Tropica Microsorum pteropus Potted Plant

Microsorum pteropus
UPC/EAN: 5703249008008
$ 16.95
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The Tropica Microsorum pteropus Potted Plant s a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall that can grow on a root or stone in your planted aquarium.

Tropica Microsorum pteropus Potted Plant

Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone, attached with fishing line until it has gained a hold. If planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome.

A hardy plant that grows in all conditions. The black spots under the leaves are sporangia (reproductive organs), not signs of disease, as many believe.

Microsorum pteropus Plant Information

  • Expert Level: Easy
  • Type: Rhizomatous
  • Growth Rate: Slow - Compared to other plants
  • Height: 15-30+cm - Average height of the plant after two months in the aquarium
  • Light Demand: Low - The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0.5 Watts/Liter (2 Watts/US Gallon)
  • CO2 Demand: Low - A medium need in CO2 is 6 - 14mg/L. A high demand for CO2 is approximately 15 - 25mg/L

IMPORTANT: Tropica potted plants fall under our livestock shipping program.