Golden Barb

Barbodes semifasciolatus
In Stock UPC/EAN: F-F1550
$ 3.95
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The Golden Barb is a beautiful timeless addition to new and old aquariums alike. Ideal for community freshater and planted aquairums of 30 gallons and larger.

Golden Barb

Barbodes semifasciolatus

Barbs are a fun, loud personality to add to your peaceful home aquarium. They are quite active in the aquarium, and because they tend to want to school in groups of at least 5, more timid fish or long finned fish should be avoided as tank mates.

Barbs are omnivores, meaning they should be supplied with a varied diet of high- quality flake food and meaty frozen shrimp.

Golden Barb Specifics

The Golden Barb grows to a size of 3", and because they like to school, should be kept in aquariums of at least 30g. Their water temperature should be 74-82oF, pH between 6.0-7.0, and dKH between 4-10. dKH of 2-12.

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