 US-gallons (95 L) of aquarium water. Add one or more hardy fish. Remove filter socks, turn UV-sterilization and/or ozonation and/or protein skimmer off for the complete period of cycling until you are finished dosing this product. Test ammonia and nitrite levels daily or as needed, if either are above .2 ppm, then you can dose MicroBacter Start XLM again at a lower dose of 10 ml per 25 US-gallons, if desired. At 7 days or longer, Tank is cycled if, and only if, both ammonia and nitrite levels are zero and nitrate is well above zero. If either ammonia or nitrite levels are above zero, then the tank is not yet fully cycled and you should not add fish. if the nitrate is not above zero (at least .25 ppm), then tank is not yet fully cycled and you should not add fish. To replace bacteria killed by extensive cleaning of substrates and surfaces: Add 10 to 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed, and ammonia level.To replace bacteria killed by medications, overcrowding or emergencies: Add 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed. Then add 5 ml per half hour until ammonia levels come down.To perform a Fishless Cycle: Purchase a bottle of MicroBacter QuikCycl to use simultaneously with this product, MicroBacter Start XLM according to the QuikCycl label. Fishless cycling requires both products to be used together. This product will provide the bacteria and the QuikCycl will provide the nutrients.Ongoing care after the aquarium is cycled: To provide ongoing biological stability to a cycled aquarium: Switch to MicroBacterClean after tank is fully cycled and one week has elapsed. This will greatly reduce problems during the "ugly stage." At that point, you can add Reef BioFuelTM to provide a carbon source for the MicroBacterClean, if desired.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics PhytoGold-S Phytoplankton Brightwell Aquatics PhytoGold-S Phytoplankton instructions and guidelines for using this coral food in your reef aquarium

    Brightwell Aquatics PhytoGold-S Phytoplankton - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics PhytoGold-S Phytoplankton 1 - 30um Phytoplankton Suspension for Soft Corals, Clams, Sponges, and Other Filter-Feeders Overview Overview of Brightwell Aquatics PhytoGold-S Provides phytoplankton ranging in size from 4 - 10 micron. Ideally-sized for many soft corals, clams, sponges, tunicates, tube worms, and larval invertebrates. Formulated to provide over 75-million phytoplankton cells per ml. Does not require refrigeration. Supplemented with a proprietary amino acid to aid in coloration of invertebrates. Formulated by a marine scientist. Instructions & Guidelines for using PhytoGold-S Phytoplankton from Brightwell Aquatics Shake product well before using. Turn protein skimmer and other forms of mechanical filtration off prior to adding food suspensions to aquaria, and allow 10 - 15 minutes after feeding before resuming operation of filtration.Target Feeding (recommended): Target feeding may be carried out with a lengthy piece of rigid air tubing, plastic syringe, pipette, dropper, or similar device; pour 5 ml (1 capful) into a small container and suck a portion of this into the feeding device, then slowly discharge the contents of the device 2 - 4" upstream of the target organism(s). Repeat these steps as deemed necessary. Rinse the portion (inside and outside) of the feeder that was placed into aquarium water before placing it into this bottle (if feeding directly from the bottle rather than from a separate container); failure to do so will contaminate the product and encourage it to decompose.

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  • Brightwell Elemental - 800 Gram Brightwell Elemental back of package showing product

    Brightwell Aquatics Elemental - 800 Gram

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    Brightwell Aquatics Elemental Reef building supplement for coralline algae, coral, clams, and other marine invertebrates. Elemental Features Complete source of the elements and molecules directly used by corals, clams, and other reef-building invertebrates and organisms to create skeletal material and grow. Provides calcium, strontium, magnesium, and potassium in approximately the same ratios in which they occur in aragonite, the mineral that is primarily secreted by reef-building marine organisms under normal environmental conditions. Very strong source of carbonates, also involved in aragonite formation; twice the calcium relative to carbonates compared to natural aragonite. Formulated by a marine scientist. Instructions for using Brightwell Aquatics Aquatics Elemental Dissolve 2 grams (~1/2 teaspoon) of product per 20 US-gallons of aquarium water in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water; stir immediately prior to use and add every other day to provide important elements to reef-building organisms. May also be added directly to an area of high water flow. When used in this fashion, 400 g treats up to 4,000 US-gallons (15,141.6 L). May temporarily cloud aquarium water after addition, therefore it is recommended that the product be dosed at night.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpCode Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpCode overview and guidelines for using in freshwater aquariums

    Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpCode - 125ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpCode Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpCode supplies trace and minor elements for shrimp and other crustaceans & riverine fishesThe role that trace and minor elements play with shrimp, other crustaceans and riverine fishes is related to neurological and metabolic processes (in which these elements play critical roles), as well as overall coloration (trace and minor elements are often at the core of pigments known to enhance coloration). Dosing a trace and minor supplement with every water change performed is an effective method of delivering these substances for maximum benefit.Many freshwater shrimps are native to tropical and subtropical waters of Asia, Oceania and Africa. In general, most will thrive in water conditions similar to most freshwater fish species. Parameters within the following ranges is generally acceptable: pH 6.5 - 7.5; dGH 4 - 6; dKH 3 - 4; however, obtaining the water parameters in which your shrimp were bred and maintaining them in these conditions is the best practice to follow. Certainly, research the web to obtain more specific parameters recommended for the exact species you are keeping.A number of popular ornamental fish species, such as Cardinal Tetras and Neon Tetras, Rasboras, White Clouds, and Glassfish are often found in the same water conditions in which shrimp thrive; hence, ShrimpCode may also be used in aquaria housing these fishes with equal success, as well as catfish species such as pygmy Corydoras, and Kuhli loaches. Overview of Brightwell ShrimpCode Copper free and shrimp safe. Unique complex that provides trace and minor elements in ratios found to be beneficial to shrimp, other crustaceans and riverine fishes that share the same waters of origin. Provides minor and trace elements utilized in important neurological and metabolic reactions, and which are incorporated into natural bio pigments for coloration. Replaces minor and trace elements used by aquarium inhabitants, and which are lost through chemical filtration (use of filtration media such as resins and activated carbon). Composed of purified water and ultra-high purity materials. Formulated utilizing extensive research on chemistry of the waters naturally- nhabited by shrimp. Instructions & Guidelines for using ShrimpCode from Brightwell Aquatics Basic: Shake product well: Add 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with a pump, or 2 threads on cap) of product per 8 US-gallons of aquarium water 2-3 times each week; When used in this fashion, 500 ml treats up to 2,000 US-gallons (9,500 L). This dosage may also be used for freshwater community aquaria.Advanced: Dose 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with a pump, or 2 threads on cap) per 20 US-gallons daily for the first four weeks of use; Then, gradually increase the daily dosage to 4 ml per 20 US-gallons over the following four weeks and maintain this dosage. Starting at a low dosage will not cause any harm to aquarium inhabitants, and will enable you to notice subtle changes in the appearance of the system that indicate the effectiveness and need for the product.With the exception of iron, there are no hobbyist-grade test kits that provide reliable measurements of the concentrations of many minor and trace elements present in freshwater aquaria. It's therefore not possible to chemically determine exactly how much of a trace and minor element supplement to dose; rather, you must rely on the appearance of the livestock to make that determination. Daily dosing maintains more stable concentrations (and a more natural environment) than dosing weekly, in which the concentration of elements spikes just after dosing and then gradually decreases throughout the course of the week.Though trace and minor elements are essential to critical biological processes, the gross overdosing of a trace and minor element supplement can be harmful to aquarium inhabitants. Minor and trace elements are made unavailable in aquaria largely by adsorption to particulate organic matter (POM); therefore, aquaria with large amounts of latent organic material may require slightly heavier dosing of this product to compensate for that which is bound. In all cases, latent organic material should be removed as thoroughly as possible from aquaria because of the negative impact that it can have on water quality. The use of activated carbon will remove trace and minor elements both passively and actively, requiring that this product be dosed after the use of carbon filtration media.

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  • Brightwell Reef Code A-P 1KG front of container Brightwell Reef Code A-P instructions and guidelines for use.

    Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P - 1KG

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    Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P is a balanced calcium and alkalinity system for all marine fish and reef aquaria. Overview of Brightwell Reef Code A-P Powder The calcium-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity ("buffering capacity")) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater. Benefits reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, calcareous algae, etc. Simplifies calcium and alkalinity maintenance; economical for particularly large systems. Contains no phosphate, silicate, or organic material. Formulated by a marine scientist. This method of calcium and carbonate supplementation is advantageous to hobbyists interested in a simple and effective means of providing elements and molecules required for skeletal growth of reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, and their allies.The magnesium concentration in all reef aquaria should be adjusted to, and maintained between, 1,290 - 1,320 ppm before using these supplements (alone or together) or other calcium and alkalinity products. Doing so helps prevent unwanted precipitation between calcium and carbonate ions.The rate at which calcium and carbonates are extracted from the water is determined by the stocking density of reef- building livestock, type of lighting, and other conditions; therefore, each aquarium will have different requirements for the rate of supplementation.It is recommended that calcium and magnesium concentrations in the aquarium system be determined by using accurate test kits prior to supplementing. Do not add this product directly to an aquarium containing live animals without first diluting in water as directed. Instructions & Guidelines for using Reef Code A-P from Brightwell Aquatics 1 Kilogram will make between approximately 1.8 and 3.10 gallons of Part-A additive.Basic Instructions and Guidelines: Add 20 grams per 8-fl. oz. of purified water in a clean mixing container and stir to dissolve; dose the resultant solution to the aquarium system as required to maintain the calcium concentration within a range of 412 - 450 ppm.Advanced Instructions and Guidelines: Create a stock solution by dissolving 35 grams of Reef Code A-P in 8-fl. oz. of purified fresh water; each ml of the solution will increase the calcium concentration ("[Ca2+]")in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~10 ppm. [Reference: Each g of REEF CODE A-P will increase the [Ca2+] in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~87 ppm.] If initial [Ca2+] in the aquarium is below 412 ppm, add stock solution at maximum rate of 10 ml per 20 US-gallons daily until desired concentration is attained, then dose daily or weekly as needed (see below). Maintain [Ca2+] within a range of +/-10ppm. Once desired [Ca2+] has been acquired, measure aquarium's [Ca2+] at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period to determine the daily rate of calcium uptake (i.e. the decrease in calcium). To determine daily dosing rate: estimate volume of water in entire aquarium system (US-gal.); divide the daily decrease in [Ca2+] by 10; multiply this number by volume of water in system to obtain daily ml of stock solution required to maintain stable [Ca2+]. Dose system as required to maintain desired calcium and alkalinity (using Reef Code B-P) values. Do not mix solutions together; this will cause the active components to precipitate and become ineffective. May be mixed individually in large containers and dosed with a drip- or automated-dosing system; ensure that solutions are entering the system in different areas to prevent precipitation. If dosing manually, allow at least 5 minutes to pass between dosing Reef Code A-P and B-P solutions.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp VitamarinF Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp VitamarinF guidlines and overview for using this additive for freshwater shrimp aquariums

    Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp VitamarinF - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp VitamarinF Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp Vitamarin F is an advanced freshwater multi-vitamin supplement for all shrimp, other crustaceans & fishVitamins are compounds required in minute concentrations for vital metabolic reactions; the amounts of vitamins required for a given species varies. Short-term vitamin deficiencies can typically be tolerated by most organisms, however long-term deficiencies tend to result in abnormalities, poor health, and eventually even death of the specimen. Conversely, if severely overdosed, ingested vitamins can have a negative impact on a specimen by way of toxicity, though the impact is unlikely to be permanent. Decreasing the vitamin dosage typically results in full recovery of the affected specimen.It is recommended that Shrimp Vitamarin F be utilized as a soak for vitamin-deficient foods, or it may be added directly to the aquarium water, to benefit any plankton, biofilm or algae that may be present and become food sources.All Brightwell Aquatics liquid water care supplements are made with purified water and high purity materials. We develop formulae for aquaria based on empirical data, using observation and measurement rather than theory.Shrimp Vitamarin F does not require refrigeration, however storage in a cool, shaded area will prolong the activity of the vitamins. Refrigeration will maximize the shelf-life of the product. Overview of Brightwell Shrimp VitamarinF Copper free and shrimp safe. Full-spectrum vitamin supplement formulated to benefit freshwater shrimp and other crustaceans, as well as freshwater fishes. Provides a full-complement of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in ratios found to improve overall health and coloration. Useful when preparing shrimp for spawning; also benefits all stages of development. Requires no refrigeration. Composed of purified water and ultra-high purity ingredients. Instructions & Guidelines for using Shrimp VitamarinF from Brightwell Aquatics To fortify food: Place food in a clean container such as a small bowl or cup and add only enough Shrimp Vitamarin F to saturate. Allow at least 5 minutes to elapse before feeding, enabling adequate time for the vitamins to become thoroughly absorbed by the food. Repeat with each feeding, or as deemed necessary by the general appearance of the organisms consuming the food.When preparing shrimp for spawning, feeding frequency is often increased; limit the use of Shrimp Vitamarin F to twice each day. Be sure to remove any uneaten food from the aquarium after 5 - 7 minutes to ensure that water quality is not negatively-impacted by excessive nutrient input. Avoiding overfeeding is a crucial aspect of successful aquarium husbandry.Shrimp Vitamarin F may be added directly to the aquarium water. For this use, add 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with a pump, or 2 threads on cap) twice a week. Liquid food suspensions may be fortified by adding 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with pump, or approximately 16 drops) ShrimpVitamarin-F per 20 ml of food suspension; stir to mix and allow 5 minutes to elapse before feeding.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics X-Port NO3 Plate Brightwell Aquatics X-Port NO3 Plate front view of filter media

    Brightwell Aquatics X-Port NO3 Plate

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    Brightwell Aquatics X-Port NO3 Plate The Brightwell Aquatics Xport NO3 Plate is an ultra-activated denitrification Plate Media doped with Elemental Sulfur, for Superior Performance Characteristics Overview of Brightwell X-Port NO3 Plate Highest porosity and largest useable surface area, per unit weight or volume, of all filtration media available anywhere Provides huge amounts of aerobic and anaerobic surface area for efficient bacterial colonization. Provides over 71,000 square feet (6,596 square meters) of surface area per liter of medium. One brick has about 100,000 square feet of useable surface area for bacterial colonization. Also reduces phosphate significantly and dissolved organics. So porous that it wicks water and stays wet for days when drained, allowing bacteria to remain viable after an equipment failure and ready for the repair. Doped with Aragonite to buffer pH at the bacteria level, preventing acid buildup which eventually would kill the bacteria and reduce capacity. (Which is what happens in competing products) Dimensions: 9.25" x 8" x 1.25"You can use more plates than the capacity shown above. You can't have too much filtration, the bacterial growth will be self limiting. It is prudent to use a whole plate even in smaller systems down to about 50 U.S. gallons. If the system is smaller than that, then use the cubes instead. For nitrification, or removal of ammonia and nitrite, employing the plate aerobically, or above the water line will provide maximum results. To do this, mount the plate in air, above the water level, and run a small stream of water through the plate. It is not necessary or desirable to run the whole flow of the main system pump through the plate. A flow of about 40 to 80 liters per hour is ideal. An adjustable flow control will allow you to adjust the water flow to only that which will flow through (and not around) the plate. On the other hand, removing nitrate is an anaerobic process and limiting oxygen to the plate as much as possible will maximize the nitrate removal. In this case, mount the plate beneath the water surface in the sump in a very low flow area, if possible. To use one plate for both aerobic nitrification and anaerobic denitrification, mount the plate below the water surface and provide medium flow around it. The bacteria growing in the top 1/4" of the surface of the plate will be aerobic and will use up all the oxygen so that the inside of the plate goes anoxic or anaerobic. Anaerobic denitrifying bacteria will then colonize the internal surfaces of the plate and you will get both nitrification on the surface and denitrification in the internal parts.While the NO3 plate will perform both nitrification and denitrification, it is primarily designed for denitrification. If you are needing nitrification (removal of ammonia & nitrite), you should purchase the BIO Plate.One important criteria in marine systems is gas exchange. Xport is the best bacterial media in the world, but it is not good at gas exchange. Bio balls are the best for gas exchange, so any system will work better with a small stack of bio balls placed in the main flow (in air). Instructions & Guidelines for using X-Port NO3 Plate from Brightwell Aquatics Use one XPort NO3 Plate for every 1,250 U.S. gallons ( 4,750 L ) of system capacity, more for heavy bio loads. Rinse material well with aquarium water or purified tap water. For superior results, seed the material using FlorinBacter, MicrōBacter7 or MicroBacterCLEAN, as appropriate for your aquarium, by placing XPort NO3 Plate in a plastic container, filling it with aquarium water, and then adding the full recommended dose of either bacterial product, based on the size of your aquarium, to that container.Allow to stand overnight and then add the seeded XPort NO3 Plate to your system. You may also add the water back to your aquarium, if desired. It is recommended that you use sponge, fine filter floss or other mechanical filtration ahead of XPort NO3 Plate to prevent clogging with organic material.For maximum results, also provide a good carbon source for growing bacteria, such as Brightwell Katalyst bio pellets or liquid Reef BioFuel or Florin Axis, as appropriate for your aquarium, as directed on their label.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics ForinBacter One Brightwell Aquatics ForinBacter One for freshwater planted aquariums

    Brightwell Aquatics ForinBacter One - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics ForinBacter One Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter One is a complete tank starter bioculture for all freshwater shrimp, fish & planted aquaria.FlorinBacter One is primarily designed to jump start the ammonia cycle in freshwater planted and shrimp aquariums and prevent "New Tank Syndrome." It will instantly create a biological filter in freshwater aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for freshwater shrimp and planted aquariums. It removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through bacterial oxidation.Relatively low-nutrient environments are characterized by high water clarity, lack of unpleasant odors, and absence of microalgae and cyanobacteria; this is collectively a result of the lack of nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and carbon-based waste available. Aquaria that are relatively rich in available nutrients have characteristics opposite to the afore mentioned, and are typically not desirable because of the resultant appearance of the system and the difficulty of maintaining healthy aquarium inhabitants. Overview of Brightwell ForinBacter One Copper free and shrimp safe. Suspension of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification and denitrification. Specifically formulated for use in shrimp, planted and all freshwater aquaria. Particularly useful in freshwater aquaria with high population densities of shrimp or fish species. Benefits are: Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite. Prevents "New Tank Syndrome." Supplied in a state of suspended animation for maximum longevity. Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Instructions & Guidelines for using ForinBacter One from Brightwell Aquatics Important: First, completely remove chloramines and chlorine from tap water. Chloramine and chlorine are lethal to the bacteria in this product and if not treated will cause it to fail! Shake product well before using. Mix appropriate volume of ShrimpFlorinBacterONE (see below) with 250-ml (~8 fl. oz.) of aquarium water in a clean container prior to addition to aquarium. If using a pipette to dispense ShrimpFlorinBacterONE below water level of container or aquarium, be sure to thoroughly clean pipette with fresh (preferably purified) water prior to placing tube back into ShrimpBacterONE bottle; failure to do so will contaminate the product. Best results may be obtained by adding mixture to external biological filtration system (if applicable). Do not add to pump intake port(s), which can negatively impact the microbes present in ShrimpFlorinBacterONE. For best results, use within 1-year of purchase date.To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Preferably add 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with a pump, or 2 threads on cap) of ShrimpFlorinBacterONE per US-gallon of aquarium water. Minimum recommended dosage for new aquariums is 1 ml per US-gallon. Turn UV-sterilization and/or ozonation off for a period of one day following addition to aquaria. To provide ongoing biological stability to the aquarium: Add 2 ml of ShrimpFlorinBacterONE per 10 US-gallons of aquarium water per week after initial setup, or switch to ShrimpFlorinBacter7. This will provide increased water clarity and contribute to the ongoing health and overall vigor of inhabitants. Always add this product during and after treatment of the aquarium with any antibiotic or other medication.Storage: Although product can withstand room temperature for periods of time, for best longevity and highest potency, keep refrigerated at 50 degrees F. Do not freeze!

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  • Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBase Laterite Powder - 600 Gram Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBase Laterite Powder - 600 Gram

    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBase Laterite Powder - 600 Gram

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    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBase Laterite Powder Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBase Laterite Powder is an ideal medium for use under gravel or substrates in planted freshwater aquariums. Provides long term nutrient availability with properties similar to clay soils native to the environments where aquarium plants were originally collected. Iron deficiency in plants causes slow growth rates, poor color for green and red plants and overall poor health. Laterite clay is a long proven method of supplying iron in a form that is readily available to plant roots Features of Brightwell FlorinBase Laterite Powder Pure and natural Laterite clay powder concentrate Powder form provides high availability and ability to mix with other substrates Rich in a plethora of natural minerals, particularly iron, for luscious plant growth and health Will not elevate pH Instructions & Guidelines for using FlorinBase Laterite Powder from Brightwell Aquatics Normally use 15 grams (maximum 30 grams) of FlorinBase Laterite powder for every U.S. gallon (3.8 L ) of aquarium capacity. For new setups, sprinkle powder over the bottom surface of the dry aquarium prior to adding any other gravel. For best results, then add a layer of FlorinBase Laterin Substrat VF granules to completely cover the laterite. This will allow plant roots to get easy access to the laterite, while preventing clouding. Next add a layer of FlorinBase Laterin Substrat F to cover the entire surface. Do not blend this layer with the first two layers. You can now either allow the Substrat F to be your top layer or you can add whatever gravel you prefer.Note: FlorinBase Laterite powder does not require rinsing. Both Substrat VF and Substrat F should be rinsed well before using. Laterite powder can cause a temporary reddening or clouding of the aquarium water. This usually dissipates within a few hours. It is recommended that you use a saucer to pour water on to when filling the aquarium. This will prevent disturbance of the layers of Laterite and substrate.Plants also require potassium and other nutrients. It is recommended that you also use FlorinMulti, FlorinGro and Florin Axis to provide proper nutrition to your plants.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter7 Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter7 dosing and directions for using in freshwater shrimp.

    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter7 - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter7 Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter7 is a complete bioculture for all freshwater shrimp and freshwater fish & planted aquariaThe concentration of dissolved and particulate organic materials in any aquatic environment can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of, as well as the health of organisms residing within, that system. Relatively low-nutrient environments are characterized by high water clarity, lack of unpleasant odors, and absence of microalgae and cyanobacteria; this is collectively a result of the lack of nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and carbon-based waste available. Aquaria that are relatively rich in available nutrients have characteristics opposite to the afore mentioned, and are typically not desirable because of the resultant appearance of the system and the difficulty of maintaining healthy aquarium inhabitants.Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpFlorinBacter7 is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that rapidly reduces the concentrations of organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in freshwater ecosystems, leading to greatly improved water quality; better water quality typically leads to healthier aquarium inhabitants. Use of ShrimpFlorinBacter7 does not alleviate the requirement for regular partial water changes to help maintain proper concentrations of elements that are vital to long-term health and survival of aquarium inhabitants. No product, regardless of manufacturer's fatuous marketing claims, can do this. An aquarium is a living ecosystem and requires proper care by the aquarist; regular partial water changes constitute a large part of this care. Overview of Brightwell FlorinBacter7 Copper free and shrimp safe. Suspension of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification, denitrification, and organic waste degradation through complete nutrient remineralization. Specifically formulated for use in shrimp, planted and all freshwater aquaria. Particularly useful in freshwater aquaria with high population densities of shrimp or fish species. Benefits are: Reduction of organic compounds into nutrients that encourage the growth of desirable plants. Increased water clarity. Decreased aquarium odor. Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate (without having to physically clean or disturb the substrate bed). Greatly-reduced hydrogen sulfide production. Increase in dissolved oxygen concentration. Limits availability of pre-existing phosphate to undesirable forms of algae and cyanobacteria. Supplied in a state of suspended animation for maximum longevity. Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Instructions & Guidelines for using FlorinBacter7 from Brightwell Aquatics Shake product well before using. Mix appropriate volume of ShrimpFlorinBacter7 (see below) with 250-ml (~8 fl. oz.) of aquarium water in a clean container prior to addition to aquarium. If using a pipette to dispense ShrimpFlorinBacter7 below water level of container or aquarium, be sure to thoroughly clean pipette with fresh (preferably purified) water prior to placing tube back into ShrimpFlorinBacter7 bottle; failure to do so will contaminate the product. Best results may be obtained by adding mixture to external biological filtration system (if applicable). Do not add to pump intake port(s), which can negatively impact the microbes present in ShrimpFlorinBacter7. For best results, use within 1-year of purchase date. Grossly overdosing ShrimpFlorinBacter7 will not significantly increase the effectiveness of the product, nor the rate at which it enacts changes in aquaria. The following recommendations are based upon extensive testing and will produce the best results in most aquaria.Medium- to High-nutrient Systems, or to seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: To effectively decrease the concentration of available nutrients and waste material in all freshwater aquaria, add 6 ml (3 pumps if equipped with a pump) of product per 10 US-gallons of aquarium water daily for the first two weeks of use; the impact that ShrimpFlorinBacter7 has on an aquarium is most evident within this period. Turn UV-sterilization and/or ozonation off for a period of 4 hours following addition to aquaria. A noticeable difference in water clarity is typically apparent within 30-minutes of dosing. Follow same instructions for new aquarium start- up. Thereafter, switch to "low-nutrient" dosage (below).Stable, Low-nutrient Systems: To maintain a low concentration of available nutrients in freshwater aquaria, dose add 2 ml (1 pump if equipped with a pump, or 2 threads on cap) of product per 8 US-gallons of aquarium water once to twice each week. It is best to leave UV-sterilization and/or ozonation off for a period of 4 hours following addition to aquaria.Dosage may be adjusted according to perceived benefit to aquarium. During changes in biological filtration or when increasing the aquarium bioload, dose at the "medium to high-nutrient systems rate" above, daily for one week, then resume "low-nutrient" dosage.Storage: Although product does not require refrigeration, and it can withstand storage at room temperature, for best longevity and highest potency, keep refrigerated at 50 degrees F. Do not freeze!

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  • Brightwell Reef Code B-P Alkalinity Additive - 4KG Brightwell Reef Code B-P Alkalinity Additive overview and how to use in a reef aquairum

    Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B-P Alkalinity Additive - 4KG

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    Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B-P Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B is a balanced calcium and alkalinity system for all marine fish and reef aquaria. Overview of Brightwell Reef Code B-P Powder The alkalinity-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity ("buffering capacity")) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater. Benefits reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, calcareous algae, etc. Simplifies calcium and alkalinity maintenance; economical for particularly large systems. Contains no phosphate, silicate, or organic material. Formulated by a marine scientist. This method of calcium and carbonate supplementation is advantageous to hobbyists interested in a simple and effective means of providing elements and molecules required for skeletal growth of reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, and their allies. The magnesium concentration in all reef aquaria should be adjusted to, and maintained between, 1,290 - 1,320 ppm before using these supplements (alone or together) or other calcium and alkalinity products. Doing so helps prevent unwanted precipitation between calcium and carbonate ions. The rate at which calcium and carbonates are extracted from the water is determined by the stocking density of reef-building livestock, type of lighting, and other conditions; therefore, each aquarium will have different requirements for the rate of supplementation.It is recommended that calcium and magnesium concentrations in the aquarium system be determined by using accurate test kits prior to supplementing. Do not add this product directly to an aquarium containing live animals without first diluting in water as directed. Instructions & Guidelines for using Reef Code B-P from Brightwell Aquatics 1 Kilogram will make between approximately 1.8 and 3.1 gallons of Part-B additive.Basic Instructions and Guidelines: Dissolve 20 grams per 8-fl. oz. of purified water in a clean mixing container and stir to dissolve; dose the resultant solution to the aquarium system as required to maintain the alkalinity within a range of 7 - 12 dKH. Up to 60 g per 8-fl. oz. Of purified water may be mixed at once.Advanced Instructions and Guidelines: Create a stock solution by dissolving 30 grams of REEF CODE B-P in 8-fl. oz. of purified fresh water; each ml of the solution will increase the alkalinity in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~1.0 dKH (0.375 meq/L). [Reference: Each g of REEF CODE B-P will increase the alkalinity in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~8.3 dKH (3 meq/L).] If initial alkalinity in the aquarium is below 7 dKH (2.5 meq/L), add stock solution at maximum rate of 10 ml per 20 US-gallons daily until desired alkalinity is attained, then dose daily or weekly as needed (see below). Maintain alkalinity within a range of +/-1 dKH. Once desired alkalinity has been acquired, measure the alkalinity at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period to determine the required rate of alkalinity depletion. To determine daily dosing rate: estimate volume of water in entire aquarium system (US-gal.); divide the daily decrease in alkalinity by 2.1 (when reading dKH); multiply this number by volume of water in system to obtain daily ml of stock solution required to maintain stable alkalinity. Maximum strength of the stock sol�n should not exceed 58.3 g RCBP per 8-fl. oz. purified water. Dose system as required to maintain desired calcium (using REEF CODE A-P) and alkalinity values. Do not mix solutions together; this will cause the active components to precipitate and become ineffective. May be mixed individually in large containers and dosed with a drip- or automated-dosing system; ensure that solutions are entering the system in different areas to prevent precipitation. If adding manually, allow at least 60 seconds to pass between dosing REEF CODE A-P and B-P solutions.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo Zeolite Filter Media Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo filter media for saltwater reef aquariums

    Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo Zeolite Filter Media - 1 KG

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    Brightwell NeoZeo Zeolite Filter Media Selective zeolite media for placement in reef aquarium media reactors. Overview of Brightwell NeoZeo Zeolite Filter Media Unique zeolitic medium for selective removal of dissolved organic compounds through ionic and molecular adsorption, as well as passive uptake via the beneficial microbes that colonize the media; the combined result of these processes yields improved water quality and an important source of food (bacterioplankton) for corals and other suspension-feeding organisms. Used in conjunction with Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter7 and Reef BioFuel, helps establish biological filtration and maintain an ultra-low nutrient environment for the express purpose of enabling coral coloration to be perceived without interference from zooxanthellae pigmentation. Provides a colonization site for the microorganisms responsible for nitrification, denitrification, and organic waste degradation in marine aquaria. Instructions & Guidelines for using NeoZeo from Brightwell Aquatics Rinse material in freshwater prior to initial placement in aquarium system. It must be remembered that NeoZeo is an extremely-effective adsorber of ammonium, and corals that have become accustomed to, and dependant upon, the presence of ammonium are likely to show an initial negative response to the rapid removal of this ion. As expected, this is an issue that is primarily encountered in aquaria that have been established for many years; aquaria that utilize the "NeoZeo system" from the onset are far less-likely to exhibit this sort of ammonium-related issue. The following recommendations are based upon extensive testing and will produce the best results in most aquaria.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 250ml Side of the bottle of Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 250ml with product overview

    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 250ml Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF is a professional 15 X strength live tank starter nitrifying bioculture for cycling new freshwater aquaria Features of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems. Useful for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an emergency. Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish. Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications. 1. Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite. 2. Prevents "New Tank Syndrome." Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity. Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Overview of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Aquarium Additive MicroBacter Start XLF 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in freshwater aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new startups, resulting in cycling in about 5 to 7 days in most cases. It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through nitrifying bacterial action. Even though this product is potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times rated dosage during aquarium upsets. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has been inadvertently killed. Instructions & Guidelines for using MicroBacter Start XLF from Brightwell Aquatics Important: First, use Brightwell Erase-Cl or similar product to completely remove chloramines and chlorine from tap water. Chloramine and chlorine are lethal to the bacteria in this product and if not removed will cause it to fail! Shake product vigorously immediately before using. Add the appropriate volume of MicroBacter Start XLF (see below) to the aquarium in an area of high flow to promote dispersion. Do not use any other bacteria product until cycling with this product is complete! To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) of MicroBacter Start XLF per 25 US- gallons (95 L) of aquarium water. Add one or more hardy fish. Remove filter floss, turn UV-sterilization off for the complete period of cycling until you are finished dosing this product. Test ammonia and nitrite levels daily or as needed, if either are above .2 ppm, then you can dose again at a lower dose of 10 ml per 25 US-gallons, if desired. At 7 days or longer, Tank is cycled if, and only if, both ammonia and nitrite levels are zero and nitrate is well above zero. To replace bacteria killed by extensive cleaning of substrates and surfaces: add 10 to 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed, and ammonia level. To replace bacteria killed by medications: add 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed. Then add 5 ml per half hour until ammonia levels come down. To perform a Fishless Cycle: Purchase a bottle of MicroBacter QuikCycl to use simultaneously with this product, MicroBacter Start XLF. Fishless cycling requires both products to be used together. This product will provide the bacteria and the QuikCycl will provide the nutrients. Do not add fish, inverts or plants until the tank is cycled!

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinGro+ Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinGro+ dosing instructions and overview for freshwater shrimp

    Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinGro+ - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinGro+ Brightwell Aquatics Shrimp FlorinGro+ is a multi-component fertilizer & planted nitrogenous growth accelerator for shrimp & freshwater fish aquariaNitrogen is required by plants in the largest amounts of the three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a requisite of the metabolic processes in which proteins, amino acids, coenzymes, and nucleic acids are created. It is an integral part of chlorophyll manufacture through photosynthesis, the process in which light energy is utilized to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, which is in turn used to provide the energy for growth and development.A percentage of the nitrogen in aquaria is contributed as ammonia and ammonium, components of fish waste and the decomposition of nitrogen-bearing molecules, such as latent dissolved and particulate organic material, however this is not always sufficient to meet the nitrogen requirements posed by plants. Particularly in heavily-planted aquaria with intense lighting, CO2 supplementation, and/or a minimal stocking of fish, nitrogen can become a limiting nutrient in plant growth; in extreme cases, it can lead to chlorosis, in which the leaves become pale (particularly on older foliage, which tend to be on the periphery). Nitrogen deficiency tends to cause new leaves to be smaller and paler than normal, and overall plant growth to be stunted.The source of nitrogen utilized in Shrimp FlorinGro+ is derived from nitrate compounds. While plants unquestionably make use of ammonium and the constituents of urea very effectively, our experience and extensive research dictate that these compounds be excluded from Shrimp FlorinGro+ as a result of the clear danger they pose to fishes and other non-plant aquarium inhabitants when aquarium pH is greater than 7.0; we feel that these nitrogen sources are useful to aquatic botanists and horticulturists, but that they are not suited to use in an aquarium. Nitrogen should primarily be present as nitrate and maintained at a concentration of less than 20 ppm. In addition to nitrogen, magnesium, iron, and potassium are important to chlorophyll production.Maintaining a total iron concentration of 0.05 - 0.10 ppm, magnesium concentration of ~5 ppm, and potassium concentration of 15 - 30 ppm, is recommended. Overview of Brightwell Shrimp FlorinGro+ Copper free and shrimp safe. Concentrated source of nitrogen, one of the most important plant nutrients, required for growth and long-term health, and utilized primarily in the production of nucleic acids and proteins, accounting for up to 2% of plant tissue dry weight. Nitrogen is present as nitrate, a form appropriate for use in aquaria (we do not use ammonium which can revert to toxic ammonia in aquaria with pH over 7.0; nor urea which is a source of ammonia). Contains Kelp extract, which provides natural phytohormones found to encourage growth and flowering. Formulated utilizing extensive research on aquatic plant nutrient requirements. Instructions & Guidelines for using Shrimp FlorinGro+ from Brightwell Aquatics For accelerated plant growth: Shake product well before using. The most effective method of using any ion-specific supplement is to determine the ionic concentration in the aquarium prior to supplementing. Maintain the nitrate concentration within a range of 10 - 20 ppm; it is not recommended to exceed 25 ppm nitrate in planted aquaria housing fishes, shrimp or other invertebrates.Basic: First use Shrimp FlorinMulti. Then, for increase plant growth rate, add 4 ml (2 pumps if equipped with pump) of this product per 8 US-gallons (30 L) of aquarium water every other day or as required; this corresponds to 5 ml or 1 capful if not using pump (or ~35 drops) per 10 US-gallons (38 L). When used in this fashion, 500 ml treats up to 1,000 US-gallons (3,800 L).

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  • Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter Clean Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter Clean instructions for use in freshwater shrimp aquariums

    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter Clean - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter Clean Brightwell Aquatics FlorinBacter Clean is a unique freshwater microbial culture & enzyme blend designed to target and clean surfaces of plants, driftwood decorations & tank walls.The concentration of dissolved and particulate organic materials in any aquatic environment can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of, as well as the health of organisms residing within, that system. Relatively low-nutrient environments are characterized by high water clarity, lack of unpleasant odors, and absence of unsightly coatings; this is collectively a result of the lack of nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and carbon-based waste available. Aquaria that are relatively rich in available nutrients have characteristics opposite to the afore mentioned, and are typically not desirable because of the resultant appearance of the system and the difficulty of maintaining healthy aquarium inhabitants.Brightwell Aquatics ShrimpFlorinBacter Clean is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that not only reduce the concentrations of organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in all freshwater ecosystems, but make maintenance easy by actually loosening accumulations and coatings. Overview of Brightwell FlorinBacter Clean Copper free and shrimp safe. Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to clean aquarium live rock and decorations in all freshwater & planted fish and shrimp aquariums. Benefits are: Natural cleaning action on all aquarium and decoration surfaces. Loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier. Establishment of bacterial colonies that multiply and continue to clean the aquarium. Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate (without having to physically clean or disturb the substrate bed). Instructions & Guidelines for using FlorinBacter Clean from Brightwell Aquatics Important: First, completely remove chloramines and chlorine from tap water. Chloramine and chlorine are lethal to the bacteria in this product and if not treated will cause it to fail!Shake product well before using. Mix appropriate volume of ShrimpFlorinBacterClean (see below) with 250-ml (~8 fl. oz.) of aquarium water in a clean container prior to addition to aquarium. If using a pipette to dispense ShrimpFlorinBacterClean below water level of container or aquarium, be sure to thoroughly clean pipette with fresh (preferably purified) water prior to placing tube back into ShrimpFlorinBacterClean bottle; failure to do so will contaminate the product. Best results may be obtained by adding mixture to external biological filtration system (if applicable). Do not add to pump intake port(s), which can negatively impact the microbes present in ShrimpFlorinBacterClean. For best results, use within 1-year of purchase date.For normal cleaning and to maintain a clean aquarium: Add 10 ml (5 pumps if equipped with a pump or 2 capfuls) per 10 US-gallons (38 L) of aquarium water weekly. Spacing throughout the week is beneficial.For problem aquariums or to rapidly accelerate cleaning: Add up to a maximum of 10 ml (5 pumps if equipped with a pump) per 10 US-gallons (38 L) on the first day, then add up to 4 ml (2 pumps if equipped with a pump) per 10 US-gallons (38 L) of aquarium water daily for 2 weeks or longer as necessary until desired results are achieved. Bacteria work slowly, so full results can take up to 8 to 10 weeks for long neglected systems. If cloudiness develops, stop use until clear again, then resume treatment.Storage: Although product does not require refrigeration, and it can withstand storage at room temperature, for best longevity and highest potency, keep refrigerated at 50 degrees F. Do not freeze!

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  • Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 500ml Side of the bottle of the Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 500 ml with product overview

    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 500ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF is a professional 15 X strength live tank starter nitrifying bioculture for cycling new freshwater aquaria Features of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems. Useful for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an emergency. Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish. Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications. 1. Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite. 2. Prevents "New Tank Syndrome." Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity. Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Overview of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Aquarium Additive MicroBacter Start XLF 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in freshwater aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new startups, resulting in cycling in about 5 to 7 days in most cases. It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through nitrifying bacterial action. Even though this product is potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times rated dosage during aquarium upsets. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has been inadvertently killed. Instructions & Guidelines for using MicroBacter Start XLF from Brightwell Aquatics Important: First, use Brightwell Erase-Cl or similar product to completely remove chloramines and chlorine from tap water. Chloramine and chlorine are lethal to the bacteria in this product and if not removed will cause it to fail! Shake product vigorously immediately before using. Add the appropriate volume of MicroBacter Start XLF (see below) to the aquarium in an area of high flow to promote dispersion. Do not use any other bacteria product until cycling with this product is complete! To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) of MicroBacter Start XLF per 25 US- gallons (95 L) of aquarium water. Add one or more hardy fish. Remove filter floss, turn UV-sterilization off for the complete period of cycling until you are finished dosing this product. Test ammonia and nitrite levels daily or as needed, if either are above .2 ppm, then you can dose again at a lower dose of 10 ml per 25 US-gallons, if desired. At 7 days or longer, Tank is cycled if, and only if, both ammonia and nitrite levels are zero and nitrate is well above zero. To replace bacteria killed by extensive cleaning of substrates and surfaces: add 10 to 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed, and ammonia level. To replace bacteria killed by medications: add 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed. Then add 5 ml per half hour until ammonia levels come down. To perform a Fishless Cycle: Purchase a bottle of MicroBacter QuikCycl to use simultaneously with this product, MicroBacter Start XLF. Fishless cycling requires both products to be used together. This product will provide the bacteria and the QuikCycl will provide the nutrients. Do not add fish, inverts or plants until the tank is cycled!

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater - 500ml Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater overview for safely using this additive on your planted aquarium

    Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater - 500ml

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    Brightwell Razor Freshwater - 500ml Unique Freshwater Systemic System Cleaner designed to target and clean surfaces of rock, driftwood decorations and tank walls Razor Freshwater Features Plant safe, complex systemic cleaning polymer product, specifically formulated to clean aquarium rock and decoration surfaces systemically. Benefits Include: 1. Gentle loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances, debris and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier. 2. Flocculation of particulate matter from leftover food, detritus and precipitation 3. Prevents particles from settling on rocks and accumulating 4. Overall cleaning action making the aquarium cleaner, clearer and more desirable Things to Consider when Using Razor Freshwater from Brightwell Aquatics It is recommended that activated carbon use be suspended while using this product, as activated carbon can reduce the product's effectiveness. Once the aquarium has attained the desired appearance, activated carbon can be put back into the filtration system, if desired. Due to the rate at which filters collect particulate material, it may be necessary to clean mechanical filter pads and other media every other day while dosing this product. Simultaneous use with FlorinBacter will have a very synergistic effect.Sensible feeding should be the first step taken to minimize turbidity and the concentration of dissolved organic materials in any marine aquarium. Water of high clarity that is low in dissolved organic material and possesses the proper parameters is the basis for a healthy aquarium system!Razor Freshwater is slow acting and may require multiple applications to achieve the effect desired by the user. Used as directed, it is safe for freshwater and brackish fishes, and aquarium live plants, however, as all animals are individuals, and water conditions vary in many aquariums, animals should be observed closely during use, for signs of stress. Do not use with crustaceans (shrimp, crabs or lobsters). If signs of stress occur, or plants are affected negatively, reduce or discontinue use as necessary. If symptoms persist, do a partial water change and add carbon. Instructions for Using Razor Freshwater Shake product well before using! For every 10 gallons ( 38 L ) of aquarium volume, use 1 ml and for every 50 gallons ( 190 L ) of aquarium volume, use 5 ml of this product in a high flow area of the main aquarium. Repeat every 3 days until desired results are obtained. Maintenance: Then dose once a week to maintain the aquarium.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics VitamarinF - 250ml

    Brightwell Aquatics VitamarinF - 250ml

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    Brightwell Aquatics Vitamarin-F Brightwell Aquatics Vitamarin-F is an advanced multi-vitamin supplement for all freshwater fishVitamins are compounds required in minute concentrations for vital metabolic reactions; the amounts of vitamins required for a given species varies. Short-term vitamin deficiencies can typically be tolerated by most organisms, however long-term deficiencies tend to result in abnormalities, poor health, and eventually even death of the specimen. Conversely, if severely overdosed, ingested vitamins can have a negative impact on a specimen by way of toxicity, though the impact is unlikely to be permanent. Decreasing the vitamin dosage typically results in full recovery of the affected specimen. It is recommended that Vitamarin-F be utilized as a soak for vitamin-deficient foods, but not through direct addition to the water. Freshwater fish do not drink much water; rather, it enters their bodies as a result of osmotic pressure gradients. Resultantly, addition of Vitamarin-F directly to aquarium will be of extremely little benefit. All Brightwell Aquatics liquid water care supplements are made with purified water and high purity materials. We develop formulae for aquaria based on empirical data, using observation and measurement rather than theory. Vitamarin-F does not require refrigeration, however storage in a cool, shaded area will prolong the activity of the vitamins. Refrigeration will maximize the shelf-life of the product. Overview of Brightwell Shrimp VitamarinF Full-spectrum vitamin supplement formulated to benefit freshwater fishes and motile invertebrates. Provides a full-complement of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in ratios found to improve overall health and coloration. Useful when preparing fishes for spawning; also benefits parents caring for their brood. Requires no refrigeration. Composed of purified water and ultra-high purity materials. Formulated by a marine scientist. Instructions & Guidelines for using Shrimp VitamarinF from Brightwell Aquatics To fortify food:Place food in a clean container such as a small bowl or cup and add only enough Vitamarin-F to saturate. Allow at least 5 minutes to elapse before feeding, enabling adequate time for the vitamins to become thoroughly absorbed by the food. Repeat with each feeding, or as deemed necessary by the general appearance of the organisms consuming the food. When preparing fish for spawning, feeding frequency is often increased; limit the use of Vitamarin-F to twice each day. Apply same rule when feeding parents caring for young fish. Be sure to remove any uneaten food from the aquarium after 5 - 7 minutes to ensure that water quality is not negatively-impacted by excessive nutrient input. Avoiding overfeeding is a crucial aspect of successful aquarium husbandry. Liquid food suspensions may be fortified by adding 1 ml (approximately 8 drops) Vitamarin-F per 10 ml of food suspension; stir to mix and allow 5 minutes to elapse before feeding.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater - 250ml Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater overview for safely using this additive on your planted aquarium

    Brightwell Aquatics Razor Freshwater - 250ml

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    Brightwell Razor Freshwater - 250ml Unique Freshwater Systemic System Cleaner designed to target and clean surfaces of rock, driftwood decorations and tank walls Razor Freshwater Features Plant safe, complex systemic cleaning polymer product, specifically formulated to clean aquarium rock and decoration surfaces systemically. Benefits Include: 1. Gentle loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances, debris and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier. 2. Flocculation of particulate matter from leftover food, detritus and precipitation 3. Prevents particles from settling on rocks and accumulating 4. Overall cleaning action making the aquarium cleaner, clearer and more desirable Things to Consider when Using Razor Freshwater from Brightwell Aquatics It is recommended that activated carbon use be suspended while using this product, as activated carbon can reduce the product's effectiveness. Once the aquarium has attained the desired appearance, activated carbon can be put back into the filtration system, if desired. Due to the rate at which filters collect particulate material, it may be necessary to clean mechanical filter pads and other media every other day while dosing this product. Simultaneous use with FlorinBacter will have a very synergistic effect.Sensible feeding should be the first step taken to minimize turbidity and the concentration of dissolved organic materials in any marine aquarium. Water of high clarity that is low in dissolved organic material and possesses the proper parameters is the basis for a healthy aquarium system!Razor Freshwater is slow acting and may require multiple applications to achieve the effect desired by the user. Used as directed, it is safe for freshwater and brackish fishes, and aquarium live plants, however, as all animals are individuals, and water conditions vary in many aquariums, animals should be observed closely during use, for signs of stress. Do not use with crustaceans (shrimp, crabs or lobsters). If signs of stress occur, or plants are affected negatively, reduce or discontinue use as necessary. If symptoms persist, do a partial water change and add carbon. Instructions for Using Razor Freshwater Shake product well before using! For every 10 gallons ( 38 L ) of aquarium volume, use 1 ml and for every 50 gallons ( 190 L ) of aquarium volume, use 5 ml of this product in a high flow area of the main aquarium. Repeat every 3 days until desired results are obtained. Maintenance: Then dose once a week to maintain the aquarium.

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  • Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 2 Liter Front of the bottle of the Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 2 Liter with product overview and instructions

    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 2 Liter

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    Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF - 2 Liter Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLF is a professional 15 X strength live tank starter nitrifying bioculture for cycling new freshwater aquaria Features of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems. Useful for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an emergency. Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish. Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications. 1. Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite. 2. Prevents "New Tank Syndrome." Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity. Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists. Overview of Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLF Aquarium Additive MicroBacter Start XLF 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in freshwater aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new startups, resulting in cycling in about 5 to 7 days in most cases. It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through nitrifying bacterial action. Even though this product is potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times rated dosage during aquarium upsets. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has been inadvertently killed. Instructions & Guidelines for using MicroBacter Start XLF from Brightwell Aquatics Important: First, use Brightwell Erase-Cl or similar product to completely remove chloramines and chlorine from tap water. Chloramine and chlorine are lethal to the bacteria in this product and if not removed will cause it to fail! Shake product vigorously immediately before using. Add the appropriate volume of MicroBacter Start XLF (see below) to the aquarium in an area of high flow to promote dispersion. Do not use any other bacteria product until cycling with this product is complete! To seed Biological Filtration in new aquaria: Add 30 ml (6 capfuls) of MicroBacter Start XLF per 25 US- gallons (95 L) of aquarium water. Add one or more hardy fish. Remove filter floss, turn UV-sterilization off for the complete period of cycling until you are finished dosing this product. Test ammonia and nitrite levels daily or as needed, if either are above .2 ppm, then you can dose again at a lower dose of 10 ml per 25 US-gallons, if desired. At 7 days or longer, Tank is cycled if, and only if, both ammonia and nitrite levels are zero and nitrate is well above zero. To replace bacteria killed by extensive cleaning of substrates and surfaces: add 10 to 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed, and ammonia level. To replace bacteria killed by medications: add 30 ml per 25 US-gallons (95 L) depending on perceived damage to filter bed. Then add 5 ml per half hour until ammonia levels come down. To perform a Fishless Cycle: Purchase a bottle of MicroBacter QuikCycl to use simultaneously with this product, MicroBacter Start XLF. Fishless cycling requires both products to be used together. This product will provide the bacteria and the QuikCycl will provide the nutrients. Do not add fish, inverts or plants until the tank is cycled!

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