Daisy's Blue Rice Fish

Oryzias woworae
In Stock UPC/EAN: F-F5555
$ 4.45
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Daisy's Blue Rice Fish are ideal for small aquairums as they only grown one inch in length. They make a wonderful display when kept in groups of 6 or more.

Daisy's Rice Fish

Oryzias woworae

Daisy's Rice Fish are very small, peaceful fish that are perfect additions to smaller sized aquariums. These fish because of their size, should be kept with other similarly sized fish in a peaceful environment that is well planted alongside pieces of driftwood and smooth rocks. They are a very outgoing fish and love to school with each other, so a recommended minimum grouping of 6 or more is recommended for the best coloration and activity to be seen.

Male Rice Fish have a shimmery blue body with red highlights in their fins, while female Rice Fish with a slightly more yellow color body with orange highlighting. They are omnivores and will thrive with a varied diet of high quality flake food, pellets, and freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex. They will also appreciate being given vegetable matter.

Daisy's Rice Fish grow to a max size of just over 1 inch, so a school of at least 6 fish is ideal in a 10g minimum tank. They prefer their water temperatures between 73-80oF and a pH between 6.0-7.5.