AquaForest Magnesium - 750 Gram An agent to maintain constant levels of magnesium in coral reef aquaria. Instructions for using AquaForest Magnesium Dissolve 10 g of the product and 50 g of Calcium Aquaforest in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use KH Buffer and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well.10g Magnesium in 100l of water increases by about 12mg /l (ppm ) levels of magnesium. 100ml Magnesium solution increases by about 1,2mg/l (ppm ) in 100L of water. The recommended magnesium level in coral reef aquaria is 1280-1380mg/l. Contains MgCl2x6H2O.US: 2.4 tbsp of the product and 13 tbsp of Calcium Aquaforest in 1 US gal. of deionized water.
AquaForest Components Strong - 4 x 75ml AF Component A Strong AquaForest Component A contains concentrated strontium and barium. The amount of strontium and barium depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride.Recommended use with Aquaforest MgCl2x6H2O and CaCl2x2H2O products. Capacity: bottle of 50ml US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal. AF Component B Strong AquaForest Component B contains concentrated heavy metals. The amount of heavy metals depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride.Capacity: bottle of 50ml US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal. AF Component C Strong AquaForest Component C contains concentrated iodide and fluoride. The amount of iodide and fluoride depends on requirements for calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of sodium bicarbonate.Capacity: bottle of 50ml US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal. AF Component K Strong AquaForest K Component contains concentrated potassium. The amount of potassium depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of mineral salt.Recommended use with Aquaforest Reef Mineral Salt product.Capacity: bottle of 50ml. US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal.
AquaForest KH Buffer - 1200 Gram An agent to maintain constant carbonate hardness in coral reef aquaria. Using AquaForest KH Buffer Dissolve 80 g of the product in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use Calcium, Magnesium and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well. 10g KH Buffer increases by about 3,3 dKH (Alk. 1,18meg/l) in 100L.100ml KH Buffer solution increases by about 1,60 dKH in 100L of water. The recommended KH level in coral reef aquaria is 6.5- 8.0 dKH. Contains NaHCO3.US: Dissolve 1.28 cups of the product in 1 US gal. of deionized water.
AquaForest Calcium - 850 Gram An agent to maintain constant levels of calcium in coral reef aquaria. Instructions for using AquaForest Calcium Dissolve 50 g of the product and 10 g of Magnesium Aquaforest in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use KH Buffer and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well.The recommended calcium level in coral reef aquaria is 400-440 mg/L. 10g Calcium in 100l of water increases by about 35 mg/l (ppm ) calcium levels. 100ml Calcium solution increases by about 17,5mg/l (ppm) in 100L of water.US: 13 tbsp of the product and 2.4 tbsp of Magnesium Aquaforest in 1 US gal. of deionized water.Contains CaCl2.
AquaForest Magnesium - 4KG An agent to maintain constant levels of magnesium in coral reef aquaria. Instructions for using AquaForest Magnesium Dissolve 10 g of the product and 50 g of Calcium Aquaforest in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use KH Buffer and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well.10g Magnesium in 100l of water increases by about 12mg /l (ppm ) levels of magnesium. 100ml Magnesium solution increases by about 1,2mg/l (ppm ) in 100L of water. The recommended magnesium level in coral reef aquaria is 1280-1380mg/l. Contains MgCl2x6H2O.US: 2.4 tbsp of the product and 13 tbsp of Calcium Aquaforest in 1 US gal. of deionized water.
AquaForest Reef Mineral Salt - 800 Gram AquaForest Reef Mineral Salt is an agent for maintaining constant levels of minerals in reef aquariums. Using Reef Mineral Salt is one of the most important elements during supplementation of calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate (i.e. Balling Method). Lack of Reef Mineral Salt supplementation leads to dangerous minerals deficiency. Long-term shortages of micro and macronutrients result with excessive slowdown of growth and invalid, pale colouration of corals. Using AquaForest Reef Mineral Salt Dissolve 25 g in 1000 ml RODI water. In order to maintain ionic balance, it is recommended to apply also: Calcium, KH Buffer and Magnesium, which doses should be established based on water tests and daily corals' consumption. Reef Mineral Salt can be combined in one solution with Calcium or Magnesium.
AquaForest Phosphate Minus - 1000ml Efficient medium for fluidization filters. Too much food and supplements may be the cause of too high phosphate levels. Due to the unique technology Phosphate Minus effectively reduces phosphate and silicate levels in marine aquariums. Its adsorbing capabilities allow bonding large amounts of phosphate without negative influence on the aquarium inhabitants. Phosphate Minus is highly recommended both in new and in matured aquariums. In freshly set aquariums it prevents occurring high phosphate levels and in matured aquariums it reduces PO4 levels and stabilizes water chemistry. Due to maintaining the biological balance in the tank, it prevents the formation of undesirable green algae and the development of cyanobacteria. Using AquaForest Phosphate Minus Dosage: 25-100 ml per 100 l (27 US gal) of water. Phosphate Minus should be placed in media reactors with suggested water flow of at least 400 l/hr. It's also suitable for a passive use in filter socks. Phosphate Minus should be replaced every 4 weeks or during significant rise of phosphate levels in the water.Shortly after placing in a filtration system, the product may slightly colour water. Although, Phosphate Minus should not be rinsed before use, brown dust is an active phosphate remover and is completely harmless for the aquatic life.Brown colouration of water will disappear after a short time. Rinsing the product in a RODI water will lower its efficiency.
AquaForest NP Pro - 50ml -NP Pro is a medium for probiotic bacteria designed for reef aquariums (Pro Bio S). The product contains biodegradable liquid polymers, which are an excellent source of carbon for probiotic bacteria. -NP Pro positively affects the organic mass distribution and reduces undesired NO3 and PO4 in the aquarium water. Contrary to typical polymers, -NP Pro as the only formulation available on the market does not require the use of specialized flow filters. -NP Pro accelerates the development and propagation of beneficial probiotic bacteria, which as the effect leads to the removal of harmful compounds such as nitrates and phosphates from the water. As a result of the high NO3 level, corals lose their color or turn brown.Regular use -NP Pro allows you to reduce the amount of nitrate to an undetectable level, providing the corals with optimal living conditions and excellent coloring. Wrong ratio of nitrate and phosphate in water also leads to the development of undesired algae and cyanobacteria, therefore the use of -NP Pro is recommended especially when diagnosing high values of both compounds. In combination with Pro Bio S, -NP Pro converts unwanted aquariums NO3 and PO4 into valuable bacteria, which is then absorbed by the corals providing them with natural food. Using AquaForest NP Pro 1 drop per 100 liters (27 US gal) everyday. For best effciency we recommend dosing together with Pro Bio S. Once opened store in the fridge, if the temperature exceeds 24C (75F). For dosing pumps (container 2000ml) : 5ml/100l ( US: 1 tsp/27 US gal. of water.) daily.
AquaForest KH Buffer - 5KG An agent to maintain constant carbonate hardness in coral reef aquaria. Using AquaForest KH Buffer Dissolve 80 g of the product in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use Calcium, Magnesium and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well. 10g KH Buffer increases by about 3,3 dKH (Alk. 1,18meg/l) in 100L.100ml KH Buffer solution increases by about 1,60 dKH in 100L of water. The recommended KH level in coral reef aquaria is 6.5- 8.0 dKH. Contains NaHCO3.US: Dissolve 1.28 cups of the product in 1 US gal. of deionized water.
AquaForest Life Bio Fil - 1 Litre AquaForest Life Bio Fil is a natural biological filter medium.Selected strains of bacteria soothes maturation through aid of nitrification process. The filling increases filtration efficiency in existing aquariums and is an excellent filter media for newly establish ones.The main advantage of Life Bio Fil is the live bacteria used as an ingredient. This means that the product works immediately and there is no need to wait until the inhabitation of bacteria.Life Bio Fil should be placed in the sump in a good water flow. 1000 ml (33.81 fl oz) medium should be used in an aquarium with a capacity of 400L(105 US gal.)We recommend to replace 10% - 20 % of the filling every 6 weeks.
AquaForest Calcium - 3.5KG An agent to maintain constant levels of calcium in coral reef aquaria. Instructions for using AquaForest Calcium Dissolve 50 g of the product and 10 g of Magnesium Aquaforest in 1000 ml of deionized water. To maintain ion equilibrium, use KH Buffer and Reef Mineral Salt Aquaforest products as well.The recommended calcium level in coral reef aquaria is 400-440 mg/L. 10g Calcium in 100l of water increases by about 35 mg/l (ppm ) calcium levels. 100ml Calcium solution increases by about 17,5mg/l (ppm) in 100L of water.US: 13 tbsp of the product and 2.4 tbsp of Magnesium Aquaforest in 1 US gal. of deionized water.Contains CaCl2.
AquaForest Component - 1+/2+/3+ - 5 Litre AquaForest Component formula is a chemical composition of components 1+, 2+, 3+ and is based on method developed by H. Balling, however, it has been modified and enriched with micro elements necessary for the normal functions of a marine aquarium.This way, we have obtained 3 fluids intended for dosing in equal amounts on regular basis in order to fulfill coral demand not only in terms of magnesium and calcium, but also in terms of all other elements, which doses may be difficult for establishing under home conditions, and which require careful and systematic dosing.Maintaining adequate level of magnesium and calcium allows preserving suitable amounts of micro elements in a reef aquarium (Ca 400-440 mg/L, Mg 1280-1350 mg/L). In case of an aquarium containing an average number of hard corals, the dose is approximately 50 ml daily per 100 liters of water. AF Component 1+ Ingredients and Dosing Instructions Component 1+ contains: Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr ( 50ml raises of 9 mg Ca/100 l and 0,6 mg Mg/100l ).US: 1.70 fl oz. daily per 27 US gal. of water. 1.70 fl oz. raises of 9 mg Ca/27 US gal. and 0.6 mg Mg/27 US gal. ). AF Component 2+ Ingredients and Dosing Instructions Component 2+ contains: NaHCO3, F, I ( 50ml raises the KH of 1,3 dkh-Alk 0,46 meg/l in 100l ). US: ( 1.70 fl oz. raises the KH of 1.3 dkh(Alk 0.46 meg/l in 27US gal.). AF Component 3+ Ingredients Component 3+ contains: mineral salts and K, B.
Aquaforest NP Pro is a liquid polymer that provides a media for the growth of probiotic bacteria. After addition of -NP Pro, bacteria will grow rapidly and in that way will convert unwanted nutrients like nitrate and phosphate into biomass. As a result, bacteria will be skimmed off or absorbed by corals and filter feeders, in this manner providing an additional source of natural food. Recommended to use in conjunction with Pro Bio S.Dosage:Dosing 1 drop for 100l(27 US gal.)For dosing pumps (use the 2000ml size that is already diluted) : 5ml/100l ( US: 1 tsp/27 US gal. of water.)Aquaforest Product Guide
A Supplement containing Nitrospirae and Nitrobacteria bacteria strains.BioS uses specially selected bacteria strains that accelerate the removal of ammonia and other toxic organic compounds. In a new aquarium it will speed up the nitrifying cycle and create a friendly microbiological environment for your first animals.In existing tanks continuously dosing will support all filtration methods. (Probiotic, DSB, Bio Pellets, Siporax, etc.).Dosage:1 drop per 100l (27 US gal.) - daily for first 2 weeks.Aquaforest Product Guide
AquaForest ZEOMix - 1 Litre Specially selected blend of zeolites particularly recommended in tanks with plentiful livestock and or ULNS tanks. Due to carefully designed composition, Zeo Mix is a comprehensive, multifunctional filtration media. Zeo Mix perfectly absorbs ammonia and ammonium ions in the initial phase thus inhibiting the increase of nitrate concentrations. In addition, it bonds phenols and heavy metals. Zeo Mix is especially recommended to demanding marine tanks. Using AquaForest ZEOMix 100 ml per 100 l of water in the aquarium. Before using Zeo Mix, we recommend rinsing it in RODI water. It can be used in a media reactor as well as in a filter mesh bag or sock. Zeolites do not require shaking - they can be placed in a fluidised filter. The recommended flow through the bed is 300-500 l/h. Zeo Mix should be replaced every 6 weeks.Zeo Mix does not lower the potassium level in the water. Because of very high adsorption capabilities of zeolites, Zeo Mix should only be used in reef tank by experienced aquarists.
AquaForest Component C - 250ml Component C is designed for complementing minor deficiencies of iodine and fluorine in a marine aquarium. Skimmer and filtration media tend to remove trace elements from the water of closed aquarium system, making micro nutrients supplementation necessary. In marine aquariums, iodine is responsible for the general cells functioning and for the transfer of nutrients. Fluorine takes part in the calcification process and supports skeletal tissue development. The use of Component C ensures keeping the content of iodine and fluorine in water at the same level as in natural seawater. Due to the perfect balance between the content of iodine and fluorine, Component C strengthens the coloration of hard corals. It significantly affects the intensity of blue and violet coloration, and also emphasizes the white coloration of SPS corals.Safe concentration of the preparation minimizes the chance of micro nutrients overdose, therefore Component C can also be used by novice aquarists. Using AquaForest Component C In mixed-reef aquariums 5 ml per 100 l of water once a week. The dose can also be adjusted to the calcium consumption - 1 ml for every 20 ppm/100 l of water. In aquariums run with Balling method - 20 ml/1 l KH Buffer solution. When using Components A, B, C a 5-minute time interval should be kept between each dose.Do not mix or store components in one container.
AquaForest Component A - 250ml Component A is designed to correct minor deficiencies of strontium and barium in marine aquariums. The unique formula was created based on the same strontium and barium ratio as natural seawater. Skimmer and filtration media tend to remove trace elements from the water of closed aquarium system, making micro nutrients supplementation necessary. Due to the perfect balance of elements Component A allows creating conditions almost identical with natural sea water. Strontium supports the formation of coral skeletal tissue and improves the absorption of calcium. It also supports the growth of soft corals. Safe concentration of the preparation minimizes the chance of micro nutrients overdose, therefore Component A can also be used by novice aquarists. Using AquaForest Component A In mixed- eef aquariums 5 ml per 100 l of water once a week. The dose can also be adjusted to the calcium consumption - 1 ml for every 20 ppm/100 l of water. In aquariums run with Balling method - 20 ml/1 l Calcium solution. When using Components A, B, C a 5-minute time interval should be kept between each dose. Do not mix or store components in one container.
AquaForest Component B - 250ml Component B is designed for complementing minor deficiencies of heavy metals in a marine aquarium. Contains: cobalt, copper, chrome, manganese, zinc, nickel, iron. Skimmer and filtration media tend to remove trace elements from the water of closed aquarium system, making micro nutrients supplementation necessary. The unique composition of the preparation ensures supplementing the water with heavy metals essential in the reef aquarium. Component B was designed based on the ratio of elements in natural seawater. Due to supplementation of crucial elements the corals will gain intense coloration and stay in fantastic condition. Safe concentration of the preparation minimizes the chance of micro nutrients overdose, therefore Component B can also be used by novice aquarists. Using AquaForest Component B In mixed-reef aquariums 5 ml per 100 l of water once a week. The dose can also be adjusted to the calcium consumption - 1 ml for every 20 ppm/100 l of water. In aquariums run with Balling method - 20 ml/1 l Calcium solution. When using Components A, B, C a 5- inute time interval should be kept between each dose. Do not overtighten the screw, otherwise the cover might be damaged.