Shrimp & Lobster
- Blue Lobster$ 68.45Out of stock
- Bongo Shrimp$ 94.95Out of stock
- Bongo Shrimp Pair$ 147.95Out of stock
- Camel Shrimp$ 17.95Out of stock
- Cleaner Shrimp$ 29.45
- Coral Banded Shrimp - Blue$ 39.95Out of stock
- Coral Banded Shrimp - Blue Leg$ 52.45Out of stock
- Coral Banded Shrimp - Red Spot$ 31.45Out of stock
- Coral Banded Shrimp - Yellow$ 43.95Out of stock
- Fire Shrimp$ 56.45Out of stock
- Harlequin Shrimp$ 73.45Out of stock
- Longnose Shrimp$ 21.45Out of stock
- Mantis Shrimp - Colored$ 60.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Candy Cane$ 28.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Common$ 12.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Fancy$ 51.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Fine Striped$ 27.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Red$ 50.95Out of stock
- Pistol Shrimp - Tiger$ 26.95Out of stock
- Purple Reef Lobster$ 56.95Out of stock
- Red Reef Lobster$ 48.95Out of stock
- Saron/Marble Shrimp$ 14.45Out of stock
- Spiny Ornate Lobster$ 54.45Out of stock
- Spiny Spotted Lobster$ 56.45Out of stock
- Volcano Shrimp$ 4.95Out of stock