Seachem Laboratories

Seachem Glass Beetle Diffuser - 30mm

In Stock UPC/EAN: 000116031547
$ 32.65
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The massive surface area of this pollen diffuser makes administering CO2 to large tanks easy.

The 30 mm glass Beetle Diffuser is a pollen style CO2 diffuser that connects to CO2 injection systems to easily disperse CO2 gas into the planted aquarium.

The large surface area of the 30 mm disc allows for the diffusion of large volumes of CO2 gas, making the 30 mm Beetle Diffuser an excellent choice for larger aquaria or high-growth aquaria.


  • For aquariums 75-190 L (20-50 US gallons)
  • Preferred pollen-style diffuser for mid-sized aquaria or higher-growth aquaria
  • Large surface area of diffuser disc ideal for high volumes of CO2 gas
  • Comes with suction cup to attach diffuser to aquarium glass

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