Sulphur Damsel (Red Sea)

Pomacentrus sulfureus
UPC/EAN: F-2975
$ 27.45
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A relatively common import that inhabits coral shoals.

Damsels are active, coral -safe fish, often with bright colors, especially when juvenile. They are typically safe with invertebrates; however, some large species may attack small shrimp. They are known to be aggressive towards other fish, especially fish added to the aquarium after they are established; they may chase and bite the other fish. We recommend an aquarium of at least 30 gallons for damsels which grow to 3 Inches, and at least 50 for larger species. They are typically easy to feed on a variety of frozen or dried meaty and vegetable foods.

Damselfish are extremely hardy and able to survive a wide array of aquarium conditions. They are related to chromis and clownfish.

This fish has a very rich, even yellow color all over its body. In the wild it lives in areas with rich coral growth which helps it hide from predators. Grows up to slightly over 4 Inches.